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Today in the hobby I....


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What I am doing is using a superglue whichis obviously not up to the job.


I nearly incapacitated a guy a few weeks back when he knocked it off my desk and the sword arm snapped off and the piston bits went Ping.


This Knight hasnt fought a tabletop battle yet, but its already been through the wars I can tell you!!


PS,  I used to have 4 cats, but not any more

Edited by dantay_xv
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TITH I looked at my Large FW Space Marine and despaired.


I had to wash it in soapy water, but prior to this the backpack that I'd superglued on fell off.


So I said Sod this for a game of soldiers! I then watched Rambo and had a Beer!

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TITHI started trying to figure out if I should stick to standard breacher shield for my breachers, or go with round shields, for a shield wall, to keep with my Viking theme.


What do you guys reckon?

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TITH I wished the ETL would hurry up and get here.  Odd for me to say that, really, but I have Helbrecht all primed up and ready, and I wanna get started before my current bout of painting mojo recedes into another few months of brush apathy.  I'm gonna need all the enthusiasm I can muster to make it through this model, with its countless nooks, crannies, valleys and recessed quarters of brush defying bendiness  :P


I could try to trim and assemble my Storm Talons in the interim, but I think a few days of mold lines will plummet me into hobby apathy (hobbathy™) faster than anything. :sleep.:

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Yesterday in the hobby, I tried using flow improver for the first time. Whilst I still need to work out the ratios better, it's certainly made a difference :happy.:

If it helps, my mixture ratios are:

1 tsp flow aide

1/4 cup filtered water

1/4 cup matte medium


This is what I use to thin my paints as needed.  But you are right, it makes a difference.  You don't notice how sticky paint can be until it just flows off the brush.


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Yesterday in the hobby, I tried using flow improver for the first time. Whilst I still need to work out the ratios better, it's certainly made a difference :happy.:

If it helps, my mixture ratios are:

1 tsp flow aide

1/4 cup filtered water

1/4 cup matte medium


This is what I use to thin my paints as needed.  But you are right, it makes a difference.  You don't notice how sticky paint can be until it just flows off the brush.


I was just mixing the flow improver directly to paint on a pallet. That might explain the slight inconsistency! :laugh.:


I'll have a go at the above over the weekend :thumbsup:

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Yesterday in the hobby, I tried using flow improver for the first time. Whilst I still need to work out the ratios better, it's certainly made a difference :happy.:


Like, 1:10 flow:water.  Maybe not even that much.  Make the mix in a dropper bottle so you don't have to make it every time you paint. :smile.:


I don't use any matte medium like some folks do.  No idea what difference it is supposed to make, but my mix works just dandy.

Edited by Firepower
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I don't use any matte medium like some folks do.  No idea what difference it is supposed to make, but my mix works just dandy.

It helps retain the opacity of the paint as you thin it; which is not always what you want to happen. But for novice painters like myself, it helps me get the full color in the fewest coats.

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TITH, I talked my filthy-xenos loving son out of playing nids. he now wants to do Space Wolves at least I won't mind painting blue-grey!


I also decided that While I will start an Imperial Guard Army, it will wait while I get a Astartes force on the Table. cheaper that way.



no votes this time. I'm gonna make this choice like a big boy!:laugh.:

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Broke down and bought a box of Assault Marines. That will put me at the full 20...I am not looking forward to assembling/magnetizing more jump packs though...

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Today I finished one of the many kitbashes floating around my head, while waiting for the bases of my second Skitarii unit to dry. I find that indulging in these little projects between batches of troops to be vital to staving off hobby fatigue.
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Today in the hobby, I couldn't sleep before training so managed to salvage another Rhino chassis to be used as Rhino/Razorback/Whirlwind/Stalker. I'm getting pretty good at this. So far I've managed about 8 different tank variants for less than £20 in bits.


Also, brushed off my Deathwatch Sternguard and kitted them out for some anti horde goodness.

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I clipped out some pieces of the Sternguard box, then stared at them until I put them down. Currently getting on a bit of a Battletech mojo, so maybe I'm just itching to try something else to distract me from the tedium of 'building tactical marine 17'.


TITHI started trying to figure out if I should stick to standard breacher shield for my breachers, or go with round shields, for a shield wall, to keep with my Viking theme.


What do you guys reckon?


Stick with the theme, it sounds pretty cool.

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Ran out of black paint :'(


Off to Salute 2015 though to get some paint though (and maybe some other bits, we'll see...) so it'll be short lived.


Does anyone have recommendations for a good brass paint? I need some for my Daemonkin!

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Ran out of black paint :'(


Off to Salute 2015 though to get some paint though (and maybe some other bits, we'll see...) so it'll be short lived.


Does anyone have recommendations for a good brass paint? I need some for my Daemonkin!


Personally, I'd suggest Foundry's Burnished Copper. The standard version looks a lot more like brass than it does copper to my eyes, and in some cases I've even used it for a dull gold.

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