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Today in the hobby I....


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TITH I stopped reading Horus Heresy books(im out of new ones!) long enough to convert a DV assault cannon termie to accept a plasma cannon and flamer and magnetized them, and finished my scratch built assault cannon for a venerable dread.(so far) during the little mans naps...he's 1... And the wife is at work, so can't do much when he's up!
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Swapping out of powered armor?  You mean swapping out of coward armor.  :thumbsup:  



"It may be better to be a live jackal than a dead lion, but it is better still to be a live lion. And usually easier" - R.A.H.

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Yesterday (and today) I played a game for the first time since 2008. Me and two others kept a small campaign going from 4 pm to 5 am, ended up losing, but I got to test my Death Guard in battle. I swear it sometimes felt like a totally different game.

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TITH, reglued an arm on my a power armoured Praetor, having retrieved a new shoulderpad for him.


Bit more tidying now - trying to keep my work space vaguely clean...

Edited by Chaeron
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TITH i built the last of my 3 squads of skitarii, my single dragoon and narroved my gamemat choice for 40K, and my basing scheme to match, down to 2 choices:






The plan is to have a ruined imperial city/forgeworld terrain thing going on one of these mats.


The bases of my minis would then either be a Reddish/sandy wasteland/ruin, or a snow scape/ruin theme.


Some help from the brothers in here would be really cool. So chime in :)

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I got my Typhus model in and got the jewellery chain that I will be using to connect the two half's of Manreeper, after I clip it in two. Hoping that it goes well, would hate to have wasted $30. Fingers crossed.
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TTITH I was taking down the battlefield in my future son's room in order to paint the room tomorrow when... I found the long lost 20th CSM in my warband. He must have failed his morale and ran off the board, only to be wedged behind some baby furniture. How inglorious a demise. I'm Excited because there is just so much more I can do with 20 CSM than merely 19.
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TITH hobby i recieved and built my Thanatar, well built in its 3 sub assemblies(main body with arms, lover body with legs and plasma mortar with cowling.)


Man that is a wonderfull model. Easier to build then i though, if you follow the tips and build order in the pamflet.


Those two belt feeds look so sexy i am having a crisis every time i look at the model.


I am off now to buy some cork, so that i can build a base for the Thanatar and my Knight.

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Yesterday in the hobby I had a brutal game against some Ultramarines. Lost 19-7 on points, but we only had about ten models left each on the board. He just had two glorious turns of 'Draws a bunch of cards, already has those objectives' whereas I drew naff all.



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Tith ... Well yesterday actually. I spotted some of the new GWS Ogryns at 25% off in a flgs and couldn't resist.


Tith ... I pulled all the guard currently not stripped out and stuck them all in dettol.

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TITH I read "Mechanicum". Out of books again! Also finished most of my prep on a predator, will be painting it in several large pieces I think to make sure I can reach all the interior details.
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TITH I decided I needed a narcissism booster shot, and took my Templars to the local GW for gratuitous compliments.  In the process, the bossman gave me a haemonculus to paint for the store display case.  I hate the model, but I like showing off, soooo...yeah, paintin' that. :teehee:

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