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Yes, I could see that working, I had actually considered doing something similar on my Tartaros terminators, but 1: My sculpting skills are beyond hopeless and 2, scared to ruin a perfectly good model.


For example, put something like this:

SAM 2490

Onto the Back of his fist.... Do-able??

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@Miko It was a game with most of the rules in play. We didn't play any particular mission but used victory points and lists were tailored to be versatile but quite balanced. No powercreep.


Sisters won by the end of turn 6 with canoness and one superior remaining by wiping out my remaining forces in melee. ~2H game =)

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Tested out a list for a modified Highlander tournament last night. My counter-meta list was countered by a deathstar of Endranced Thunderwolves boosted by Sevrin Loth. So I am back to the drawing board with my count-as noisemarines. 

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Tested out a list for a modified Highlander tournament last night. My counter-meta list was countered by a deathstar of Endranced Thunderwolves boosted by Sevrin Loth. So I am back to the drawing board with my count-as noisemarines. 

So your counter-meta list was countered by a unit countering your counter-meta countering?

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I finished building my speeder...ready for paint now.

and wrapped up and magnetized my first assault squad, also ready for paint now...  used half of my magnets on the Sgt alone...why does he have so many options!

couldnt find a good way to make the flamers an option though so I think they will just get slung on the models when they use them..

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I finished building my speeder...ready for paint now.

and wrapped up and magnetized my first assault squad, also ready for paint now...  used half of my magnets on the Sgt alone...why does he have so many options!

couldnt find a good way to make the flamers an option though so I think they will just get slung on the models when they use them..


One thing I've started doing to help with this is to only magnetize the one option I actually expect to use right away. Then, later, if I play some games and change my mind I can always go paint up a new weapon or arm or whatever as needed. I just did a full vanguard squad, and I magnetized more than I needed to but that was a LOT of magnets even doing just a couple options for most of them. Posing can be a challenge, but it's a fun one for me. 

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TITH finished painting a 10 man squad of Pathfinders as gift for a friend.  Then to hopefully begin cleansing myself from Xenos sin I went over to my FLGS and bought a drop pod and one of the old tac boxes.  My Aunt also has a Sternguard box for me in the mail so some more Templars are in the works.

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I finally picked up 3 packs of 32mm bases at my local game shop. They've been out of stock on GW for ages, but I finally got the bright idea to call my shop. :P He just got them in. So, that'll be my 10 Vanguard I'm working on now, and then I have to decide if I'm going to start tugging my current guys off theirs or just sitting on these for a while. I'd like to at least do my other 10-man assault squad, since they tend to tip over. It's worth pointing out once again; they are significantly larger! A few mm goes a long way. 

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I need to focus on one thing at a time... Speeder, assault squad, asmodai, watcher, all primed... Started conversion of AoBR dread... Maybe I'll start a WIP post like all you pros

One of us, one of us, one of us...


All of us, all of us, all of us...



I'm such a bad influence. :tongue.:

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TDITH, well yesterday, I was basing my first ever vehicle, a Helbrute, and spilt the glue. I was using a thin glue for the base and must have both not secured the lid tightly, and knocked the bottle over onto the base as I left for work.


I came back to a ruined base and an unhealthily smelling house. I had to open up windows and doors for a few hours with outside temperatures just above freezing. The Mrs was unimpressed. The Helbrute spent the night outside. Bad Helbrute.

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...lost several hours of my life after what was supposed to be a simple internet search for basing techniques for my centurions escalated into a full blown pinning bonanza.


Emperor damn you pinterest! 

Edited by The_Chaplain
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I did a nice little sort of a box of Imperial Guard to salvage ten Grey Knights and a Vindicare Assassin - happy! Lots of tidying too...


I thought I'd lost a Dreadknight, but I managed to find it in another box - huzzah! 

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