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Today in the hobby I....


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well, not today but this weekend. 


had a really good talk with the wife about this hobby and what it means to me. so, in all her awesome she says "well, maybe you should just go nuts then......"



is she insane........or just awesome....



then to even further her stock, she notice my google images page was open. it was on the Emperors children HH armies.


"i like Those, could you show me how to do that?"




i'm a lucky boy.

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Gaming partners are the best kind of partner. The best thing is being able to go home with a box of cool toys and talk about the cool toys. Me and the wife are currently in the early planning of a joint project, me building her painting. It's gonna be awesome.


TITHI... helped out one of my Sunday lot who's new and keeps losing, so I'm giving him a game next week. Training the next generation of hobbyists to be awesome people is still the most rewarding thing I do here.



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I painted two flamers, a meltagun and three CSM for my second squad - the arms, but including my first helmetless head. I don't envy you loyalist and your necessity for having to get realistic and lifelike skin. Dead skin looks a lot easier. Rakarth's Flesh and a wash or two and I have a Veteran of the Long War.
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TITHI.....received a stormwolf, 5 void claws, 2 lone wolves, 5 TWC and an iron priest on TWM for my army*.


I also received 15 more SWs on sprues.....so think my pretty much complete army isn't as complete as I thougit....


Hello Great Company!


*will post pics in an hour or two

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Tith I scrubbed more guard in prep for the ETL. So slow I managed to get 2 models done in 30 mins!!! There's no way this lots getting prepped before the ETL. :(


However I have tanks soaking so they'll be more time/energy efficient.

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Today in the hobby, I discovered that not one of my hundred or so paints are bright enough or LOUD to paint this Herald of Slaanesh I am working on.  I need to go find excessively LOUD, blinding neon paints.  Also need to learn how to paint animal print patterns out of control.

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well, I finally decided on an army to SLOOOOOOOOOOOOWLY build, convert, and paint.


I am embarking on a hobby journey into uncharted waters for me.  don't know if I'll be ready for EtL, but one can hope!


with my lovely wife telling me that nerd is what I am, and I need this hobby, I have begun planning out a good "fluff hook" to hang my force on. I will still walk the path of damnation later, but for now I am firmly in the Imperial LIE(T).


I have have also begun sketching out some other projects, such as;


1. A better, more realistic Astartes armour(well, IMHO anyways).


2. A themed terrain project to match my son and I's armies. (he plays nids, pray for him)


3. A ouple of special characters for the ol' double H (30K)


and an Inquisitorial project to tie all my projects together.


so, it could be a busy year for me. I also decided that I am not going to let a fire destroying my start up stock for a hobby store stop me......nerdRAGE will rise again.

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Today in the hobby, I narrowed my choices of sub forum to paint for ETL to two.


Trouble is, whichever one I choose I end up painting blue (albeit different shades...) :laugh.:

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...decided to take a break from building my second (and hopefully last) chaos marine squad in favour of updating the two little 'codex supplements' for the Crimson Watchers and Tempest Reapers. Thank god I found a copy of the old Vehicle Design Rules too!


Also decided that I'm going to take the big step of selling off some models for other games. I know, it's a tearjerker to sell any of a gamer's collection, but you've got to do what you've got to do I guess.


(That's not actually making me feel any better about it though :tongue.:)

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