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TITHI....get closer to receiving my next batch of reinforcements ready in time for my next game. 


I don't get to play much, but this will be the first time I have ever played with a completely painted army.  Can't wait!

TITHI primed 4 rhinos, a vengeance weapon battery base, a firestorm redoubt, and a half dozen or so marines. I also built from the Devastator box a multimelta marine, 2 lascannon marines, and 2 heavy bolter marines. And ran out of spray with 3 marines left to go


Edited by marvmoogy

The only Finecast I was unhappy with was the Dark Eldar Archon and that was the dreaded 0000000 batch that was rushed by marketing as part of the Finecast is here initial release.  Half of the head I wanted was horribly miscast, but the replacement came in perfect condition and only in a few days.  Since then all the Finecast I've gotten has been fine.  Sure some parts are warped, like the Terminator Librarian's force staff, but some scalding hot water and a minute later, problem solved.  Frankly I like working with the resin for many projects, but I also have a desire to see all my Daemons remain all metal because just how many all metal armies do you see (I am seriously contemplating switching to metal bases and if Fantasy rumors of a switch to round bases are true, I just might). 

TITHI....realised that I'm less than a week (postal service permitting) away from my next batch of reinforcements!  This time, the wolves get some air support, and some other goodies!  I'll post pics when they arrive! :-) 


I also realised that this army will be "finished" in a couple of months......so I started to look at how I can unfinish it by adding in a lot more :-) 

Tith I have been daydreaming in the car ride over to the airport about the hobby purchases I'm going to make with some of the money we received at my wedding today.

Congrats on the wedding. I'm surprised the wife let you near a phone\ computer on your wedding day.

Built a few Chaos Marines. I've only got another six or so to build for the two squads I've sorted out, but another needs paint-stripping. Then I've got to go through my old Imperator's Gladii army, see what's to be salvaged, then figure out what I'm doing with the twenty or so spare bodies (legs and torsos) I've found for the bitzbox.

Did more painting. Picked up an Immolator, Sister with Multi-Melta, and Sister with Simulacrum Imperialis today. Also picked up a layer paint for the armor.


Tomorrow I'm heading back to get a box of With Hunter Inquisitor With Retinue and another paint.

TITH, kids in the shop for 40K, much discussion about Daemonkin abounded. Turns out I cheated in about three different ways in my game last night (by accident, I hasten to add). Didn't help, still lost 17-3.



Highlighted a model for the first time. I feel like it looks pretty good, it needs a base though, pop on over to my wip if you want to offer advice on that.

Khornate Yojimbo Disassembled

Khornate Yojimbo Prebase 1


Edited by Teetengee



1. Finished assembling the last 3 members of a Tactical Squad (left heads/backpacks/bolters off as necessary, for ease of painting). Realised just how much I love the bearded head in the Sternguard box, making it a requirement for the squad sarge!


2. Still working on poses on my "reborn" (read: stripped, broken apart, and reassembled) Khorne Berzerkers, adding in some Raptor/Warp Talon/SoH Reaver parts for flavour. Some of them are looking pretty damn fine (if I do say so myself :tongue.:) though time - and a new paint job - will tell if it was worth all of the effort!


3. Found that among other things, an online retailer had the Putrid Blightkings from Fantasy on sale - so I bought them. Whoops. Not too sure what I'll do with 'em just yet - likely bulked-up Plague Marines.

Today in the Hobby I finally achieved... basecoating! :biggrin.:

Finally all the stuff I got for my birthday in January is primed and ready to paint. :laugh.:


It's been no small feat - my main foe has been the reliably annoying English weather, which conspired to rain every time the sun came up for the last two months, unless I was away from home and couldn't spray anything. :wallbash:


With that and the roof seemingly sprouting new leaks by the day, just getting the time to spray anything has been much more challenging than I would have liked! :sweat:

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