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Today in the hobby I....


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I miss those Styrofoam trays! I made Ork trukks out of them! Until they fell apart.


Any way, tith.......


I read over a local tournament's rules and worked on my army that I'm planning. * rubs hands together*


Weren't they great? One was from a metal dread and the other was metal LoTD I think. I have no idea how they survived while the minis didn't. :D 

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Ordered some actual CD audiobooks for the Raven Guard, since BL is doing free shipping this weekend. It's cheaper to get physical CDs than digital copies... Go figure. Now, if I can figure out an easy way to import the tracks into iTunes without a physical drive on my laptop... ;) 

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TITHI.....received reinforcements for my Space Wolves force.....took some pictures on my phone.....tried to resize them....messed it up.....dropped my phone and smashed the screen so now I can't upload better pics... then realised I can't buy new model stuff because I need to buy a new phone

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I dunno, Tee, Rossnic does a spawn in a year without even picking up a paintbrush and you need four years to make three with full tools? :tongue.:

Welllll it wasn't the only thing I have been working on, and one of the bases (along with the feet which had snapped off) was lost in my room for a few years, so that slowed down the last guy. The main reasons it took so long is that I was afraid of sculpting for a long time and I was doing a lot of other stuff too.


also, Rossnic?

Edited by Teetengee
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Finally ordered a Land Raider Crusader and a collectible mug and tin with a gift voucher my fiancé got me. She's so sweet. Plus, she even researched enough to know that would net me an entry in the contest they've got going on! 


She may not play Warhammer with me, but at least she's good about knowing what I'm looking for. :D 

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I asked in two seperate areas, for the second time, on alternative methods of modelling the Freddy Kreuger nurgle lord as riding a bike with a powerfist and lightning claw looks awkward.


It's the reason why I have a lot of unfinished models and completely irrelevant purchases piling up.

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