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Today in the hobby I....


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TITH I went to Salute and bought the models for my Obliterators and a metric ton of historical stuff for me and a mates Game of Thrones wargame. I like spending 50 quid and getting 90 models!





Had an amazing day at Salute - bought lots of lovely things! Very happy.

Was there as well! :laugh.: I wish I'd have known others from B+C were going!


(Got both of this years Limited Ed AL and IW models, some Mark III armour and Phobos bolters :wub.:

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Y'know, we really need to have some kind of B&C meetup type thing.


The wife just opened the 15mm Dreamforge Leviathan she bought today... 'Babe, its got screws. Why the hell are there screws?'


I find myself agreeing with her. Could they not just have gone for the tried and true 'Here, positioning pegs. Cut em off if you want a different pose' approach?



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Y'know, we really need to have some kind of B&C meetup type thing.


The wife just opened the 15mm Dreamforge Leviathan she bought today... 'Babe, its got screws. Why the hell are there screws?'


I find myself agreeing with her. Could they not just have gone for the tried and true 'Here, positioning pegs. Cut em off if you want a different pose' approach?



It is for stronger loadbearing joints i think.

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Y'know, we really need to have some kind of B&C meetup type thing.


The wife just opened the 15mm Dreamforge Leviathan she bought today... 'Babe, its got screws. Why the hell are there screws?'


I find myself agreeing with her. Could they not just have gone for the tried and true 'Here, positioning pegs. Cut em off if you want a different pose' approach?




I saw we wait until WHW has had its grand opening and we book tables....like all of them...and have a B&C Take Over HQ type day!

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Went to a local convention yesterday with my 1,500 point Deathwing list for a four game tournament (good turnout too, 14 people :smile.:) and walked out with best general award; I even got a snazzy medal.  Who says pure Deathwing isn't good in competitive environment?  Besides Imperial Knights anyway...

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Had an amazing day at Salute - bought lots of lovely things! Very happy.

Not going to share?:sad.:

I will share a post with goodies later - all for me though :p


TITH I went to Salute and bought the models for my Obliterators and a metric ton of historical stuff for me and a mates Game of Thrones wargame. I like spending 50 quid and getting 90 models!




Had an amazing day at Salute - bought lots of lovely things! Very happy.

Was there as well! :laugh.: I wish I'd have known others from B+C were going!


(Got both of this years Limited Ed AL and IW models, some Mark III armour and Phobos bolters :wub.:

I was consciously looking for Dragonlover (although didn't see him!) - we definitely should next year. I got some lovely similar stuff... Post to come!

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Y'know, we really need to have some kind of B&C meetup type thing.


The wife just opened the 15mm Dreamforge Leviathan she bought today... 'Babe, its got screws. Why the hell are there screws?'


I find myself agreeing with her. Could they not just have gone for the tried and true 'Here, positioning pegs. Cut em off if you want a different pose' approach?



I saw we wait until WHW has had its grand opening and we book tables....like all of them...and have a B&C Take Over HQ type day!

The Ultrameet usually meets at WHW, but there wasn't one last for. Might have to make sure one happens this year :)

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Went to Salute this weekend, bought the FW event only models, and got myself some Possessed for the Daemonkin. Could have easily walked out with more (SAGA and the Batman game were tempting!!!!). 


I nabbed both FW ones, as well as two Sicarans and got some Breachers on order (as they were out when I went!). Was very happy to get two Kromlech Rotten Butchers, which are such nice models! The rest came from other games systems etc. - but was very happy overall, great show.

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Today in the hobby, a friend gave me a nearly complete and unassembled Space Wolves Battleforce box.  It was only missing a couple sets of legs and bodies, and I'm sure I have enough stuff in my bits box to make up for it.


I'll probably do the drop pod up for my Dark Angels, and I'm unsure what to do with the scouts, but two more packs of Blood Claws/Grey Hunters/Wolf Guard will surely bolster my Wolves company.  Thanks, Josh!

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TITH, I busted out the airbrush that has been languishing in the bottom of my hobby box.

It was a cheapy present 2 years ago and I thought I'd give it a go.

I present "Bruise Marine":




No attempt was made here at a colour scheme, I just busted out a scrap marine and tried to see if I could get paint to go where I wanted!

A few successes - couple of nice fades in a few places. managed to get GW acrylics to shoot the same as Vallejo Game Inks, general fun.


It's pretty speckly though - this could just be down to the cheap airbrush, wrong paint consistency, wrong PSI (I was working at 15PSI) or a dirty needle.

I've stripped it down well and will try it again tomorrow... Might even try a Dark Angel, we'll see. 

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It's pretty speckly though - this could just be down to the cheap airbrush, wrong paint consistency, wrong PSI (I was working at 15PSI) or a dirty needle.



I'd say thin your paint, check your nozzle (opening and make sure the needle is clean) and make sure you have enough pressure.  Could be any or all of these things, but probably nothing inherent to the airbrush itself.  You can certainly make adjustments for a better result.

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Today in the hobby, I finally started constructing the ever accumulating amount of Forgeworld resin kits I have.

Starting with Mark IV Marines for my Inceptors/Ultramarines the Scouring Project:


Hopefully, I won't get too distracted from doing more tomorrow...

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