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kharn the betrayer

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Khârn the betrayer. ive been thinking of getting him into my army, but im unwilling to use any metal models any more. any ideas or tips for making a plastic model of him? also ill be skipping the failcast model of him since its well over 10 years old and should have been retired when the new codex came out. 

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Shame - I still really like the model, and the metal will stand the test of time - and I actually believe the sculpt has too (despite being released in what... 1996?). I'd suggest basing the model you create upon the sculpt, looking for similar plastic bits from the Bezerker sprue and Chaos range - the grinning scull face from the Bezerker sprue comes to mind instantly. 

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I am of opposite mind. i think that Khârn should have received a new one. 


Anyhows, i would scratch built it out of some zerkers. See if you can make or find a bigger then average chain axe, and decide wether you want the naked arm or not. Give it a nice pose, on a nice base (maybe even based on the art in the codex) and you got yourself a neat model.

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I would use a bits of fantasy models kit bash if I was you, like take a Berzerk body and legs and plasma pistol arm or use the new Aspiring Champion body and cut off the head. The head would be trickie I would take a Skullcrusher head for Kharns head or atleast use the helmet side thingies cut them off and put them on a berzerker helmet. They seem to look closed to Kharns head. Next I would use a Marauder arm for his Axe arm and the Gorechild could be a FW Chainaxe. The back pack just take off the exhaust and replace them with skulls. Chains you can get at an arts and craft store in the jewelry section.

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Use Raptors/Warp talons Legs with FW torso and Shoulder pads, and  Khârn's Head, you can take one of those cool Dark Vengeance Chosen backpacks, and for the Gorechild a beefed up chainaxe or even Khârn's own Gorechild.


Personnaly i like metal minis better then Failcrap.

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I used a terminator power axe arm and took the teeth and engine from a chainsword to make it a large chain axe. If the shoulder is cut down and a standard marine sized pauldron is put in place, the arm actually doesn't look too big when next to another berzerker arm. (not sure if we all noticed yet, but the beerzerker arms are thicker) The rest of the bits I used are basically berzerker peices and a bunch of the decorative chain bits. You can tell who it's supposed to be.

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If I had unlimited access to bits, here's what I'd do:


Legs - one of the Chaos Raptor ones, modified to look more like they're running. I've done this on a Berzerker Champion already and it's pretty easy to do!

Torso - probably just stick with a Space Marine torso that looks like Khârn's (mk4 or 5, can't remember). Add the chain loincloth from the Chaos Lord kit.

Head - not plastic, I know, but I'd use the WHFB Khorne Lord on Juggernaut head. If you're dead set against Finecast, then you can probably use one of the heads from the Skullcrusher kit.

Right arm - Chaos Raptor arm with plasma pistol.

Left arm - WHFB Chaos Marauder or Beastman arm. I've seen people use an Ork arm for this, but I think it looks a little too big.

Backpack - Dark Vengeance Chosen backpacks are cool. I've also made backpacks before using a regular one with skulls replacing the vents, to replicate Khârn's design.

Chainaxe - I love zyl-'s idea, so I'd go with that!


Maybe it's a little over-the-top (I love kitbashing), but hopefully there's some useful ideas in there :)

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ok i have it! kharns body, his axe arm on the csm banner arm, hurons power pack, csm bolter arm with plasma pistol on it. but for the head i was thinking something bare. does anyone know what he looks like under his helm?(i.e. from the HH books?)

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Scarred! I have a vague recollection of his nose being broken... and being reasonably well described at one point. However, I can't remember where!


well in Betrayer, one of the world eaters comments on how Khârn has remained unscarred unlike most of the legion.

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Scarred! I have a vague recollection of his nose being broken... and being reasonably well described at one point. However, I can't remember where!


well in Betrayer, one of the world eaters comments on how Khârn has remained unscarred unlike most of the legion.


Haven't actually started that - purely going on a recollection from After Desh'ea?


Also - Adam?! Is that you?

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run down of parts. kharns body,i used his axe arm and forearm that i glued to a berzerkers arm, the shoulder pad is from the csm champion sprue,i used the berzerker plasma pistol on a bolter arm that i cut the top half off, for the head i used a berzerkers champion head that had the khorne symbol on the face. now the power pack is a standard space marines that i cut the exhausts off and glued the gun barrel upgrade from the chaos vehicle sprue. the stone base and claw on top of the pack is from a forge world model.  

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Scarred! I have a vague recollection of his nose being broken... and being reasonably well described at one point. However, I can't remember where!


well in Betrayer, one of the world eaters comments on how Khârn has remained unscarred unlike most of the legion.


Haven't actually started that - purely going on a recollection from After Desh'ea?


Also - Adam?! Is that you?


Erm yes :p Who is this sorry?


Makes me look like an awful alpha legion player now

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Scarred! I have a vague recollection of his nose being broken... and being reasonably well described at one point. However, I can't remember where!

well in Betrayer, one of the world eaters comments on how Khârn has remained unscarred unlike most of the legion.

Haven't actually started that - purely going on a recollection from After Desh'ea?

Also - Adam?! Is that you?

Erm yes tongue.png Who is this sorry?

Makes me look like an awful alpha legion player now

Has been probably eight years man - back in the day... deathguard.org? Hope that rings some bells!

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Good lord! i started the hobby with death guard. seems so long ago. id forgotten the place got folded into here. How are you sir?


Not to totally derail the thread, i have a talented mate making a heresy era Khârn for another friend, will have to provide pics when its done.

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