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Today in the hobby I....


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Today in the Hobby I reread the rules on the Siege Vanguard Army list... for some reason I never realized how fun they look. I then ordered 2 sets of the Boarding Shields so I can run at least one squad with siege mantlets. I'll have to add them to my ETL vow when they arrive. I also have plans to finally order a Sicaran tank later this month... something I've wanted ever since I saw the tank.

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Finally received my copy of Skitarius. Purchased Codex: Armageddon, and also received my copy of Index Astartes IV.


That's some classic reading material! I first started out in 40K with Black Templars, so my battered copy of Codex: Armageddon has a special place both in my heart and on display in my game room.

Edited by CommodusXIII
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TITH I went to the local game store to find out my order won't arrive until next week(They forgot to hit send on the email :laugh.:). Since I was waiting for miniatures in that order to use for my first vow I'm going to do my second vow first so I can still have something to do.


Edit: Aaaagh I just remembered I'm still waiting for miniatures for my second vow. :sad.:

Edited by Kriegsmacht
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Finished off my scratchbuilt land raider just in time for ETL.

And praise the Emperor, the replacement fluorescent daylight bulb for my painting lamp arrived... The other one had gone into failure mode and was pretty close to inducing a seizure with its flickering.

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YITH I finished prepping two Nurgle Obliterators for my ETL Vow. By necessity, I had to learn to use GS, those weapons wouldn't stay on any other way, same with some of the arms. This did give me the experience and motivation to add some suitably gribbly pustules, tumors, and eviseration to represent the Grandfather's love and affection. :) in the end I was happy with the results, but man, Those models are a nightmare.
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TITHI bought myself a finecast Chaplain in Terminator armour...

Heck it can't be worse than the Librarian in TDA ... I still haven't straightened his staff or filled all the bubbles.

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This night in the hobby I learnt that cutting myself with a hobby knife wasn't nearly as painful as I'd have thought. Still pretty annoying.

Also realized I had left some of my marines bits home, including all my right arms and all but one pauldron. Going to kitbash one with leftover Skitarii ones.

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Slap a dab of superglue on the cut and keep going!


Oh and TITH - had to fix my car... Headers melted though a plug wire, so put fiberglass boots on all of them, and replaced all 8 plugs. Have to be able to get to work! Also, figured out how I'm magnetising the predator and started it, finished glueing one term squad and belial counts as which are now ready for primer, finished cleanup on assault squad and venerable dread. Tomorrow, primer on those and let's get started!


For the First, The Lion! And The Emperor!

Edited by JGeils81
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TITH I just pre-ordered the digital version of Codex: Imperial Knights and I'm about to send my Local game store an email to order an Imperial Knight box and the datacards if it's still available to get.


I was hoping to just stick with only one army. You win this time GW. :dry.:

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TITH painting got underway on my first ETL wow. Got all the red airbrushed on the minis.


Also built a filthy xenos Wraithknight and 3 jetbikes.


Purely for IFF training and target practice ofc. ;)

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Yesterday in the hobby I bought my first airbrush. Today in the hobby I used said airbrush for the first time, and I can't believe it's taken me this long to get one. I'll be going on a spraying rampage now. The cat best watch himself...
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Started on Tac squad number 5 and assembled the Sergeant of squad 6...Almost at 50 out of 60....and yet, I keep on buying more and more Tactical Marines!

I understand your pain. The new tac box is so amazing I keep want to build more.

TITHI bought myself a finecast Chaplain in Terminator armour...

Heck it can't be worse than the Librarian in TDA ... I still haven't straightened his staff or filled all the bubbles.

Famous last words. Almost as bad as "how hard can it be" or "look at this".

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Today in the hobby I assembled a Land Speeder Typhoon for my Ravenwing Attack Squadron.  Tomorrow I'll build the crew and finish up the last three bikes for the squadron so I can add it to my first ETL vow!


Yesterday in the hobby, I organized my bits box.  Previously, I kept all my bits in zip-lock bags in an old Land Raider box.  So I picked up an inexpensive plastic organizer at Harbor Freight for a few bucks and sorted out all the little parts I've accumulated over decades of building 40K models.

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