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Today in the hobby I....


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I finished construction of my AoBR to Venerable Dreadnought conversion, with the exception of the scratchbuilt assault cannon(waiting on some plastic :( 

finished painting librarian turmiel from DV(only a year after starting him)

opened my goodie bitz from eBay

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I applied the wash on a Castellax. Then  I realized I was being late to work and started running.


Done that more than a few times. "Oh, it won't take long to glue that bit and base coat the flamer guy. I'll just do it quick before I head out..."

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The day before yesterday in the hobby, I became a filthy heretic and bought myself most of the new Harlequin stuff.


However, yesterday in the hobby, I redeemed myself by assembling three Tactical Marines for my Genesis Chapter (future) army and by partially assembling a Dreadnoiught for the same project.

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I applied the wash on a Castellax. Then  I realized I was being late to work and started running.


Done that more than a few times. "Oh, it won't take long to glue that bit and base coat the flamer guy. I'll just do it quick before I head out..."


I used to paint before heading out years ago, when I was in the University, while making the coffee, but maybe I was better organized back then, for I've always been in time at my lessons.

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Today in the hobby, I am at Warhammer World and have bought my contribution to Brother Argos' army and a demi squad of Mark IV Marines a bolter pack and an Eddy :wub:
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So basically Dragonlover and Aqui are in WHW at the same time and have no idea :laugh.:


If it hadn't been a whistle stop visit, I'd have totally told folks I was gonna be there. had to go see the grandparents so figured I'd take the opportunity.



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