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Today in the hobby I....


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...was diagnosed with Carpal Tunnel.  As bad as that diagnosis is, I'm glad it wasn't something worse.


I'm determined to not let it stop me from hobbying and posting here on the B&C, and looking for a silver lining in all this-- at least I have a medical excuse for getting an airbrush to paint now, haha. 

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Today I determined I am forever cursed to spill every wash pot I buy. I have yet to not do so.


Cover the table with a plastic sheet, and don't put the pot on a paper towel. If you spill any wash, you can still use it, if you act before it has a time to dry up.

Saved most of a spilled wash that way.

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Today I determined I am forever cursed to spill every wash pot I buy. I have yet to not do so.


Actually looks kinda cool in the center. Like...butterscotch slag.

Today I looked wearily at my 10 Neophytes in progress. Damn me for painting their heads first, 'cause now they glare right back.

God I hate painting pants!!! :furious:

Hopefully there will be a follow up post later today proclaiming victory against the khaki nightmare I am soon to square off against.

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Over the weekend I found an excellent local model railway shop, but that stocks tonnes of scenery and scratchbuilding materials. So I've bought some more milliput, styrene tube and some Microsol / Microset.


Today: Made some progress on painting the Deathwing squad from my Dark Vengeance box. Trying to develop a faster painting style that will enable me to actually get a force playable this year. (I haven't played a game since 1999! - 2nd Edition). I'll be putting some photos up in the WIP section soon.


I also spent rather too long messing about with a side project - a Space Marine strike-cruiser built in Minecraft:



And here's me in DA Power Armour (I'm working on Space Marine mod for Minecraft:) ):



More to come soon! (Trying to do atleast 30 mins hobbying a day).

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I also spent rather too long messing about with a side project - a Space Marine strike-cruiser built in Minecraft:


 (I'm working on Space Marine mod for Minecraft:)


When you are finished with it, I might have to fire up Minecraft again!

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YITHI lost a game to a unit of Lychguard.


A 1000 point army. Not a very good 1000 point army. But still, a whole army. Defeated by a unit of seven sword-and-board Lychguard led by Orikan.


I am in shame.

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If it helps, in my win I killed two Terminators and a Deathwing Knight with Cultists. That's shame right there.


How the hell did you lose to that though? Did they keep reflecting the shots back?



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No, but a unit of S5/T5 models with 2 attacks, power swords, a 3++ invulnerable and a 4+ feel no pain save managed to get a charge off against my Repentia. The Repentia were fine for a turn (6++ rerollable with 3+ feel no pain), but once Spirit of the Martyr wore off and the priest was dead, they were in trouble... unfortunately, hey were also the only unit I really had that could hurt the Lychguard, so I had to throw my assault-focussed command squad in there as well, and back them up with a battle sister squad to keep the numbers up. That was half my army right there. Turns out that a mere 15 S3 power sword attacks, 20 S3 CCW attacks and 8 S6 eviscerator attacks aren't enough put down a Lychguard. Once Orikan went up to I4 with 4 S7 AP2 attacks, it was pretty much curtains. The fight was somewhat balanced until then - I couldn't put any wounds on her models that she didn't save or repair, but she was struggling to get through my rerollable 4++/5+ FnP (once the command squad was involved) either.


Once the priests were dead, though... it all fell apart.

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...went and started to build more of the Orks I picked up for Christmas and trying to restrain the temptation to build more of the War Wyrms rather than undercoating and then assembling like I decided to in the first place. May as well spend time sorting out the greenskins for the latest codex since it's all been marine fever lately.


And decided to sort out my HH book collection. Everything must be in order of release!

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Assembled and undercoated the first models I've done in 10 years, and introduced my son to modeling


That sounds like an awesome journey in the making. How old's your boy? My 8-year old daughter is interested but not hooked. 

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Assembled and undercoated the first models I've done in 10 years, and introduced my son to modeling

awesome pinball. Can't wait until my son is old enough...he will be 1 year old in two weeks so it'll be awhile. :(  my 9 y/o stepdaughter however wanted some dark eldar(look elves!) to paint...so I put them together for her..and she base coated them, thats about it >.>

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TITH I have my painting station in my kitchen next to my slow cooker. It's cold and Texas, so I got chili cooking. It smells so good. A few hours of painting terminator arms and I am ready to eat my own arm.
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Assembled and undercoated the first models I've done in 10 years, and introduced my son to modeling

That sounds like an awesome journey in the making. How old's your boy? My 8-year old daughter is interested but not hooked.

Offer her red cordial and red bull that should get her hooked.....


Or maybe just hooked on sugar

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Assembled and undercoated the first models I've done in 10 years, and introduced my son to modeling

That sounds like an awesome journey in the making. How old's your boy? My 8-year old daughter is interested but not hooked.

Yeah he's 8 as well and he loves it, the wife says I'm getting nowhere near our hopefully a daughter lol (find out tomorrow).

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Today in the hobby, reinforcements arrived!  Another DA Tactical squad, a trio of Ravenwing bikes and a Librarian.  I plan to convert a Librarian and a Chaplain to ride on two of the bikes.


Also, I kitbashed and magnetized a plastic DW Knight into Grand Master Belial, and finished painting one of my DW Terminators.  Got a lot done on my day off!

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Assembled and undercoated the first models I've done in 10 years, and introduced my son to modeling

awesome pinball. Can't wait until my son is old enough...he will be 1 year old in two weeks so it'll be awhile. :( my 9 y/o stepdaughter however wanted some dark eldar(look elves!) to paint...so I put them together for her..and she base coated them, thats about it >.>

Cool yeah its great having that time with your kids, today I built up some Orks for my son and sprayed them for him to paint

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