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Today in the hobby I....


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Today I determined I am forever cursed to spill every wash pot I buy. I have yet to not do so.


Well, of course! Since wash is so thin, it's the prime candidate for tipping over. Ever ONCE in your life tipped over a pot of dry paint? How about a texture paint? Liquid Green Stuff? EVER ONCE IN YOUR ENTIRE LIFE?

Didn't think so.

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Well as usual it was bright, sunny and the air was rather dry at 9 am this morning so I've just been clear coating my Black Templar models.  Didn't pay much mind to the "chance of rain" since there wasn't a single cloud though it was a bit windy as usual (where I live has the largest concentration of wind turbines in the world).


Well about 2:50 I only have 1 drop pod outside as everything else has been moved in and I spray it.  Fast forward 10 minutes and suddenly it's rather grey all of a sudden and it goes from me covering my pod with my body as I move the whole sodding table from the few raindrops coming down to torrential in ~3 minutes.  And now it has cleared up again.  Freakin California weather.



Edit:  Also the post man delivered another drop pod and a Razorback for me.  Now just waiting on some bitz I ordered so I can complete my Sternguard.  I'm considering making a dreadnought of some type my next expansion.

Edited by Phantomzero17
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Tith I finally ordered a copy of Imperial Armour Volume Two. And a few other book because they were in a bundle for a discounted price... it did take all my willpower not to toss a contemptor in there too.
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You're the second person to use the gif in response to something I said today. The first time was when I was musing over how Recon marines shouldn't have the Support Squad rule if they're Raven Guard since each marine is cross-trained to function in a Recon and Tactical squad.

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TITHI successfully(ish) magnetised three of the Brass Scorpions legs! I say ish as I'm pretty sure that due to gammy angles one of the magnets is in fact doing nothing of use, but it's in there.



Edited by Dragonlover
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Today I am staying up way, way too late to work on the last bits of a tournament army.


six truescale marines

1 cycotroke conversion beamer

1 Scratch-built relic sicaran


It's 1:35am, and I think I've drastically cut into my sleep time for tomorrow's tournament. :( 


Wish me luck.

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Today in the Hobby, I painted the first member of my new Dark Angels army, a Deathwing Terminator.  His other 4 squadmates are basecoated and washed with Soft Tone, awaiting completion.


I also traded in a bunch of old minis, books and games at my local store and got the Dark Angels expansion box for a mere $20 because of it.

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