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Yesterday in the hobby...


I participated in a competitive 1500 point tourney with my Imperial Guard. Suffered two embarrassing losses and one tight win. First loss was against IG with a ton of armor to my infantry heavy force. Second loss was against Raven Wing. That player went on to take the overall championship. I did manage to take down his Knight Titan with a single veterans squad in close combat! Thanks meltabombs! The third battle was against a jetbike heavy eldar force. Managed to eek out a single victory point margin of victory. I got a forge world Davinite Lodge Priest as a consolation prize.


Also, got my forge world order of three despoiler squads, a character conversion set, two Imperial Fists brass etch sets, and some IF and SM transfers! My Eighth Company of Imperial Fists are now expecting a large infusion of reinforcements!

Nearly completed two more battle sisters and reorganised my cases so that I have (very nearly) all my (non-Temrinator) marines together for the first time. Lugging it around will be a pain, but it will dispel all the "I brought the wrong case, sigh" issues...

TITH I read Xwingt65' post and caught the part about the 1/4000 Macross and thought "I want to see that!". lol :)


Today in the hobby I discovered that my Chaos Bikers are in fact on Chaos Bikes, as opposed to Imperial ones, so the conversion I want to do won't work because I need the mudguards to sculpt on. Bugger. That's some more hobby money I've gotta find.



Today in the hobby I finally got off my butt and built a SM Rhino/Razorback and glued some SM chest pieces together.     Wish I had some Forge World Ultra Marine doors for it.    Onbe of these days I will finish my SM command squad and then I can paint more stuff for the 4th Ultra Marine company figures I have on a shelf.      That would give me two UM companies of the 4 I plan on building and painting.   :smile.:  :FA: :Troops: :HQ: :Elite: :HS:

Yesterday I played a 3 way game with my templars against Nids and Tau.  I lost because I didn't capture any objectives, but because of my LRC and bringing squads in drop pods I had a swell time charging everything in sight.  One 10/4 crusade squad w/ Chaplain charged 10 pathfinders, then a Stealth Squad, turned around charged some gaunts,  then charged the Tervigon, and on the final turn they charged a Hammerhead.  I lost 2 Neophytes.  Praise the Emprah for Feel no Pain and Acebaur for my Templar dice that seem to give me 6's whenever I need them most.

Today in the hobby. I received my GW order....Lysander, DA upgrade sprue and a Brother Bethor :smile.:


Cookie for the person to spot whats wrong :smile.:



Edited by Brother Arkley


Two body sprues, no arms?




Maybe between the two of them you can piece together a single body that doesn't have a bunch of miscasts and air bubbles. 



Suprisingly Jeff both were very good quality, only issue is one side of the cloak on one is a little thin but nothing bad, my Brother Bethor was mint too... Now I feel dirty never thought i would say that about Finecast :)

I was just teasing anyway. I've only bought I think one thing in Finecast and it was pretty rough, but I hear they got much better. I just prefer plastic when I can help it and I had my HQs pretty well sorted during the brief reign of Finecast. 

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