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Today in the hobby I....


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It is still nowhere to be found around here. I haven't been able to locate a source.

Can't guarantee it, but my local independent store might have a copy. I'll check after work tomorrow :)

Got one :) Pm me your address and I'll send it you on Wednesday.

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TITH, I came home, rushed three tanks outside, gathered my paints, and just managed to get them main-color base coated before the storm they said we'd get today blew in faster than expected. Plus got enough done at work to show Olis a sample of the Legio Gryphonicus Knight-scale decals he commissioned.

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Today in the hobby I received the Knight Master t-shirt I had ordered online a few weeks ago.  It's awful, it looks nothing like the picture on the vendor's site, and they refuse to refund my money.  I'm not paying my money to send it back to them, so I am disputing the charge with the merchant, and with my bank if need be. :furious:

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Today in the hobby, I got three new Kolinsky brushes from Dick Blick Art Supplies.  I got Raphael 8404s in #1 and #2, and a W&N Series 7 Mini in #1.


The packaging was incredible.  When you order three paintbrushes, you expect they'll arrive in a box that's a few inches by a few inches by 8 inches or so... but this box was massive.  You could ship a Land Raider kit in it.  Within were some of those air cushions, in which was nestled a bundle of bubble wrap.  Inside which was a cardboard sleeve, in which was a plastic-wrapped bundle containing the three brushes.  I guess they took my request to pack them carefully, very seriously!


The first thing I did was rinse the tips and run them along the back of my hand to makle sure they hold a point well.  Both of the #1 brushes passed the test, but the #2 Raphael brush has a couple bristles sticking out.  I called Dick Blick customer service and the representative is shipping a replacement for the defective brush, which she asked me to discard or donate.  I like their no-questions asked approach to satisfaction and not having to deal with the hassle of returning an item that's not up to snuff. 


This is why I ordered from this vendor in the first place, based on recommendations of other serious painters who have had similar satisfactory experiences.  I highly recommend them for anyone in the States who is looking for a source for affordable, high-quality brushes.  


Now to get to painting my ETL vow with them, and to see the difference from crappy old GW brushes!

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Today in the hobby, or more accurately tomorrow in the hobby, I will debate if 27% humidity is really too high to spray my models.  I could wait until a better day, but I am looking at my patience and wondering just how many toughness tests it can pass before I say "to the Warp with it" and have fuzzy Mechanicum. 

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TITH, I received my latest Forge World shipment, consisting of;


x1 Elysian Drop Troop Squad

x1 Space Marine Mk IV Tactical Squad (x2 Legion Mk IV Maximus Armour, x1 Mk IV Command Upgrade, x1 Tigrus Bolters)

x1 Legion Mk IV Power Weapon Set

x2 Sons of Horus Legion Mk IV Shoulder Pads

x1 Legion Praetors.


After a quick comparison between my new drop troop parts and the ones I picked up off ebay I was able to confirm that the latter were recast in a lower quality resin. Mostly disappointing, however a few pieces from that set are still usable.


That aside, excited to start working on my 30k force proper!

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TITHI, found twelve models* by pure chance. All of which I can use in the ETL. Bonus. Only problem is... I have to finish my first vow before all that. :rolleyes:



*5 Maximus FW models with Tigrus bolters, 5 Ashen Circle Word Bearers and 2 Praetors.

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Good news, my vow is mostly primed and is nicely done at that.  The humidity was not enough to make them fluffy enough to be the Legio CyberBunnyca.  I missed some mold release on the edge of Sevatar's display base so a portion of it needs a better washing and more primer.  Apart from that I am still waiting on the arrival of the Enginseer model so besides that, I have four Servitors who will also need to be primed.  I still have some Krieg stuff to prime and paint from the order when this vow is finished, but since Krieg is not Age of Darkness, it can wait.  Now on to figuring out my paint scheme for the new Mechanicum army, yellow might be fun.

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Today in the hobby, my wife got me a Citadel Project Box for my upcoming birthday.  I know people have different feelings about it, but it seems to be pretty handy for organizing my paints.  I do my work at the kitchen table and she likes knowing that I can just bundle everything up and get it out of the way when needed.


Also today in the hobby, I got a set of terminator legs and crux shoulders from a bits store and used leftover bits to make another Deathwing Squad for about third of the price! (I had found a set of backs dirt-cheap in my FLGS bits bin.  So I think I spent $20 including shipping for all the stuff I needed, instead of another $50 kit.  Not that I need more terminators...

Edited by Ulfgrim Alvsbane
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In the hobby today I finished a pistoleros command squad, some vangaurd vets, and a couple of sergeants with hand flamers. Because in not but an hour or so I'll be playing the start of Badab war campaign.
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Today in the illustrious place we call hobby land, it occured to me that you can make the entire 2nd company of ultramarines in about 2000pts. Also i found a fiver behind the sofa.
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Today in the hobby, I painted up a Tactical Sergeant... but not in the colors of my current chapter. I decided to play around and see if I want to go a different direction. Well, it turned out excellent. I think this is the best paint job I've ever done so far.


Introducing the first Tactical Sergeant of some as of yet unnamed chapter's 3rd company. Along with his unfinished squad. 




Still need to work on the head a little more. Flesh is still one of my weaker areas. Probably needs another wash and some highlighting. My hands aren't steady enough to do anything but the most simple edge high lights.

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TTITHI spent 20 or so minutes painting skulls. Awesome in it self, but this is the first painting I have got to do in a while and I feel much better having done it. So in short, painting skills = happiness. :)
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