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Today in the hobby I....


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Today in the hobby, I have been researching into the correct use of flow improver, with the intention of painting a test mini for the forthcoming ETL IV. I think I get the idea, but the typical ratio between said flow improver to paint is rather hazy...
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TITH I started on my BL backlog. That Khârn novella is pretty good!




It's still on my 'to-read' list. Today, I bought a few older books as I continue to fill out my collection...

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I have been researching into the correct use of flow improver, but the typical ratio between said flow improver to paint is rather hazy...


I would be interested in your findings.


Today in the hobby, I finally finished my DV Dark Angels Tactical Squad.  It's been tabletop-ready for more than a week, but I wanted to do some edge highlighting on all of them.  I still finished it within the two weeks I originally allotted, but going from "almost done" to finished took an entire week.

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Still waiting on "Today in the the hobby, I read all 114 pages of this thread in one sitting."


EDIT: Of course this post would start a new page. :biggrin.:


With a thread like this it's not the reading that's a chore, but simply moving from page to page!


This past couple weeks or so in the hobby I've returned from a year long break and begun making serious inroads to a functional ravenwing army.

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TITH, nipped in to collect the Skitarii codex and datacards and it would've been rude not to buy two boxes of troops...

You could have started with four boxes of Elites (Killclade) or two Fast Attack and a Heavy Support (Cavaliers) for a legal army too.  Justsaying; the Omnissiah blesses one with many ways to construct a legal army.  Three of them involve multiple purchases of the same box for ease of STC compliance.

Edited by FashaTheDog
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TITH, nipped in to collect the Skitarii codex and datacards and it would've been rude not to buy two boxes of troops...

You could have started with four boxes of Elites (Killclade) or two Fast Attack and a Heavy Support (Cavaliers) for a legal army too. Justsaying; the Omnissiah blesses one with many ways to construct a legal army. Three of them involve multiple purchases of the same box for ease of STC compliance.

I would've bought more if I hadn't ordered two Sicarans the other day...

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Today in the hobby, I have been researching into the correct use of flow improver, with the intention of painting a test mini for the forthcoming ETL IV. I think I get the idea, but the typical ratio between said flow improver to paint is rather hazy...

@Aquilanus - Not another Avatar!!!

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TITH, I am building Necrons for the wife so she can actually get a game in with them tomorrow. Give me the simplicity of a Marine any day...



Chaotic, Imperial or otherwise!


Edit: On my mobile so I cannot multi-quote.

Edited by Scion of Ferrus
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Today in the hobby a lasso wielded by a 3 year old cowgirl in a Cinderella dress struck my hobby space on the kitchen bar. Two open paint pots, a cup of water for thinning, an open bits box, 5 cultist, a terminator lord, and various sharp objects all made their ++ saves. A miracle.
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Today in the hobby a lasso wielded by a 3 year old cowgirl in a Cinderella dress struck my hobby space on the kitchen bar. Two open paint pots, a cup of water for thinning, an open bits box, 5 cultist, a terminator lord, and various sharp objects all made their ++ saves. A miracle.

If those were loyalists, I would have said "The Emperor Protects". :tongue.:


As it is, I'm not sure who you should thank for that one! :laugh.:

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Today in the hobby a lasso wielded by a 3 year old cowgirl in a Cinderella dress struck my hobby space on the kitchen bar. Two open paint pots, a cup of water for thinning, an open bits box, 5 cultist, a terminator lord, and various sharp objects all made their ++ saves. A miracle.

I think you need to remodel your usual warlord model into a lasso wielding cowgirl in a Cinderella dress.  None will dare oppose you then.  Plus the real life inspiration will likely recognize that there is a model of her and you will be one step closer to raising a new player to the game.

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