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Today in the hobby I....


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Yesterday in the hobby I tried to make a two piece mold to recreate some resin scout legs. First half....awesome! Second half...not so much. Didn't use enough mold release agent and the mold glued itself together. Ugh! Surgery was required to extricate the legs. Maybe today I'll get this right.
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TITH, two new players recruited! Admittedly, one of them went with Tau, which is gonna be interesting when it comes to teaching the game, but the other picked the Wolves, so that's nice and easy.



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Today in the hobby, the above two made me realize that thanks to my grandmother getting the eight year old me into this game, I too have been playing this game for a considerable chunk of my life, in may case just over three quarters of it (26 years).  I've been playing this game for longer than some of the people I play have been alive.  I might need to celebrate with a Warlord titan. 

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Today I realized that I've been involved in WH40K for over half of my life.  :blink.:

It was a similar realization that drove to to quit smoking for good when I turned 30.


I got involved with 40K about .. what, 20 years ago or so? Yeah. Over half my life. We'll go with that.





TITH I realized I am too old to be playing with toy soldiers. But I still do.

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TITH I realized that I have spent roughly 1/40th of my life in the hobby.


1. I'm old :)

2. I'm a novice

3. I can easily see myself playin and painting decades from now, I'm having that much fun with it. A win here or there would help though.

Edited by Carrack
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I've been playing 40K since Rogue Trader - so 27 years?  Still (just) over half my life - and probably all your life for many 40K players.


Today in the hobby, I picked up a box of Black Knights so that I can have five bikes in my command squad (and replace one that I used for an IC conversion) and I am assembling my Deathwing Knights squad so that I can start my ETL vow.  I will have 1500 points to paint up, and more available if I get done early!

Edited by Ulfgrim Alvsbane
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Today in the hobby, I realized I've spent more than half of my life wanting to begin in the hobby but only having the ability and will to read the fluff.

I have as well found the rest of my bits box, which might result in an ETL pledge.

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TITH, I did some minor ETL work (getting hazard stripes masked on my Sicaran) and got a major start on a non-hobby model project for my girlfriend (a scale model of a park from where she grew up on Long Island).


Oh, and CommodusXIII and GML made me realize I've spent a huge amount of time on this hobby: just over 1/45 of my life (been aware of 40k since it debuted, but didn't pick up a model, rulebook or codex till last April/May :biggrin.: )

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Painted a lovely little trim on Helbrecht's cape, and a big off-white cross that I'm not as proud of.  Gotta figure out how to make it more interesting...

Black or gold trim on the cross, perhaps?


...Although that would depend on what colour his cape is, I suppose.

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Today in the hobby, I finalised my colour scheme for my ETL vow (hopefully will be able to officially start that soon). I also made a fair amount of progress with my 30K Ultramarines army.


There will be an update soon, once I've added washes and touched up the models in question :happy.:

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I just tried out Vallejo's Liquid Silver and Liquid Gold on my Warlord Titan project last night!  The trick is to dilute with 91%+ IPA (the stronger the better) and keep adding drops to your palette as you go.  I'm very impressed by their coverage!

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