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  1. Hi, long time lurker. I'm currently building and playing an emperor's children army - I've got about 2700 points painted, and about 500 more that I've built and have yet to paint. I've recently run into a bit of a wall painting, so I've turned my eye to what I might build. Recently, as I've been waiting for the bits for my second unit of noise marines to come (just got them today), I looked to what models I had unbuilt - which was basically the minis from my 2nd Dark Vengence box. Given that I already had a set painted up "as is" without conversions (for the most part) I decided to convert up the second box so that I didn't have any identical models (well, except for the bolter guy that comes twice in a box). Despite still having trouble getting decent pictures (one reason I haven't shared more here - my photos have been awful), I thought that I would take and share some pictures of my latest work. First is my converted hellbrute, here with his unconverted (mostly - I gave him a fist mounted heavy flamer) pal. And here he is on his own. Anyway, let me know what you think and I'll share some more soon.
  2. Hey everyone, welcome to my WIP thread, showcasing my ongoing work on my main 40k army, my World Eaters, and their allies, the band of traitorous Imperial Guard known to the galaxy as "Urash's Marauders". I realise that some of you probably already know my thread in the Hall of Honour section. Now I've chosen to open a WIP thread for two reasons: One, I am far better (and faster) at converting and kitbashing than I am at painting. So this thread will give me the chance to keep posting new stuff even while I haven't managed to finish the paintjob on the models in question Two, the number of truly creative and spectacular threads in this section - like Brother Heinrich's Night Lords or 1000Heathen's Heresy thread, to name but two - is truly astounding and inspiring, and I would like to be a part of that ;-) Like I said, my World Eaters have always been, and continue to be, my most important 40k project. I worked on them back when I was a teenager, and they are the army i pretty much immediately returned to when getting back into the hobby in late 2010 after a longer hiatus. So before I show you the unpainted, work in progress stuff - warts and all - let me just share a few impressions of the painted part of my World Eaters as it stands right now: Here's a look at almost all of the painted models. I give you Khorne's Eternal Hunt: http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2013/7/19/518400-Army%2C%20Chaos%2C%20Chaos%20Space%20Marines%2C%20Conversion%2C%20Khorne%2C%20Khorne%27s%20Eternal%20Hunt.jpg My World Eaters' background is that they are the remnants of the 12th Astartes legion's 4th assault company. While most of the legion fractured into small warbands after the Skalathrax campaign, the 4th still functions as a fairly coherent fighting force. And even though this force is reasonably similar to other World Eaters’ forces all over the galaxy, there’s one marked difference: The legionaries of the 4th are still clinging fiercely to their martial honour, a remnant of their past as the Warhounds Astartes legion. They feel that it is only their honour that still gives them purpose, and so they are eternally trawling the galaxy for powerful warriors and worthy prey, a never ending hunt in the service of the Blood God – hence the name. Let me show you some more pictures: http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2013/7/19/518402_sm-Army%2C%20Chaos%2C%20Chaos%20Space%20Marines%2C%20Conversion%2C%20Khorne%2C%20Khorne%27s%20Eternal%20Hunt.jpg A model I am really proud of is my converted Heldrake, called the "Hellrazor": http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2013/7/19/518404-Army%2C%20Chaos%2C%20Chaos%20Space%20Marines%2C%20Conversion%2C%20Khorne%2C%20Khorne%27s%20Eternal%20Hunt.JPG Building and painting Chaos Lords in Terminator armour is a lasting addiction of mine, so here are some of them: http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2013/7/19/518405-Army%2C%20Chaos%2C%20Chaos%20Space%20Marines%2C%20Conversion%2C%20Khorne%2C%20Khorne%27s%20Eternal%20Hunt.jpg And there’s an equally large collection of Chaos Lords in power armour, of course. Among them my converted Dark Apostle (shown on the left): http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2013/7/19/518406-Army%2C%20Chaos%2C%20Chaos%20Space%20Marines%2C%20Conversion%2C%20Khorne%2C%20Khorne%27s%20Eternal%20Hunt.jpg Then there’s a small collection of champions and models I painted just for fun (among them the starts of a dedicated gladiator squad). While several of those concepts may be spun off into an own squad, all of these “stragglers” together can almost make up another berzerker squad: http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2013/7/19/518407-Army%2C%20Chaos%2C%20Chaos%20Space%20Marines%2C%20Conversion%2C%20Khorne%2C%20Khorne%27s%20Eternal%20Hunt.jpg And finally, there’s the beginnings of a small detachment of traitorous Space Wolves, led by one "Joras Turnpelt". These will be used as "regular" Chaos Space Marines (optionally granted the Mark of Khorne), whenever the battle plan calls for some bolter-wielding personnel: http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2013/7/19/518408-Army%2C%20Chaos%2C%20Chaos%20Space%20Marines%2C%20Conversion%2C%20Khorne%2C%20Khorne%27s%20Eternal%20Hunt.jpg All in all, that's quite a collection already: http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2013/7/19/518401-Army%2C%20Chaos%2C%20Chaos%20Space%20Marines%2C%20Conversion%2C%20Khorne%2C%20Khorne%27s%20Eternal%20Hunt.JPG In addition to the models seen above, there are also some more recent additions (or simply models I am pretty proud of). Such as... ...my custom Dark Apostle Stian Gul (wielding a huge warhorn, since hearing its sounds will always prove more inciting to the World Eaters than any sermon could ever hope to be) and my custom Warpsmith Deracin, Keeper of the Forge: http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2013/8/13/527022-Chaos%2C%20Chaos%20Lord%2C%20Chaos%20Space%20Marines%2C%20Conversion%2C%20Huntmaster%2C%20Khorne.JPG Both models were completely build from various plastic parts. And there's my newest Daemon Engine, dubbed the "Wargrinder": http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2013/9/6/534840-Chaos%2C%20Chaos%20Space%20Marines%2C%20Conversion%2C%20Counts%20As%2C%20Daemon%20Engine%2C%20Decimator.JPG http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2013/9/6/534846-Chaos%2C%20Chaos%20Space%20Marines%2C%20Conversion%2C%20Counts%20As%2C%20Daemon%20Engine%2C%20Decimator.JPG http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2013/8/30/532668-Chaos%2C%20Chaos%20Space%20Marines%2C%20Counts%20As%2C%20Decimator%2C%20Dreadknight%2C%20Khorne%2C%20Kitbash.JPG And, last but not least, my World Eaters can be accompanied by an allied regiment of Traitor Guard, Urash's Marauders. This is still a fairly small detachment, and I mostly use the project to build and paint whatever takes my fancy: http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2012/10/31/426663-Chaos%2C%20Conversion%2C%20Lntd%2C%20Lost%20And%20The%20Damned%2C%20Marauders%2C%20Paintjob%2C%20Renegades.JPG http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2012/10/12/420624-Chaos%2C%20Chaos%20Cultists%2C%20Dark%20Vengeance%2C%20Starter%20Box%2C%20Traitor%20Guard%2C%20Traitors.JPG So yeah, so much for the recap of the painted part of my army. If you would like to see more of those guys, you're very welcome to head over to my Hall of Honour thread and check them out. And now for the less finished stuff Let me just start by posting some of the things that I am currently working on (or that have already been built but still lack some colour). First up, my Chaos Terminators. I have been in love with Terminators as a unit type for a very long time, and this has nothing to do with their rules. There’s just something about these colossal, armoured behemoths that really clicks with me. And from a converter’s perspective, the added size compared to regular Marines offers lots of room for customisation, dramatic posing etc. Alas, the original metal Chaos Terminators were always a tad too expensive for my teenage self, back in the 90s, and by the time the new plastic Chaos Terminators came around in 2007, I was still on my hobby hiatus. But when I returned to wargaming in 2010, a box of Terminators was a part of the first order I ever placed with GW, and the resulting squad was actually among the first things I built. Over time, I kept adding more models to the squad, since I wanted them to be a fitting retinue for my Chaos Lords. So here are pretty much all the Terminators I’ve come up with so far: First up, a Terminator wielding a chainfist and a Combi-Melta: http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2012/12/12/440324_sm-Chaos%2C%20Chaos%20Space%20Marines%2C%20Conversion%2C%20Khorne%2C%20Terminator%20Armor%2C%20Warhammer%2040%2C000.JPG http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2012/12/12/440325_sm-Chaos%2C%20Chaos%20Space%20Marines%2C%20Conversion%2C%20Khorne%2C%20Terminator%20Armor%2C%20Warhammer%2040%2C000.JPG As you can see, I added Khornate bunny ears to the model’s armour – a trait shared by pretty much all of my “regular” Terminators. On a related note, I am really glad that I didn’t break off all the weapon arms when the newly released codex said these guys could get either the combi-weapon or the special CC weapon. This oversight was fortunately corrected in the FAQ. Phew! Here’s a Terminator with a Heavy Flamer. You know, for the “Burn!” in “Kill! Maim! Burn!” http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2012/12/12/440326_sm-Chaos%2C%20Chaos%20Space%20Marines%2C%20Conversion%2C%20Khorne%2C%20Terminator%20Armor%2C%20Warhammer%2040%2C000.JPG http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2012/12/12/440327_sm-Chaos%2C%20Chaos%20Space%20Marines%2C%20Conversion%2C%20Khorne%2C%20Terminator%20Armor%2C%20Warhammer%2040%2C000.JPG Funnily, this is also one of the few models actually wearing a Terminator helmet… In this case, it’s the one with the Rhinoceros like horn which I quite like. And while we are on the subject of special weapons, here’s a Terminator with a Reaper Autocannon: http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2012/12/12/440330_sm-Chaos%2C%20Chaos%20Space%20Marines%2C%20Conversion%2C%20Khorne%2C%20Terminator%20Armor%2C%20Warhammer%2040%2C000.JPG http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2012/12/12/440331_sm-Chaos%2C%20Chaos%20Space%20Marines%2C%20Conversion%2C%20Khorne%2C%20Terminator%20Armor%2C%20Warhammer%2040%2C000.JPG this model was actually converted from an AOBR loyal Terminator! I added some WFB Marauder shoulder pads to the Terminator’s knees to mask their loyal heritage… This next model was built to be the squad’s champion: http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2012/12/12/440328_sm-Chaos%2C%20Chaos%20Space%20Marines%2C%20Conversion%2C%20Khorne%2C%20Terminator%20Armor%2C%20Warhammer%2040%2C000.JPG Again, the model is armed with a chainfist and Combi-Melta. I used a leftover head from the FW Lord Zhufor kit to show this guy’s status as a champion. http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2012/12/12/440329_sm-Chaos%2C%20Chaos%20Space%20Marines%2C%20Conversion%2C%20Khorne%2C%20Terminator%20Armor%2C%20Warhammer%2040%2C000.JPG And now, let me show you my favourite conversions in the squad: http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2012/12/12/440339_sm-Chaos%2C%20Chaos%20Space%20Marines%2C%20Conversion%2C%20Khorne%2C%20Terminator%20Armor%2C%20Warhammer%2040%2C000.JPG This guy was also converted from an AOBR Termie — from the very model that came as a giveaway with WD when 5th edition was released, to be exact. When I built this guy in early 2010, I was quite proud of myself for figuring out that the chaos bitz could be combined with the loyal AOBR models. It’s surely been some time since then, and I like to imagine that my more recent conversions are quite a bit more ingenious. But this is where it started http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2012/12/12/440340_sm-Chaos%2C%20Chaos%20Space%20Marines%2C%20Conversion%2C%20Khorne%2C%20Terminator%20Armor%2C%20Warhammer%2040%2C000.JPG Here’s my favourite detail about the model, though: When I built it, I didn’t have enough chaos shoulder pads. So I used a really old WFB skeleton as a stand-in on the model’s right arm. Take a look: http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2012/12/12/440338_sm-Chaos%2C%20Chaos%20Space%20Marines%2C%20Conversion%2C%20Khorne%2C%20Terminator%20Armor%2C%20Warhammer%2040%2C000.JPG Pretty nifty, huh? Then there’s this guy, also converted from an AOBR model, from the sergeant in fact. http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2012/12/12/440332_sm-Chaos%2C%20Chaos%20Space%20Marines%2C%20Conversion%2C%20Khorne%2C%20Terminator%20Armor%2C%20Warhammer%2040%2C000.JPG http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2012/12/12/440333_sm-Chaos%2C%20Chaos%20Space%20Marines%2C%20Conversion%2C%20Khorne%2C%20Terminator%20Armor%2C%20Warhammer%2040%2C000.JPG I really went all out on this guy back then, adding lots of skull trophies, chains, some very nice Chaos Knight pauldrons, and all new weapons. The horns came from the “Khornate head” from the regular CSM kit. The Pteryges loincloth worn by the model fits with the gladiatorial look of the World Eaters rather nicely. And finally, the squad’s (and company’s) standard bearer, brother Verak: http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2012/12/12/440341_sm-Chaos%2C%20Chaos%20Space%20Marines%2C%20Conversion%2C%20Khorne%2C%20Terminator%20Armor%2C%20Warhammer%2040%2C000.JPG http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2012/12/12/440342_sm-Chaos%2C%20Chaos%20Space%20Marines%2C%20Conversion%2C%20Khorne%2C%20Terminator%20Armor%2C%20Warhammer%2040%2C000.JPG Since the model is carrying an icon (from the WFB Warriors of Chaos) in its right hand, I had to find a way to combine the bolter and power fist, so I built a little “DIY Talon of Horus” by adding regular Bolters and an ammo feed from an old CSM heavy Bolter to the fist. I also used a shaved down berzerker head as a stylised helmet for the model, showing its special status in the squad. Although this guy was one of the first conversions I did after getting back into the hobby, he still holds up rather nicely, doesn’t he? Unfortunately, I have only managed to paint a single regular Terminator up until now. In fact, it was the first Terminator I ever painted. Here he is: http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2012/12/12/440334_sm-Chaos%2C%20Chaos%20Space%20Marines%2C%20Conversion%2C%20Khorne%2C%20Terminator%20Armor%2C%20Warhammer%2040%2C000.JPG http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2012/12/12/440337_sm-Chaos%2C%20Chaos%20Space%20Marines%2C%20Conversion%2C%20Khorne%2C%20Terminator%20Armor%2C%20Warhammer%2040%2C000.JPG http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2012/12/12/440335_sm-Chaos%2C%20Chaos%20Space%20Marines%2C%20Conversion%2C%20Khorne%2C%20Terminator%20Armor%2C%20Warhammer%2040%2C000.JPG http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2012/12/12/440336_sm-Chaos%2C%20Chaos%20Space%20Marines%2C%20Conversion%2C%20Khorne%2C%20Terminator%20Armor%2C%20Warhammer%2040%2C000.JPG This was my test model for the squad, so you may be able to spot how I was still finding my feet painting Terminators. I’ll definitely need to drill out the barrels at some point, since they look rather horrible. The base will also have to be changed to reflect the current look of my bases, but apart from that, I think this guy works out alright. The problem remains that these guys are quite a bit less fun to paint than they are to convert. These are also some of my older conversions, so they may lack the flair of some of the more current models. In addition to the rank and file Termies, I always like to convert a Chaos Lord or two. Here are some examples: First up, a Chaos Lord in Terminator armour wielding a pair of lightning claws: This guy may also be the start of a small, dedicated LC unit: http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2013/1/4/448734_sm-Chaos%2C%20Chaos%20Lords%2C%20Chaos%20Space%20Marines%2C%20Chaos%20Space%20Marrines%2C%20Conversion.JPG http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2013/1/4/448735_sm-Chaos%2C%20Chaos%20Lords%2C%20Chaos%20Space%20Marines%2C%20Chaos%20Space%20Marrines%2C%20Conversion.JPG http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2013/1/4/448736_sm-Chaos%2C%20Chaos%20Lords%2C%20Chaos%20Space%20Marines%2C%20Chaos%20Space%20Marrines%2C%20Conversion.JPG As you can see, the Chaos Termie Lord kit formed the base for the conversion (although the torso front came from the regular Chaos Terminators). I added a pair of SW Lightning claws, since I liked the extra sharp look of the claws. The head and right shoulderpad came from the FW World Eaters Terminators, while the Khornate bunny ears were cut off a WFB Finecast champion of Khorne. It seems like a very easy kitbash, but it took me ages to get the pose on this guy right. The second model I managed to complete has already appeared in some of my fluff is Brother Hokar, the 4th assault company's Master of the Guard. http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2013/1/4/448738_sm-Chaos%2C%20Chaos%20Lords%2C%20Chaos%20Space%20Marines%2C%20Chaos%20Space%20Marrines%2C%20Conversion.JPG http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2013/1/4/448740_sm-Chaos%2C%20Chaos%20Lords%2C%20Chaos%20Space%20Marines%2C%20Chaos%20Space%20Marrines%2C%20Conversion.JPG The idea of using the great Chaos Knight pauldrons as a sort of cowl was lifted from Lamby’s excellent “Legion of Thorns” thread. I think it really adds character to a Terminator! I also had the idea of arming him in a rather unconventional way by giving him a spear and shield. I wanted this to reflect the World Eaters’ gladiatorial traditions: I imagine that gladiators in the grimdark of the far future would be trained to use different weapon configurations (pretty much like the gladiators in ancient Rome), so I thought it would be interesting to explore different loadouts for no other reason than to give some additional character to the individual models. I can imagine a bodyguard for Lorimar where every member is wielding a highly individual combination of weapons — wouldn’t that be cool? Anyway, as you can see, the model’s legs came from a SW Terminator. I felt the trophy pelt was a nice callback to the 4th assault company’s role as a hunting party. I used some bits from the Skullcrusher kit to make the armour on the legs look slightly more chaotic. http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2013/1/4/448737_sm-Chaos%2C%20Chaos%20Lords%2C%20Chaos%20Space%20Marines%2C%20Chaos%20Space%20Marrines%2C%20Conversion.JPG Hokar also uses a shield from the Skullcrusher kit. Many people are skeptical of shields on Khorne models, but I felt that, as Master of the Guard, Hokar should really be equipped for defense as well as offense. Plus everyone who has seen the fantastically corny Spartacus series knows shields can be used in fairly creative ways… Phew, with this huge first post out of the way, let me welcome you once again to this WIP thread! Expect to see more updates soon! And, of course, I would be happy to hear any feedback, ideas, suggestions or questions you might have! In any case, thanks for looking and stay tuned for more!
  3. Welcome, battle brothers and sisters, to my newest conversion challenge: Necromunda! This time around it's all about Necromunda and anything that can fit under that umbrella: gangers, bounty hunters, dome runners, hive scum, hangers-on, psykers, muties, scavvies, ash wasters, beasts, robots, and even some regular civilians if you wish! The rules: 1) The finished model should be unpainted so we can clearly see your converting or kitbashing though the odd painted piece stolen repurposed from another figure is fine. 2) Models that might have already been started are acceptable, but if it's something that's almost finished, you may enter it as an out-of-competition model that won't be eligible for judgement. 3) You must declare if the model is Ruled or Unruled, meaning if it's based on something from one of the rule books and will have a points value then it will be Ruled and if it's just a neat thing you wanted to do with some Necromunda flavor then it will be Unruled. 4) Ruled models must be WYSIWYG and all relevant gear must be modeled. As such, a listing of gear will need to accompany your figure at some point. Unruled models are exempt from WYSIWYG. 5) You must declare participation at least 24 hours before completion of your conversion. 6) You can enter multiple times, but you must finish one entry before pledging the next. Only one entry will be considered for judgement and you will nominate which to put forth. 7) Build time is from July 17, 2019 until September 30, 2019. Pledging your entry: Please use the following format for your pledge: I, (your name), pledge to convert (character type or name, Ruled or Unruled) for (House or other faction) in the Conversion Challenge on or before September 30, 2019. Progress: A photo of your model's condition before beginning (parts, base figure, figures you're going to chop up, etc) is required with your pledge (or as soon as you can). The figure you wish to enter for judgement will require pics of the front, back, and both sides. Progress pics along the way are optional but appreciated. As is tradition with so many events, here's a participation banner.
  4. Hey everyone, one of my new year's resolutions for 2015 has been to devote some more time to a couple of hobby projects that have been sitting on the backburner for quite a while. One of the projects in question is the one that will be detailed in this new thread of mine: My kitbashed Legio Custodes army, the Lionsguard. So what we are looking at here is a small army of Pre-Heresy Custodes, the Empire’s personal bodyguard. I have been in love with the Legio Custodes ever since I read through German WD 112 (from April 2005): Not only did it feature rules for a Horus Heresy campaign, but it also marked the first time I ever saw Dave Taylor’s spectacular Legio Custodes army. There was something about those guys that really clicked with me. And even now, quite a few years later, Dave’s Custodes are still easily one of my favourite armies ever. So the seed was planted, and when I took a at all the fantastic Space Marine kits, my love for the Legio Custodes was rekindled. I wouldn’t even have to work nearly as hard as Dave, since all the cool new bits would allow me to build the models by mostly sticking to kitbashing. So I did a bit of research and discovered some more great Custodes armies (Kaleb Daark’s Custodes thread here on B&C and Hashashin’s blog The Buddy Times come to mind, above all else). And so everything was in place. To make things a little more challenging, I wanted to kitbash the entire army from GW (plastic) parts. I also wanted to explore several different unit types: The iconic Praetorians with their conic helmets as well as Custodes in older pattern Astartes armour (again, a callback to Dave’s army), Cataphractii Terminators, jetbikes and maybe even Sisters of Silence. I started by building a small squad of Custodes Praetorians, using parts from the Grey Knights, Dark Angels Veterans and the Sanguinary Guard (and the occasional Tac Marine bit). I also used heads from the WFB White Lions of Chrace: http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2012/8/3/397563-Adeptus%20Custodes%2C%20Conversion%2C%20Custodians%2C%20Guardian%20Spears%2C%20Kitbash%2C%20Legio%20Custodes.JPG http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2012/8/3/397564-Adeptus%20Custodes%2C%20Conversion%2C%20Custodians%2C%20Guardian%20Spears%2C%20Kitbash%2C%20Legio%20Custodes.JPG http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2012/8/3/397569-Adeptus%20Custodes%2C%20Conversion%2C%20Custodians%2C%20Guardian%20Spears%2C%20Kitbash%2C%20Legio%20Custodes.JPG http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2012/8/3/397570-Adeptus%20Custodes%2C%20Conversion%2C%20Custodians%2C%20Guardian%20Spears%2C%20Kitbash%2C%20Legio%20Custodes.JPG http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2012/8/3/397567-Adeptus%20Custodes%2C%20Conversion%2C%20Custodians%2C%20Guardian%20Spears%2C%20Kitbash%2C%20Legio%20Custodes.JPG As you can see, this recipe allowed me to create a couple of pretty convincing Custodes models. Here’s a look at the whole squad: http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2012/8/3/397571-Adeptus%20Custodes%2C%20Conversion%2C%20Custodians%2C%20Guardian%20Spears%2C%20Kitbash%2C%20Legio%20Custodes.JPG Squad Heraklion One of the Praetorian squads in the Legio Custodes’ elite Lionsguard, squad Heraklion consists of warriors as fiercely loyal as they are accomplished. Clad in the traditional Praetorian plate and wielding an array of mastercrafted weapons, the members of the squad know no goal more important than guarding the life of their Emperor. Leading the squad is Centurio Jastilus Petrarca, a relatively young but exceedingly talented officer. In spite of his young age, the inside of his ceremonial plate already shows an astonishing number of engraved names and titles, earned through great feats and deeds of honour. As my next project, I started building a squad of Custodes in regular power armour. I am not sure whether there is any precedent for this in “official” HH artwork, but the fact that Dave Taylor had also done a squad like that was definitely a good enough reason for me ;-) I tried using different plastic parts to make the armour resemble various, older patterns of power armour that would have been widely used during the Heresy. My background for this squad is that they are basically “field-testing” different marks of armour before they are adopted for mass production for the Space Marine legions (and they sticking to their older armour even after the testing phase is completed, as a way of showing the pride they take in their task). Now I do of course realise that trying to kitbash this squad using "regular" GW plastic parts rather than actual Heresy era stuff by Forgeworld may seem like a pointless (and futile) exercise to many of your, but it was a part of the outline I had set for myself on this project, and also part of the fun First up, a model in armour resembling the Mk. III “Iron” pattern: http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2012/9/7/409516-Adeptus%20Custodes%2C%20Conversion%2C%20Legio%20Custodes%2C%20Paintjob%2C%20Space%20Marines%2C%20Tactical%20Squad.JPG Next, a model wearing armour resembling the Mk. V “Heresy” pattern: http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2012/9/7/409514-Adeptus%20Custodes%2C%20Conversion%2C%20Legio%20Custodes%2C%20Paintjob%2C%20Space%20Marines%2C%20Tactical%20Squad.JPG This next model was rather easy to complete, wearing straight up Mk. VI “Corvus” armour: http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2012/9/7/409517-Adeptus%20Custodes%2C%20Conversion%2C%20Legio%20Custodes%2C%20Paintjob%2C%20Space%20Marines%2C%20Tactical%20Squad.JPG There’s no actual precedent for the next model’s armour design. Still, I think the rather classical, almost "hoplite" look, makes it fit in rather well: http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2012/9/7/409519-Adeptus%20Custodes%2C%20Conversion%2C%20Legio%20Custodes%2C%20Paintjob%2C%20Space%20Marines%2C%20Tactical%20Squad.JPG And finally, the squad leader in mastercrafted armour (actually measly Mk. VII, but that hadn’t officially been invented during the Heresy, so…): http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2012/9/7/409521-Adeptus%20Custodes%2C%20Conversion%2C%20Legio%20Custodes%2C%20Paintjob%2C%20Space%20Marines%2C%20Tactical%20Squad.JPG All of the models in the squad were built using parts from different Marine or Chaos Space Marine kits, with a bit of deft cutting involved in places. Here’s the finished squad: http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2012/9/7/409523-Adeptus%20Custodes%2C%20Conversion%2C%20Legio%20Custodes%2C%20Paintjob%2C%20Space%20Marines%2C%20Tactical%20Squad.JPG Squad Asklepian, “The Artisans” The members of squad Asklepian forego the classic armament of the Legio Custodes and are instead clad in different marks of power armour. But this is no token of shame, for the squad’s honoured veterans are tasked with testing newly developed armour patterns in combat. That is why their armour is highly individual, with many different patterns across the squad. Some of its members are even wearing patterns that were never approved for mass production, yet they maintain their plate with utmost pride, sometimes even further embellishing it. For it is due to squad Asklepian’s diligent work that the legions of the Imperium may be armoured to the best possible standard, and Centurio Kletian Varios and his men take pride in that knowledge. Putting these guys together proved to be so much fun that I decided to add additional models to the squad until every armour pattern from Mk. I to Mk. VI was represented. Here’s a sneak peek at some additional models: http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2013/7/24/520121-Adeptus%20Custodes%2C%20Conversion%2C%20Legio%20Custodes%2C%20Power%20Armour%2C%20Pre-heresy.JPG After having built these two squads, I wanted to add a commander to make the models I had so far “legally” playable as a very small army -- at least in theory ;-) http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2012/10/17/422243-Adeptus%20Custodes%2C%20Conversion%2C%20Custodes%2C%20Legio%20Custodes%2C%20Paintjob%2C%20Shield%20Captain.JPG Shield Captain Fennias Andronicus, “The Old Lion” One of the commanding officers of the Lionsguard, Fennias Andronicus is a veteran of the Legio Custodes: Many are his honorary titles and names, and they cover every inch of the inside of his master crafted armour. Called “The Old Lion”, Shield Captain Andronicus’ age and experience make him a skilled and levelheaded tactician, yet his name is also synonymous with heroism and prowess in combat. When the Legio has to face an enemy on the field of battle, Andronicus leads from the front, relic blade in hand, and becomes and instrument of the Emperor’s wrath. So far for my first post about the Lionsguard. There's more to come -- much more, in fact: Since this project has been ongoing for a couple of years, I have lots and lots of additional models. Sadly, most of them remain yet unpainted, but I hope that I'll be able to change that sooner rather than later -- after all, once Forgeworld gets around to releasing "official" Custodes models, nobody will want to take a second look at my own effort So yeah, thanks for looking and stay tuned for more! And, as always, let me know what you think!
  5. Hey everyone I'm in the hobby for quite a while now (I started 2009) and really liked the moddeling aspect of it so i wanted to show you a WIP of my latest project i know the pictures a littel bit to big, but it's my first time uploading so, please excuse me. About the Project: I want to do 5 Tzeentch-Termis, they are all WIP right now. i wanted them to interact with the environment (Base) so i chopped them up and reposed them. I wanted to use SM-Termis because the Scourged are rednegades and not part of a Traitor-Legion. With the first Terminator i also wanted to show, that tzeentch-marines can kick ass too, so i wanted him to look really mean http://www.post-per-email.de/T1-P1.jpg http://www.post-per-email.de/T1-P2.jpg http://www.post-per-email.de/T1-P3.jpghttp://www.post-per-email.de/T1-P4.jpg http://www.post-per-email.de/T1-P5.jpg http://www.post-per-email.de/T2-P1.jpg http://www.post-per-email.de/T5-P1.jpg http://www.post-per-email.de/T5-P2.jpg yea, that's it for today, let me know what you think.
  6. http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/resources/catalog/product/600x620/99550101406_ImperialFistLegionTemplarBrethrenUpgradeSet01.jpg Hello Brothers, I'm trying to find a way to kit up Sword brethren. I found this beautiful upgrade kits for HH IF Templar brethren from FW. How do you think about using those kits to Black Templars? I'm slight concerned of those small 'fists' icons, though. In fluffywise, I think it also make sense if those sword brethren have managed to keep those 'relic' armour for about 10,000 years...
  7. hey everyone, i am quite new to the whole converting and painting models thing (doing it for about a year and half now) and i wanted to share one of my models i am working on atm with you guys. PS: sry if the pics are a bit blurry or overlighted. i am still trying to figure out a way to make a good photobox. critics are welcome and wanted unfortunatly i cant post pictures here for some reason, so here a just the links: http://www.flickr.com/photos/101115243@N07/9647068767/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/101115243@N07/9650309620/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/101115243@N07/9650320520/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/101115243@N07/9650331690/
  8. So I thought I would throw together a post with as comprehensive list as I can of all the third party sites that have bitz that can be used on our Templar mini's. If you know of something that's not on here please post it and I will add a link to the first post. I'll be adding this to the Black Templar Resource at some point too, so you'll always be able to find it there. Forgeworld FW Templar search (includes pads, shields, vehicles doors, etched brass and the Dreadnought) Scibor http://sciborminiatures.com/en_,shop.php (Enter search criteria templar to see all their products) They have pads, shields, bodies(from torsos to full miniatues), Vehicle accessories and bases Max mini Knight heads Power Maul/Thunder Hammers Cloaks Anvil Industry Robed Legs Cloaks Loincloths Grill Heads Skull Heads (For Chaplain conversions) Crusader/Purity Seals Chains http://www.builders-in-scale.com/bis/parts-chain.html (40 lpi for PA, 27 for TDA, 15-16 for Dreads) Kromlech Rippers - Large two handed chainswords and relic blade Kreuz Shields - Shields with crosses on them Legionary Vibro Swords - Could make good power weapons Legionary Spike Hammers - Possible power mauls Armorcast Decals - Various Cross decal sheets Puppetswar Knight Helms Swords Axes Pretorian Pads - Similar look to the Command Squad Champion's pads Crusader Termos bodies - Could be alt TDA bodies Backpack Banners Standard Bearer Banner Spellcrow Knight Helms Templar Knight Helms Knight Legs Tabard Torsos Templar Tabard Torsos Storm Shields Tabard Bottom Halves Templar Tabard Bottom Halves
  9. http://i39.tinypic.com/6gc09t.jpg Getting autocannons can be a real pain, luckily they are one of the easiest weapons to make at home. While I'm not particularly skilled, it just goes to show you how easy it really can be. A few brass rods, a couple tools, and some plasticard odds and ends will take you far. The first step is getting the tools together. You will need the following: A Hobby Knife, a Pair of Flush Dikes, Super Glue, a Ruler, a Razor Saw, and a few drill bits. http://i48.tinypic.com/16kdr86.jpghttp://i50.tinypic.com/34nr19j.jpg Optional extra tools include: a Hand drill, a Hobby Vise, and a couple Pairs of Small Pliers. This is the basic toolkit. There are other useful tools to have as well, but for the vast majority of scratch building this is all you need. For building Auto Cannons you need to make a trip to the hobby store for Copper or Brass Tubes, Styrene Sheets and Tubes, and a small jewelry chain. The only other thing you will need is a piece of sprue or a sheet of 1/8th inch styrene. http://i50.tinypic.com/11hc4s6.jpg You will need at least two different sized widths of copper or brass tube. Ensure the interior diameter of one matches the exterior diameter of another. The actual size is up to you, I like my autocannons to be about the size of the GW Havoc autocannon. I use 3mm and 2mm brass tube. You will need an assorted bag of styrene card and tubes. Evergreen Scale Models manufactures a bag called "odds and ends" which happens to have everything styrene needed to make multiple autocannons. Sheets of styrene can be purchased separately, you will need a very thin sheet 0.1-0.2in and a thicker sheet, 0.4-0.6in. Lets get started: 1. Using your dikes, cut a piece of sprue down to about 2cm. I use my dikes to ensure I get a nearly square cut, and I cut a little extra off and file it down to where I want it.http://i50.tinypic.com/2cnv2bc.jpg 2. Using your razor saw, cut a couple pieces of your smaller diameter tube, one should be about a cm shorter than the other. Now cut another two peices of tube, this time from your larger diameter tube. One only needs to be 1cm long, the other needs to be about 2cm shorter than your longer piece of small tube.http://i48.tinypic.com/kbf5on.jpg 3. Get Drilling. Specifically two small holes down one side of the sprue like the above picture. Make sure you use a bit that is the exact size of your smaller diameter tube. Drill deeper for a shorter barrel, shallower for a long barrel. Try your best to keep them square. While sprue is soft enough that you can turn the bits between your fingers, a hobby vise and hand drill are useful here if you have them. Next cut a small square of your thicker styrene, large enough to contain another two holes spaced the same as the ones in your sprue piece. This will be your spacer.http://i47.tinypic.com/2wr0lmf.jpg 4. Now you should have the following parts:http://i46.tinypic.com/33o1xcm.jpg 5. Assemble them like this photo and insert them into the holes in your sprue. Play with the proportions till you find what you'd like, then add just a bit of super glue to each connection.http://i47.tinypic.com/v7cbbm.jpg 6. Now you have the basic design down, it's time to add smaller details. I started by adding an extra heat shield that resembles GW's model. Most of the details added are going to be made from your thin sheets of styrene, while the rails along the top look better when they are made of thicker styrene. Also if you want to add a notch to the back of the weapon, now is the time. Most GW weapons have them even if their Havoc autocannon doesn't. I cut one by removing a 45 degree slice from weapons posterior. 7. Before you get too crazy with detailing its a good idea to think about where your magazine will sit. If you want standard marine arms to carry this weapon, you will need to use a bolter or other gun, for reference, to place the magazine between the hands. I greenstuff my hands around the weapon so the magazine you see in the photo will not allow for un-altered marine arms. Usually I build box magazines like the one on the GW model, however this time I decided to change it up by using a bit of tubing and sealing the ends with styrene.http://i50.tinypic.com/2db6ixv.jpghttp://i48.tinypic.com/2d1a60z.jpg 8. Now is a great time to clean op the spacer. Take your flush dikes and carefully cut back the square so that it becomes a rounded rectangle, conforming to the barrel and support strut. You'll need to smooth out the cuts to keep a nice continuous edge all the way around. If you want a bayonet, a thicker piece of styrene cut into a very acute triagle will suffice, you can give it dimension by running the edge of your hobby knife along the longest side to form a blade. I cut a couple notches into mine to complete the effect. Glue the finished bayonet like the following photo:http://i47.tinypic.com/mlggug.jpg 9. Finish the bayonet by cutting a couple of small rectangles from your thinnest piece of styrene. Carefully cut them into an L shape. Attach them with super glue like the following photo (it helps to use the point of your hobby knife to grip the smallest pieces. Just tap the point into the part and then twist after the glue starts to dry to release):http://i45.tinypic.com/2uibzgz.jpg Don't forget to do both sides! 10. Final touches include any little detail work you want, however you should save adding a chain lanyard for last if you want one. Cutting a single link from the jewelry chain carefully enough to keep half of it on the chain attached is very very hard. Gluing it to the weapon is even harder. It is also a very delicate join, and will break off every time you add a new detail without fail. Nothing says you need exposed rounds to make this thing an autocannon. I happen to like them though. However I've discovered through experimentation that its very hard to make ammo belts from scratch so I ordered these from dragonforge. While they are a bit small, I've found them to be extremely useful and time saving. http://i47.tinypic.com/m76z34.jpg Here is the completed product:http://i48.tinypic.com/2gwfafp.jpghttp://i45.tinypic.com/15ytc88.jpghttp://i48.tinypic.com/2s1vor7.jpg While it looks a bit plain, I'm waiting on an order of brass etch to fill in some details for me. I'll be adding the chain lanyard once the etch is firmly in place. http://i50.tinypic.com/2efjk91.jpg Please let me know if you have any questions or comments, or if there is something you'd like another look at or more information on. If there is any glaring errors please let me know as well. Thanks!
  10. “It is easy to volunteer to die. Instead, you will endure extreme pain and hardship with unflinching resolve.” -Avitus Varro, Academy Headmaster, Invectors Chapter Brother Gnaeus Corto, Squad Lepidus, 5th Company, Invectors Cited for Ingenuity and Valor, Boarding Action, 997.M41 http://images.dakkadakka.com/s/i/gallery/img/2013/9/2/533596.png When I was kid in the 90s playing RT and 2nd Edition, I had always wanted to have my own Battle Company of Marines. Problem was, I never had the money available to just flat out waste on frivolous, excessive Space Marines. However now, as an adult, I find myself better funded. However, it would be too easy to just buy 100 Space Marines. Anyone with cash to blow can have 100 Space Marines. Nope, I'm going to convert them all. All of them. Everything in my army will be converted, somehow, no matter how small. Very quickly, I decided that my project would address my long standing problems with Space Marine models:They are too short, obviously. Space Marines should be 7-7.5 foot super-soldiers. The GW human figures are probably just too tall, but too late to fix that; gotta make the Marines bigger. Marines need to be loaded for bear and look like they could actually fight a war. So all of my figures would have ammunition pouches, grenades, combat knives, etc, in a realistic configuration. All the Marines should have helmets because no good Marine would be without his helmet. It's just dumb. Encased in nearly impenetrable ceramite, only to leave you nugget exposed, and lose all the life support, communications, imaging and targeting enhancements of the helmet? Silly. Also, the Battle Company had to be "Counts As", WYSIWYG for the all existing codex lists (why make it easy?). My last challenge was to only use Mk VII parts, but also ensure that every model had a character of its own. This of course is not going to be easy with a whopping fifty two bolter Marines in a Battle Company, and forcing them to wear helmets. So, there you go. No mixing and matching armor marks. Too easy. No bare heads. Too easy. I'm taking away pretty much any shortcuts for the maximum amount of posing and conversion challenge. So I set to work, with some plastic card, and a dream. A lot of these early ones are old photos of rough prototypes that I didn't fully sand, or gap fill, etc. Excuse any rough early modeling problems. At first, I wasn't sure how tall I wanted them to be. So I went with 1mm extensions to the thighs (which I thought were too short anyway) and an extra .5mm at the waist. The results were decent: http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2011/11/24/298246_md-Space%20Marines,%20True%20Scale.jpg The tall walking stance makes him a bit taller than he actually is, but it was a good start. Next to him are Hasslefree's McKenzie, a 2E metal Cadian, and Sgt Bylkow (one of of my favorite Squat models). Left his weapon off for the detail. Decided this wasn't tall enough. So I moved up to 1mm at the waist. This was starting to give the height I wanted, but I only had about 25 or so walking legs, and they aren't cheap on EBay, and well, if they were all walking it would be a bit homogenous. So the firing stance models had to retain height too. http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2011/12/9/303023_md-Space%20Marines,%20True%20Scale.jpghttp://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2011/12/9/303021_md-Space%20Marines,%20True%20Scale.jpg http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2011/12/13/304557_md-Space%20Marines,%20True%20Scale.jpg So far, so good. Time to start working on some more individual models. This guy was posed to be pulling a grenade off of his belt. But instead of using a pre-posed hand, I cut and repositioned one of the bolter support arms, bent the fingers closed around a grenade separated from the grenade bundles. http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2012/1/11/315360_md-Space%20Marines,%20To%20Much%20Extra%20Stuff%20On%20Them.jpg Bolter Marines: http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2012/1/11/315248_md-Space%20Marines,%20To%20Much%20Extra%20Stuff%20On%20Them,%20True%20Scale.jpg http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2012/1/11/315249_md-Space%20Marines,%20To%20Much%20Extra%20Stuff%20On%20Them,%20True%20Scale.jpg Arms have all been cut and re-positioned, for two reasons. The standard "hip firing" bolter cradle formed by the arms in stock form looks dumb to me. I was a weapons trainer and attached to infantry units in the Marines. And second, I wanted some more dynamic looking poses, not just the more realistic ones. The metal arm is from an old Devastator sergeant. http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2012/1/13/315745_md-Space%20Marines,%20To%20Much%20Extra%20Stuff%20On%20Them,%20True%20Scale.jpg I always liked the old Auspex, in theory. But the bit for it seems way too big and way too clunky. I thought about a flip up wrist display. More on this guy later. http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2012/1/30/323289_md-Space%20Marines,%20To%20Much%20Extra%20Stuff%20On%20Them,%20True%20Scale.jpg Of course, I learned quickly that un-drilled barrels were out of the question, so that was rectified. Some of the models look like they're standing weird, but that is actually intentional so I will have to create more complex bases for them. http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2012/1/30/323287_md-Space%20Marines,%20To%20Much%20Extra%20Stuff%20On%20Them,%20True%20Scale.jpg Now I needed some special weapons. But the standard ones are just too big for the kinds of close and dirty fighting my Space Marines will be known for. I present the shortened Cerceus-Pattern flamers and meltaguns: http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2012/2/20/331471_md-Special%20Weapon%20Marines.jpg http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2012/2/20/331472_md-Space%20Marines,%20True%20Scale.jpg All of the Special Weapons carrying Marines are modular. I've also created custom, deeper pouches for them to simulate extra melta canisters/flamer fuel, etc. Some more Marines: http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2012/3/19/343343_md-Draw.jpg This guy is in the middle of drawing his combat blade. Arm cut and the the fingers bent to be in the process of tightening around the grip. http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2012/3/19/343353_md-Troopers.jpg http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2012/3/19/343351_md-HBolter.jpg I have decided that the heavy weapons Marines will have the helmets with the extra targeter mounted on it. Plus, I decided the Heavy Botlers will have box mags instead of the giant belt fed apparatus. This is an early version, and I have since modified the box mag to be better looking. Plus, there will be Bolter Marines from the rest of the squads who will be carrying extra heavy weapon ammo (missiles or bolter mag boxes). This one is the newest. A severely in-progress WIP. I wanted to inflect some more Rogue Trader era brutality to this army. I'm a huge fan of the darker, more brutal Space Marines of the old days. This one needs a ton of work, obviously, but here's the start. The Tau helmet mounted on the shoulder pad came from the Chaos tank sprue, and was clipped and filed down to match the shoulderpad contours. The idea of a mounted helmet came from the multitude of RT era drawings with severed heads. But I didn't want it to be too brutal and cross into Chaos tainted territory. I feel the Chaplain, once he's been modeled up, will be keeping a close eye on Brother Brutus. http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2012/3/19/343345_md-Brutality.jpg http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2012/3/19/343352_md-Brutus.jpg The severed head is a Wood Elf sorceress head, the hand is the Grey Knight Daemonette head hand. The Dark Eldar is a classic 3rd Edition warrior that we had piles of from the three 3rd Edition boxed sets that nobody ever bothered to assemble. The helmet is a Black Templar helmet with studs, to mix up some of the helmet appearances. Plus, I think it makes Brother Brutus look a bit more harsh and maybe a bit more unbalanced and potentially vicious. Part of the feeling I'm trying to evoke with this "army" is that of how I envision the Space Marines. These guys are seven and a half foot, functionally immortal, genetically engineered super warriors. Human, but something more than human. And something a little less. I want to illustrate a bit of brutality, and ruthlessness. Anyhow, I hope this work interests you guys. Thanks for any thoughts you guys have. Especially any criticisms, ideas you don't like, Ideas you might have, etc. I'm definitely open for anything constructive or suggestions. Heck, I might even entertain requests. Not tall enough yet though, and I was still trying to perfect their proportions. So I added another 1mm spacer to their shins. http://images.dakkadakka.com/s/i/gallery/img/2016/5/4/797652.jpg Did it work? Let's ask Leonardo Da Vinci. Update: 26 February 2014. Wow. Almost two and a half years I've been working on this. A lot of the pictures in this first post are the rough drafts of the earliest models. I cleaned up this first post, eliminating some of the rambling I originally did. The project has continued to evolve along the way, which is probably why it isn't too close to finishing. Though I am at approximately 60 Marines at this point. There has also been a fair amount of ongoing backstory and fluff for these guys. Click the chapter logo in my signature for Index Astartes: Invectors. I think you'll enjoy it. They're like Ultramarines, but shady galactic space jerks. Follow my Wordpress Blog for a more comprehensive look at my hobby http://veteransergeant.wordpress.com/ And it's got a Facebook Page too. https://www.facebook.com/LeaveNoModelUnconverted
  11. Yesterday I managed to do my first bit of everyone’s favourite hobby. It’s the first thing I’ve managed in months. Second child has really stopped me being able to play, model or paint. Turns out you can post on blogs and forums just fine while holding a baby however. Or play Bloodbowl or Space Hulk on an iPad... So I decided to give FearPeteySodes snow recipe a whirl... Just as i’d suspected it’s amazing advice for doing snow. This is (obviously) a Wolf Scout. These guys were what got me back into Space Wolves. In the 5th edition rulebook there were kill team rules so I started a Space Wolves kill team. The rest is history. On the subject of Wolf Scouts. How about 2 attacks each to represent the fact they are veterans. As I was only making the one unit. I made them Erik Morkai’s Scouts. Scouts being the speciality of that Great Company. Here’s a shot of them with Erik... He needs the snow treatment now too. Here’s a few planned additions to the unit that I never got around to finishing... I image I was wanting to go tank hunting. Combi melta, melta bomb Wolf Guard. Meltagunner. It must have been back when you could take Wulfen Scouts. Genstealer hands and ungor head. Jobs a good un. I’ll be posting anymore progress or just the rest of my Space Wolves here. P.s. if your looking for ‘Making all twelve Wolf Lords’ it’s now in WIP section of thr forge.
  12. Khafaeros Rising This is just some things I've made, the basic idea is that a necromancer (would love some help with a more 40k term) is attempting to resurrect an ancient swamp lich (again, would love help with more appropriate term) called Khaffaeros. The idea of the lich and his minions is that they've been in a long sleep for millennia and have trees and fungus and moss etc growing out of them. I plan to at some point to re-write this in a more prose style. I don't really know anyone local who plays Inq28, the guys at my local GW aren't hugely into major converting like I am, so I feel like they wouldn't really be up for a full on campaign. but I might expand this out enough to use in small games of 40k, probably using a Genestealer list The necromancer, still need a name for him, I started making this guy a few months ago, but only just now got inspired to finish him. This is the only model of the 4 that wasn't entirely made form stuff i my bits box. He's been searching for Khaffaeros' tomb for some time. If i ever use these in a game he'd be a Magus. Ob and Vex, his familiar-servitors. these 2 were fun to make. I've always loved using the crypt ghoul kit, I'm actually almost out of bits from it, I might have to buy a new kit. This guy is one of the minions of Khaffaeros. He was the first one the Necromancer found and resurrected and has been helping him to find the tomb, working as a sort of bodyguard. I don't think I have a single model that has more kits in it than this one. there's a few different Ork bits, plaguuebearer, soul girnder, necron, ghouls. the head is base debris from kromlech. the right arm alone has zombie, flagellant, catachan, ghoul, ork and Great unclean one bits. I would run this guy as an Abherrant As you can probably tell this is heavily inspired by The Green Mechanicvm and as such I was considering putting it in the Iron Sleet Invitational II, but after reading it more, these aren't really your 'average humans'. plus I'll never get stuff written up by the end of the month as I'm getting married next week so I'm gonna be pretty busy Any suggestions for names or general feedback would be greatly appreciated P.S. can anyone tell me how to do the ae joined together thing, I can do it in microsoft word but it doesn't work on the forums
  13. I have been wanting a LR punisher for a while, but didn't want to buy the full kit. I had a used Vanquisher turret and purchased a Punisher cannon bit off eBay. Please see picture for detail. Step 1: Remove Vanquisher Cannon leaving enough to connect the punisher cannon. Try to get the cut as straight and flush as possible or your new cannon will be all wonky. Step 2: Remove connecting point on Punisher cannon (you could also bore out the remaining Vanquisher for the Punisher bit to fit, I didn't have a drill bit that was large enough handy. I feel this would have been better for stability) Step 3: Clean up the pieces then glue everything together. Step 4: Prime and paint. The entire process took me about 15 mins.
  14. Okay, so I have a dilemma. I'm working on a Primaris marine force, and I really want to include a librarian in my army. I really really love the official model from GW (which I would of course make a few modifications to), but I also am pretty good at conversions, so converting my own out of a standard primaris is also a possibility. What do you guys think?
  15. Hi guys, Following the recent tendancy toward Nurgle, I've dust off my old Death Guards and gave them a decent base. Here they are, painted back in 2006 and only really finished in 2017 ! Maybe some day I'll make a plasma champ to lead the squad, but that's all for the moment.
  16. After a couple comments and requests, I had my wife help me do a little tutorial on how I get some of my Nurgly gribbly greenstuff results. This is not the "correct way" or the "only way" to work with greenstuff, but its how I do it. I hope you can see the pics well enough. OK...so STEP 1: You need some gear. We got our 2 part epoxy putty (Green stuff), 2x magnifiers (because once you hit 45 everything goes to hell..... quick. But, seriously....they are handy) Universal solvant in a blessed receptical, i.e. water in a glass/cup. Last but not least, something to sculpt with. What you see is a cheap sculpting set. You can find them online or at hobby or craft stores. PLUS and even cheaper set: toothpicks cut at various angles. I used toothpicks almost exclusively for a while before I got a decent tool set. And a piece of acrylic. (its hard to see) I think I bought a $1 acrylic frame at a Dollar store and took the 2 pieces for sculpting on. Greenstuff (GS) won't stick to it if its wet. Not pictured is a set of tentacle rollers. You can also use a comb. Just remember, water is your friend. If you don't want the epoxy to stick to it, wet it. Including your fingers. STEP 2: Mixing the stuff. An even amount of blue and yellow, wet fingers and ..SQueeeeesh. Keep on sqishing it together until you get a uniform green and wet your fingers if it gets too sticky. Some folks like to use gloves, I like to be able to feel it. A small sausage on the tentacle roller. Since I'm not trying to make a uniform tentacle or power cord, I'm rolling it with my finger. A fine hair comb works just as good. Just remember the water. I roll it out to get some texture from the tentacle maker. Sometimes I just roll out a smooth sausage and twist it for the same effect. Then I roll up the tentacle sausage and I'm ready to slap it on the model. STEP 3: The sculpting begins...... I put my swirled sausage on there and pull down some anchor points to fix it in place on the model. At this point I'm kind of planning out in my head what I might want to do and where I want the "weight" of this application to be. I like to work in layers/pieces. Firstly, it keeps me from doing too much at once and ruining it with an errant fingerprint. It is also great to mix the epoxy in small batches. You can always mix more for this kind of detailing, rather than having a whole bunch left over. IF you DO have left overs, its always great to make thin sausages or roll them on a tentacle maker then hang them to dry. They can come in handy later, You can cut the thin rolls for rivets or bolts. Even rolling them into round balls can be useful later. A small container or sandwich bag is a great place to store these once they are dry. STEP:4 Details. Its all in the details. Showing how the toothpick works almost as good as the purpose built tools (if not better for some applications) I use the WET toothpick to round out some sections. Growing up on a farm and hunting,etc I have a pretty intimate knowledge of gross things and the innards of critters so I just round out things that look swollen or "intestinal" to me. References are SO easy to get these days thanks to thing like google. Go to google - images and search "intestines" and such. Also look over the new GW sculpts for Nurgly stuff, great inspiration there too. There are a great many folk that seem to slap GS on a model poke it a few times and call it Nurgly, but a few minutes doing reference search can really add a little "realism" to make it more convincing. Then I go into my bumpy rounded out areas and decide where I might want swollen pustules. You can carefully nudge out round shapes with the point of the tool, then smooth out the "pokey" looking parts. Not to pun, but its a very organic process. You want it to look natural, not like a bunch of poked GS. STEP 5: Pox I'm not sure where I found these things, but they are part of a syringe set (pictured above) But, the thing makes a nice round bulb. You can get brass tubes that can work for this, but the walls tend to be thicker. These make nice round spots. In the bottom two, I show how I push it in then pull out a drooping blob or the like. Great for yawning maw kind of thing. You can get a similar effect (without the round bulb) with a flattened toothpick of round edged tool by gently pulling down. STEP 6: I'm not sure what you call it, but it looks kinda cool These little bitz look a little tyranid like sometimes, but work on the deamonic and nurgly. When painting they look cool bleeding. ;) On a round roll, you take the side of a wet tool and make a slight trench. Then with the tip, poke a line of holes in there. I added a couple puss bulbs around it to kind of mesh in the edges. STEP 7: The last little bits I poked a few holes. The idea (and common on the GW sculpts) is a wound or broken spot int eh flesh. Gently, stick a pokey tool into the GS. You can go with a little hole, you can pull it a couple ways to make it look torn or gently draw out a shape. The last bit is doing a little circle. I do it first with small spots holes them connect them and smooth out the sides, to get that nice big pustule. The one note I would stress from what I've experienced is that with this kind of sculpting (as opposed to fire or fur, is to procede cautiously, carefully and with a wet/moist tool. You can always blow the water off, but it sucks when the stuff sticks to your tool after making the perfect round pustule or if you are sculpting a chin or the like. It this case its always easier to dig deeper or take more GS off than to put it back on. OH... and a wet finger is a great way to smooth GS edges or over places you might be filling. STEP 8: The results This is what I ended up with. I'll be adding more sections after this one dries. Eventually this whole thing will be much more Nurgly. One take away for large sculpting projects. : Don't try to do it all at once. Do it in sections. Do one, let it cure. then the next. I hope this little tutorial has been of some use to you.
  17. Greetings brothers. I have always been a fan of the Iron Hands original fluf, dating back to the ancient days of 3rd edition 40k when the Iron Hands first had their Index Astartes in WD 261. With the release of 7th edition I started building up my own Iron Hands force. But due to a variety of issues I was never really able to finish them. But with the release of 8th edition, I have newfound motivation to finally finish up this army I have been messing around with. I have not been one for painting; probably have not touched a brush in a decade. My true love is conversions, honestly. Sadly my entire force of Iron Hands is bare and unpainted, but I do plan on ending my painting drought soon. Once I get my mini's based up I can begin undercoating them and then painting them in earnest. But anyways, on with the pictures: Apothecary Librarian Primaris Hellblasters. I know I shared these already but I am including them for completion sake. Venerable Dreadnought Ironclad Dreadnought. A friend gave me Furioso Dreadnought and I wasted no time in making it Iron Hands appropriate. Centurions. If you were like me (and most of the community at the time of their release) I hated the derp fists and chest missiles that the vanilla Centurions had. So I converted them to be more like mini-dreadnoughts, with the fluff reasoning that the marines inside these armored suits are permanently hard-wired into them to further embrace the Machine. Still very much a WIP as I figure out what I want to do with their necks and add more cabling and struts around the arms. The arms are made from styrene tubes that I pinned and glued into place. Typhon Heavy Siege Tank. Sadly does not have the giant 7" blast it used to, but 2d6 hits at Str 10 AP -5 D 3 is nothing to sneeze at. And I still have these sitting on my shelf: Still in the process of updating shoulderpads, chapter icons, and base sizes for most of the infantry models there. Thinking on getting some magnets and converting the Vindicator to a Deimos Laser Destroyer. I also have a Las pred and a Land Raider in the works, and as well as my Clanlord. I put my original conversion idea for him on hold until I get a copy of the new Space Marine Codex in my hand. Which I preordered today. Anyways, comments and criticisms welcome!
  18. Hey everyone! Back when I first read The Talon of Horus I was pretty keen to have a go at converting up some of the characters from the book, but other things (30k) got in the way and took up all of my hobby time... Now, with the recent release of the Black Legion excerpt, I've again started thinking about trying my hand at converting up some of my favourite characters from The Talon of Horus. I'm most keen to start on Khayon, Telemachon, and Nefertari, but I'm open to suggestion for other characters too. So, I'm looking for some ideas regarding which bits/models would be good to build and base these characters on. I'd love to hear all of your ideas and suggestions. I'll be using these pictures as reference, at least in regards to the aesthetic of the models. Obviously the posing will probably be quite different and I'm also open to suggestions that don't conform to the art in the pictures. These pictures should be considered as starting points rather than hard and fast rulings. http://i1122.photobucket.com/albums/l522/kizzdougs/Iskandar%20Khayon_zps6twhkdbz.jpg http://i1122.photobucket.com/albums/l522/kizzdougs/Telemachron20Lyras_zpsarlbvmmf.jpg http://i1122.photobucket.com/albums/l522/kizzdougs/Lheorvine_zpsnmjvwrk2.jpg I couldn't find any 'official' art for Nefertari, so I'd love to hear some suggestions for her Thanks for looking
  19. heya guys, i have not used a C'Tan in years.... i want to get the Eidolon model from the idoneth deepkin faction from AoS (in case anyone doesn't know it) now i can convert him into either the nightbringer or the deceiver ?... which one will get more play overall or which is the most useful... OR do i make a necron C'tan that would knida be able to be used as either (in friendly games) cheers ,Mithril p.s. here's the guy if you haven't seen him...
  20. So in order to keep my Wardens of Light - Thread clean, I decided to open a thread with all my other stuff I am working on ( making only bling bling is a little bit dull) So here I start with Raktra, Lost Primarch of the Berserkers of Uran, XIth Legion ("there is only one true XIth you heretic and they are called Wardens of Light!!!" "Shaddap, they are cool so they can claim the title for the moment , besides this is more for promoting the Botl. They need more love" "Botl??" "Brotherhood of the Lost" "Never heard if them..." *ghasp* " Whaaaaaat?? That is that awesome alternate heresy project on this board" "Ahhh, you mean the Dornian Heresy, yes, really cool stuff" "Gnah!!! Not the Dornian Heresy, albeit their stuff is really cool, no I mean that project on the special projects board, which gathered most of the lost legion projects and created a whole new universe, with 18 new legions!!!" "What? Really!!! That sounds great!!! Must head over to the special projects section then. So you show here exclusively minis from there? "What? Nonono. Here i show you Stuff from all over w40k I am working on. And actual I work on Raktra and Kozja and later in the Ang..." "Wait...did...you say....the..." "Don't spoil the fun!!! Be quiet and wait. When it is done I show it. Or at least if I start working on it." And now shaddap so that I can show the WiP Raktra") So after this is cleared, the first WiP on this hopefully long lasting series. http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2016/7/1/810743-.jpghttp://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2016/7/1/810744-.jpg gave him for testreasons the shoulder pads of kozja to get a feeling for the bulk.) http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2016/7/1/810824-.jpg http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2016/7/1/810823-.jpg http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2016/7/1/810822-.jpg
  21. This is a random WIP, but I decided to create something a bit Blanche-y for 40k/INQ28/SW:A from the Darkoath Chieftan model from Silver Tower. I've only really just started on him, but I'm loving the direction of travel so far. Without further ado: I'll get some more pics soon so you can see the backpack I've built and also the bits of GS work I've been doing on him to make him feel a bit more 40k / Blanche-y. Any and all suggestions to improve would be much appreciated! WotF
  22. The revolution will be magnetized. Buckle in for a very pic heavy tute on getting the 100% correct representation of both weapons. Of course, the amount of time this took might make an eBay purchase seem worth it. I've used three different sizes of magnets on this, plus some magnetic strips (they come with a sticky back, purchased at Wal-Mart for very cheap, and are not terribly strong). Unfortunately, I don't know the actual size of the magnets as they've been collected over time and as gifts. Let's start with a look around where the magnets have been placed in the main gun body. First up, take a look at this weird black thing where the ammo bits attach. That's a piece of low-strength magnet strip that I got at, of all places, Wal-Mart. It's basically magnetized sheet plastic. It's super easy to cut to shape and it's dirt cheap. I could have used little rare earth magnets here, but honestly the pieces stay on with just the tension of the plastic because the bits are so well cut. I love this kit. Anyway, this is just a base that's been cut to fit so it works for both of the ammo bits. The white around it is ghosting from superglue fumes. Flipping it around, you can see the small magnet I sunk into the area where the heavy stubber ammo and body will attach. I'll cover the gap with some liquid green stuff later. Since the main body is not (and will never be) glued, you don't have to worry about getting this step in early or missing it. You can also see the magnet housing on the front of the gun. Speaking of which: Here's the front, where the main weapon barrels will attach. I've built this out of bit of sprue that has the cylinder of extra plastic sticking up. It's nice to be able to sink the magnet into something so the superglue has more to attach to, and prevent it popping out. You can also see a bit of sprue that I've jammed on one side just to give the plastic center sprue to glue to. This is only glued on ONE SIDE of the main gun body. The part touching the left is not glued, as you need to be able to take the main body of the weapon apart. Now flip it to the back. And here's the back. There's a cap that fits over this (the one with the AdMech cog) and this is really important. The only thing holding the two halves of the main gun body together are this cap, and the barrels on the front. These magnets have to be pretty strong to give you a sturdy base. I'll show another angle of this in a little while, as there's a little plastic spacer under it as well. Now that we've taken a tour around it, let's take a look at the bits. Here's the back cap I was just talking about. You can see I've simply glued a piece of T-shaped sprue down here to give it the right length. Here you can see the two halves joined. They are literally touching. Note the tiny bit of sprue spacer under the one attached to the main gun body. I just kept filing it down little by little til it allowed them to just touch and glued it in place. Also note the bit of sprue by my finger, with another magnet sunk into it. This is where the tubes for the ammo bits will snap into place. Here's another angle of the spacer for the back cap and the magnet on the bottom. Okay, let's look at putting together the melta bits, piece by piece. First things first, you have to open the body up and pop the fuel manifold inside it. You can see now that one of the hoses has a magnet in it, which snaps quite nicely in place with the one in bottom of the gun. This will not be visible in the final build as it's recessed. This is the back of the melta fuel cans. You can see more of the black magnet strip. Behind this are a couple pieces of sprue glued together and trimmed down so this fits nice and flush with the one on the body. Also, note the bits of sprue that are glued on the bottom. Those are staging the housing for a small magnet on the other side to nest in there. Flip that bit over and this is what you see. The other side of the cans. Now you can see the little magnet in there. This bit was a little fiddly, and I'll have to do a spot of green stuff around it as some detail was lost in the drilling. Now simply pop fuel cans on and attach the end of the tube, which also has a magnet on it, into place. I had to rebuild half the tip of this hose out of GS again, as the plastic was split 50/50 with the can bit and I had to cut away the other half to drill out the magnet hole. You'll see what I mean when you look at the plastic part. Now here comes the business end. This is the inside of the melta barrels. As you can see, I used yet more sprue bits and dropped them into the barrels themselves to build up the space for the magnet to attach to. There are three spans in there, and then I drilled just a shallow hole and mounted the magnet there. The back of the sprue bits are resting on a cross beam between the barrels, so it's quite sturdy. Pop the back cap on, and the barrel, and you're done. There are magnets on the tips of both hoses, the cap and barrel, and the strips on the body and the cans. It's sturdy as heck. I can shake it around and it stays together. Now for the cannon. Back of the ammo can. Once again, a strip of the black magnet, supported by sprue bits behind for spacing, and superglued in place plus a small magnet sunk into the tip of the tube. Attached to the body so you can see how the magnets in the tubes match up, this time from the front of the gun istead of the back. And from the front. Tight fit. Notice how the back of the gun is empty, to allow for the recoil mechanism and breach to operate (in my imagination). Again, this is the step I've seen people are skipping but I think it makes the cannon very distinctive when fully assembled. If I didn't care about this hollow chamber, this tutorial wouldn't exist because the rest of the job would be SO much easier. Turn it over and get your heavy stubber bit ready. This one has a very small magnet, and another VERY small spacer made out of scrap sprue that was filed into shape and glued down. I used a pencil to mark the right spot on the gun body so these would match up. NOTE: I thought at first that I'd be able to simply glue the back of the gun to the front plate of the cannon. It looks like it fits and would be super easy if it worked. YOU CANNOT DO THIS and keep it intact when you take the barrel and plate off. There is molding on this stubber bit that fits right around detailing on the gun body, so you can't slip the half of the gun straight back if this is glued in place. If you try to twist it sideways, it puts too much sideways stress on the back of the heavy stubber. I had it glued in place at first but I noticed the problem before the glue dried. Glad I didn't have to cut it. Now pop it on the gun body. It fits around some molding so it slides into the correct position and it's held in place with the magnet. Just need the barrel now. Here's the inside of the cannon, showing the magnet. I had to cut this little sprue bit down just right. It's got a lip on it, so it sits down into the barrel about halfway but is seated on the rim there. This allowed the glue more surface area and added stability. Slap the magnet on there (just glued right to the surface this time) and she's ready to rock. Pop that on the front. And that's it! Notice the empty rear chamber. The two guns really do look distinctive. And from the back. Again, it's really pretty sturdy. In this build, there are magnets in the barrel and cap, on the stubber and body, on the ammo can power tube and body, and then the black strips on the body and ammo can itself. Again, since most of these pieces hold together pretty well even without the magnets, this is all very flush and pretty tough to budge or mess up. Note how the stubber looks nice, like it's built right into and through the shield plate. I've seen a fair few builds that didn't even have the back of the stubber. For shame… So, that's that. A lot of work, but I think it's worth it. The thing is all sprue bits and too much glue, but better safe than sorry. As always when working with magnets, be careful to get the polarity right BEFORE you glue it. Also, since most of your tools are probably metal, keep some toothpicks (cocktail sticks) or plastic tweezers around to fudge with the position of magnets while the glue sets. If they flip up and attach to your tweezers, take the time to check the polarity again. It's not a fun mistake to discover. Also, there were many times where I could have fudged the spacing. Magnets this strong work pretty well even when they're not actually touching, but as the main gun body wasn't glued or even magnetized, the ones on the back cap and front of the gun had to be as strong as I could make them. I spent a lot of time cutting, filing and glueing the sprue spacers to get them just right. I also spent quite a bit of time with the drill to get the magnets sunken in the way I like. I usually like to leave them sticking out just a tiny bit, but most people like them flush. I'm sure if you're reading this you have your own preference. As long as they're invisible once it's painted, you're fine. Hit me up with any questions you have.
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