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So where do you buy your BFG?

Grey Mage

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What it says on the tin.


Browsing around the interwebs its seems like many are willing to part with their fleets for a reasonable price, on the other hand you can get them straight from GW.... and amazon has still in print models for 150 or even 400 dollars a box!


So do you just sit on your bridge and laugh, because you have all the fleet power youd ever want? Do you order direct? Have you found any other suppliers? As I try to bring more people into the game, I ponder on where to send them.


Please, no links to ebay auctions. Just discussion about how to find some more of a beloved specialist game.

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I always pick mine up from ebay. Chaos fleets seem to go very cheaply on there. I've picked up 8 cruisers before at roughly $40 (Was £20 including P&P) Blackstone fortresses were £5 ($12?) a piece 6 months ago, so I bought 3 (4 actually but one got lost in the warp)


Imperial ships seem to go for a bit more but not much, even the necron stuff is relatively well priced.

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my imperial fleet is about 50/50 gw and ebay, my chaos fleet is 75 ebay and 25 gw

regarding the search for other suppliers, its such a niche product, being a specialist game means not a lot of places will stock it, even gw doesnt sell it in their stores.

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When I am browsing for deals or something new, I trawl through ebay for ships.


When I need something right now (like a week or two before last year's Adepticon), I order from GW.


I simply haven't found other decent suppliers of sorts. What I find interesting is that the price of basic cruisers of most races has gone up, but heavy stuff like battleships have stayed the same over time. 

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Yeah, its kinda weird that the xenos cruisers have gone up about 50%.... and since Im making demo fleets for three races I dont own, thats kind of a pain at the moment....


Atleast imperial/chaos cruisers are still a good buy. I feel bad for ork players.


As well as ebay Ive been looking through bartertown and a couple of small independents who have left over stock from the old days when GW let anyone sell specialist games. I was hoping that maybe someone had one of those independents I hadnt ran across- a gem waiting to be found.

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GW is starting to eliminate Specialist Games altogether, and Battlefleet Gothic seems to be first on the list. They are gone for good and won't be replaced as stocks run out.



Last chance to buy whatever you want from GW specialist games ranges, better be in quick. This is a list of what's no longer available for BFG as of this moment (in the US):


Chaos Fleet:
Despoiler Battleship: NLA
Desolator Battleship: NLA
Repuslive Grand Cruiser: 1-2 weeks (probably soon to be NLA)

Possessed Chaos Cruisers: NLA



Dark Eldar:
Dark Eldar Cruisers: Not even pictured anymore


Void Stalker: NLA
Shadow Cruiser: NLA
Hellbore Frigates: NLA



Imp Navy:
Shark Assault Boats: NLA


Scythe Cruisers: NLA
Dirge Escorts: NLA
Jackal Escorts: 1-2 week delay



Completely Intact (For Now)


Space Marines:
Gladius Frigate: NLA



Completely Intact (For Now):


Completely Intact:



Space Station: NLA
Rogue Trader Cruiser: NLA

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