Kriegsmacht Posted April 19, 2015 Share Posted April 19, 2015 Today bought a pot of Golden Griffon and a box of Sicarians that i'll begin to convert to Arco-Flagellants. Need something to keep me busy while I wait for my order to arrive and May 1st. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Balkor Wolf Posted April 19, 2015 Share Posted April 19, 2015 Today bought a Codex: Space Marines as part of my return to the hobby so I Can start planning an army ready for when I get paid Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Carrack Posted April 19, 2015 Share Posted April 19, 2015 Â Â Today in the hobby a lasso wielded by a 3 year old cowgirl in a Cinderella dress struck my hobby space on the kitchen bar. Two open paint pots, a cup of water for thinning, an open bits box, 5 cultist, a terminator lord, and various sharp objects all made their ++ saves. A miracle. I think you need to remodel your usual warlord model into a lasso wielding cowgirl in a Cinderella dress. None will dare oppose you then. Plus the real life inspiration will likely recognize that there is a model of her and you will be one step closer to raising a new player to the game. But he is a Khorne Lord, and such representation on a model would clearly denote Mark of Slannesh. :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FashaTheDog Posted April 19, 2015 Share Posted April 19, 2015   Today in the hobby a lasso wielded by a 3 year old cowgirl in a Cinderella dress struck my hobby space on the kitchen bar. Two open paint pots, a cup of water for thinning, an open bits box, 5 cultist, a terminator lord, and various sharp objects all made their ++ saves. A miracle.I think you need to remodel your usual warlord model into a lasso wielding cowgirl in a Cinderella dress. None will dare oppose you then. Plus the real life inspiration will likely recognize that there is a model of her and you will be one step closer to raising a new player to the game. But he is a Khorne Lord, and such representation on a model would clearly denote Mark of Slannesh.  I don't know, I think the lasso would be similar to a Lash of Khorne and you know Cinderella had serious rage issues from the abuse she got, but she was the silent type to keep it all bottle up to fester and stew into pure wrath (had she not been there for the glass slipper try on incident, you know a day or two later that house would have been coated in the blood of her family as she would have lost it having found out she missed her one chance to escape), so Khorne would approve of the dress as well. Carrack 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Carrack Posted April 19, 2015 Share Posted April 19, 2015 Â Â Â Â Today in the hobby a lasso wielded by a 3 year old cowgirl in a Cinderella dress struck my hobby space on the kitchen bar. Two open paint pots, a cup of water for thinning, an open bits box, 5 cultist, a terminator lord, and various sharp objects all made their ++ saves. A miracle.I think you need to remodel your usual warlord model into a lasso wielding cowgirl in a Cinderella dress. None will dare oppose you then. Plus the real life inspiration will likely recognize that there is a model of her and you will be one step closer to raising a new player to the game.But he is a Khorne Lord, and such representation on a model would clearly denote Mark of Slannesh. I don't know, I think the lasso would be similar to a Lash of Khorne and you know Cinderella had serious rage issues from the abuse she got, but she was the silent type to keep it all bottle up to fester and stew into pure wrath (had she not been there for the glass slipper try on incident, you know a day or two later that house would have been coated in the blood of her family as she would have lost it having found out she missed her one chance to escape), so Khorne would approve of the dress as well. Cinderella, a vile sorceress who talks to rodents and birds, both whom do her bidding, is quick to rely on the sorcery of her patron, the Fairy Godmother. This sorcery, obviously a boon of the Changer of Ways, mutates pumpkins into coaches, mice into horses, and creates the famous dress. But like many gifts of Tzentch, has a major drawback, in this instance a limited duration. Cinderella is clearly a follower of Tzentch. Now the Little Mermaid is all about blood for the blood god. reckoning and Stoic Raptor 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stoic Raptor Posted April 19, 2015 Share Posted April 19, 2015  Now the Little Mermaid is all about blood for the blood god.  Absolutely - in the book, didn't she cut off her own tail to become human, or something like that?  Today in the hobby, I finished assembling the first DV Ravenwing bike squadron, sorted out the bits for an 8-man Deathwing Knights squad, and began sorting out what I need for a Deathwing Command Squad. Looks like I'll have to order some bits. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FashaTheDog Posted April 19, 2015 Share Posted April 19, 2015 She did indeed fall to Tzeentch and those critters were clearly Tzeentch's lesser daemons tempting her and helping to do Tzeentch's ill, but the entire story is a battle between Khorne and Tzeentch over CInderella; the winner claimer her as their newest champion. The Fairy Godmother's plan would have seen her without any evidence, but fate stepped in and she lost the shoe on the run. Then she was locked away and Tzeentch again cheated and used his lesser daemons to free her. Had she missed out, then Khorne would have won. Those lousy mice of Tzeentch.  In the original, the sea sorceress' spell tore her tail in twain then transformed the split parts into legs. Then she became human, nearly drowned reaching the surface and still lost the prince she loved only to turn to sea foam. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chaeron Posted April 19, 2015 Share Posted April 19, 2015 TITH, I finally bought my new Winsor and Newton brushes - looking forward to getting them! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FashaTheDog Posted April 19, 2015 Share Posted April 19, 2015 (edited) Today in the hobby, this thread has gotten me singing Frozen songs with 40K twists, like Do You Wanna Purge The Xenos and Thunderwolves Are Better Than People:  Do you wanna purge the xenos?Come on, let's go and hunt!Grab your promethium and more,Kick down the door,We'll purge them all today.We used to be battle buddiesAnd now we're not;we're allies of convenience!Do you wanna purge the xenos?It doesn't have to be the xenos...  Go away Inquisitor!  Okay, bye...  Besides that I also am taking a break from the Skitarii Rangers/Vanguard box I am halfway through and started on the much easier Dunecrawler kit. I mean wow, talk about a great way to reward yourself. You do a box of Rangers/Vanguard then treat yourself to a Dunecrawler. I have yet to try either of the other two boxes, but since my initial 1,000 point list is going to require three boxes of each, it seems to work out perfect for this.  Edit: In hindsight, I probably should be posting songs in the Black Templars' forum... Edited April 19, 2015 by FashaTheDog Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Antonius Posted April 19, 2015 Share Posted April 19, 2015 Today I got in a 2v2 match with my Imperial Fists and a buddies Necrons vs two Nid players. 1000 points per player. Some of the ImperialFist highlights were my new Mk IV ironclad killing off two swarms of termigaunts in two successive turns while denying a warp lance psyker power. Another was my captain in arti armor with plasma pistol taking out a trygon prime in close combat by himself without taking a single wound in return. We ended up winning the match 7 to 6. Had it gone another turn, its highly possible that we wouldn't have. The Emperor protects! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scribe Posted April 20, 2015 Share Posted April 20, 2015 A bit of Greenstuff on my Bloodthirster, a bit more paint on my Aspiring Champion test model, and a bit of building for ETL (Chaos will consume you.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Reldn Posted April 20, 2015 Share Posted April 20, 2015 Today in the hobby I: Â Assembled more Tactical Marines. Putting me at about 40 out of 60 for my company project. (So close, yet, so far...) Â Also bought another box of Blood Angel Tac Marines, two boxes of Devastators, and the Space Marine codex (finally!) Dolchiate Remembrancer 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tvayumat Posted April 20, 2015 Share Posted April 20, 2015 Today in the hobby I:Dug out my models for the first time since 2008 and put two old, poorly painted Tac squads in to paint strip.I've had years of experience fabricating and painting full size costumes and props since the last time I painted a model, so I'm excited to see how much better I can do now.Also went ahead and ordered the latest SM codex and a pocket size of the current rules.I'm not happy about some of the new model and book prices, but the good news is I still have enough models and bitz to keep me busy repainting for a while. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LokisSword Posted April 21, 2015 Share Posted April 21, 2015 TITH, I pulled out my Belial stand in I had been working on and decided he would be part of my first ETL vow. A fair bit of press moulding, filing and gap filling later and I'd say he's 80 per cent there. Just waiting on a press moulded Crux Terminatus to cure... And more griblies and purity seals. Always more purity seals. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stoic Raptor Posted April 21, 2015 Share Posted April 21, 2015 (edited) Today in the hobby I primed a DW Knight Master, three Ravenwing Bikes and Sableclaw for my upcoming ETL vow. Â I also sorted out the parts for the remaining 6 Deathwing Knights and a Deathwing Command Squad. Â Gotta find two more Thunder Hammers... Â Also got in a cool Dark Angels pin and a DA patch from eBay. Edited April 21, 2015 by Ulfgrim Alvsbane Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FashaTheDog Posted April 21, 2015 Share Posted April 21, 2015 Today in the hobby I I ran a fairly reasonable Dark Angels list and was tabled turn 3 by a IG/Marine list that was built more for fluff than any real sense of competitiveness. Please do not mistake this rant for anger. It is more amused disappointment than anything else; I mean I only have myself to blame for running an army that traditionally sees my Tactical squads lose three models to overheating, fail their morale check, and flee the table without my foe ever having shot at them. So long story short, my foe lost less models than I had lost units. I am now done with power armor for a while. Terminators are fine, carapace, flak, no armor at all, great! Just 3+ saves can go bugger off to some dark hole and roll keep rolling those 1s to save.  Mind you I never really had any high expectations for my green Dark Angels. I mean that would just be delusions of competence, but seriously, killing a handful of Guardsmen in the most inept manner possible with botched Leadership tests all over and units tripping over each other running in terror of Guardsmen is worse than my Daemons self tabling. At least that Warpstorm is a game mechanic designed to hand my foe easy wins 1/3 of my games, but Dark Angels at least lack that excuse.  Seriously, I think I will have to threaten them with modelling Snuggies on them if they fail this hard next time. There is still time to change my mind, but somehow I doubt I will be painting very much power armor for the ETL now. Thanks Dark Angels, way to ruin my motivation to paint a Battle Company; this is why the sons of the Lion can't have nice things (well Death Company can, but they're special so nya nya nya). All I have to say is: "Hello, Forgeworld, I need some Mechanicum to paint this Summer."  So Saturday it is a 1,500 point tournament with Deathwing. Hooray for Terminators; the list will be real easy to transport, look great, and not flee from the the sound of their own weapons firing. I already feel better letting it be known that power armored bathrobe Dark Angels get to stay in their foam for months moping while the Terminators get all the love and attention and I'm glad. Glad, glad, glad, GLAD*.  * Joan Rivers asks: "I wonder if he's glad?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AceofCase Posted April 21, 2015 Share Posted April 21, 2015 Today in the hobby I finally started painting my Stormraven. I was torn between painting it as assigned to my First Company or my Fourth. I opted for the Fourth Company... my Captain's been awesome enough to earn his own personal ride. So I made half of each wing green to go with the company. Might end up shrinking it to a stripe on each wing... still undecided. Â Bigger news however, I finally tried out edge highlighting while I was working on it. What a difference it makes! I even got a little brave and pulled out a tactical marine and highlighted him... It was worth it! Now I need to go back to every single marine model I own and highlight highlight highlight! Today was a turning point in my painting skills I think. Carrack and Stoic Raptor 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LokisSword Posted April 21, 2015 Share Posted April 21, 2015 TITH, I spent most of my time on my hands and knees swearing. This was mainly due to (twice) cutting and filing a tiny push cast bionic eye to size, putting it down on the table to pickup superglue and then knocking the bloody thing flying, onto the floor and out of sight. Â On the second occurrence I got my led flashlight out and went over the carpet inch by inch. I eventually found both of them. One is now fixed in place... The other? Only the God Emperor knows as it decided the floor was a much nicer place than my work desk AGAIN! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LokisSword Posted April 21, 2015 Share Posted April 21, 2015 I did not however find the Land Raider aerial which appears to have been lost during the great "Cat Carnage of 2015"... Which was basically when my largest cat decided that he was bored of sitting on my office chair during the day and proceeded to roll around my desk knocking over every model on it , including my WIP land raider that was tacked together with blue tac. Â I can only hope it was embedded somewhere painful! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Firepower Posted April 22, 2015 Share Posted April 22, 2015 (edited) Today in the hobby I finally tried out my Vallejo Liquid Golds. Â Holy hell, this Â Fine detail work is going to be a nightmare, but a single layer on a black basecoat is beautiful right off the bat. Â Now I just gotta get the hang of dealing with its rapid drying time (on the damn palette) and mixing/cleaning with alcohol. Â I had some old Wood Elf metal model primed black for an old experiment, and with a 3 second coat on the scalemail and another 3 second wash of Vallejo Sepia Wash, it was a better gold than I ever managed with GW paint :lol: Edited April 22, 2015 by Firepower Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Reldn Posted April 22, 2015 Share Posted April 22, 2015 (edited) Took a break from all those Tac marines. (Yet, I keep buying more...They seem to be my addiction...) and started on my Furioso Dread.  Whenever I get around to painting him, I need to work some Imperial Fists heraldry in there somewhere. ;) Edited April 22, 2015 by Reldn Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Firepower Posted April 22, 2015 Share Posted April 22, 2015 (edited) I did not however find the Land Raider aerial which appears to have been lost during the great "Cat Carnage of 2015"... Which was basically when my largest cat decided that he was bored of sitting on my office chair during the day and proceeded to roll around my desk knocking over every model on it , including my WIP land raider that was tacked together with blue tac. Â I can only hope it was embedded somewhere painful! Â How many times do I have to warn you people?! Â Edited April 22, 2015 by Firepower Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Retaliation Posted April 22, 2015 Share Posted April 22, 2015 Today in the hobby I finally tried out my Vallejo Liquid Golds.  Holy hell, this  Fine detail work is going to be a nightmare, but a single layer on a black basecoat is beautiful right off the bat.  Now I just gotta get the hang of dealing with its rapid drying time (on the damn palette) and mixing/cleaning with alcohol.  I had some old Wood Elf metal model primed black for an old experiment, and with a 3 second coat on the scalemail and another 3 second wash of Vallejo Sepia Wash, it was a better gold than I ever managed with GW paint  I've found if you use one of those tiny graduated measuring cups they use for things like cough syrup you can reclaim the dried up metal particles by mixing it with alcohol again. Mind you I had some trouble doing that last time I used it, but I put that down to not having painted for a year. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Carlson793 Posted April 22, 2015 Share Posted April 22, 2015 Today in the hobby, I realized that the instructions for all GW/FW tanks, in order to account for the fact that you might just want to have an attached and rotating turret, need to be revised such that no early assembly steps prevent the mounting of said attached and rotating turret. Â (But the Sicaran still looks wicked cool. ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FashaTheDog Posted April 22, 2015 Share Posted April 22, 2015 Â I did not however find the Land Raider aerial which appears to have been lost during the great "Cat Carnage of 2015"... Which was basically when my largest cat decided that he was bored of sitting on my office chair during the day and proceeded to roll around my desk knocking over every model on it , including my WIP land raider that was tacked together with blue tac. Â I can only hope it was embedded somewhere painful! Â How many times do I have to warn you people?! Â Â You sound as though we have the power to defy our cats... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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