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today I paid for my eBay cart... another termie squad, tac squad, rest of the bits to make DWKs, some more Horus Heresy books(im a junkie now..must....know...everything!)

and continued work on the scratchbuilt autocannon for my AoBR venerable dread conversion...its now more...."Assaulty"!

Today I opened the box from china with one of the poorest FW re-casts I have ever seen. Broken fingers, warped arm, and a lot of holes. Sad day indeed.


I countered it by beginning the work on the endless sea of TDAWG I have to finish.


End of Line

Today in the hobby, I received my light box in the mail!  Hopefully now I will be able to take better quality photos of my work (though I almost wish I'd gotten one smaller than a 16" cube!)

I also continued work on my Grand Master Belial conversion and I picked up another box of Deathwing Terminators to make a command squad for him.

Today in the hobby, I knocked over an entire pot of Ulthuan Grey onto my painting table (I'd just bought the jar on Friday).  I think I was able to save much of it (I just hope it didn't get any grit or debris from the tabletop) and the plus side is, now my work area is cleaner than it has been in months!

TITH I heard about the Khorne release thing (well the other day) and concluded to hold off on any of my plans for modeling until I sort out this mess.


Which also basically says I don't really care any more and could sell all of the stuff I had or melt it to slag.

Worked out what models I've got for my old marine army to repaint as Crimson Watchers. Turns out to be Tactical Marine central, and I'm now building the rest of one of my Grey Hunter squads for the War Wyrms.


Much joy was had when I found my chaos bitzbox and discovered CHS true-scale, Ork, marine and some FW bits and bobs inside it as well. Nearly makes up for losing my actual space marine bitzbox. :dry.:



Edited by Viridia

After playing another game for the past few months i'm getting back into 40k modelling. Found a good primer spray for metal miniatures so I'm diving into my Adepta Sororitas force.


Hopefully if I get my ass in gear I'll even maybe play a 40k game for once.

YITH I managed to get to my local game store, an act that takes a stellar alignment of family and work responsibilities that can only occur about once a month. They were out of scatter dice, my objective for the trip, but I didn't leave empty handed. Never that.

YITH/TITH went to the local store and bought two paints and an anti-shine matt varnish spray. Put some SoBs in simple green to get as much of the old flaking primer off. Will spray the new better primer on them hopefully tonight. Started painting my SoB troop squads.

Painted pretty much the entirety of a Ven Dread, another TacMarine and started painting company colours on the few TacMarines I've already done. Started work on the DV Helbrute and Chosen; turns out there is such a thing as too much detail, though I'm enjoying the wide-open spaces on the Helbrute and Dread.

Edited by Viridia

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