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Today in the hobby I....


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Today in the hobby I found bolter and chainsword and made great progress in my first ever leman Russ, now I just need one more coat on the green for the camo, and the wash, and the detail work....ok so maybe it's still got a ways to go but it's my first 40k model I'm being a bit of a perfectionist lol.
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Today in the hobby I found bolter and chainsword and made great progress in my first ever leman Russ, now I just need one more coat on the green for the camo, and the wash, and the detail work....ok so maybe it's still got a ways to go but it's my first 40k model I'm being a bit of a perfectionist lol.

Hail and Well Met Brother!


Welcome to the Forum!

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Today in the hobby , I went a bit nuts on a well known internet trading site - buying up oop Assault Marine sets ( when I could wait and buy the soon to be released new box sets ) and finecast Honour Guard to convert into Imperial Fists ( even though rumours suggest Honour Guard will be goint the way of the Squats in the new codex ).


I guess planning is not my strong point . :wacko.:

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TITHI - I did some painting for my ETL VI vow, which was fun.


Interesting. I feel that when ETL VII rolls round we may have to ban the use of the personal chronodisplacer, so as to preserve the integrity of the 3 month limit.



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TITHI - I did some painting for my ETL VI vow, which was fun.


Interesting. I feel that when ETL VII rolls round we may have to ban the use of the personal chronodisplacer, so as to preserve the integrity of the 3 month limit.




@Dragonlover - A slip of the digits there, nothing to worry about! Re-calibration maybe.


Walks off towards the Iron-Fathers.

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TITHI cleaned up a bunch of Firewarriors that had not gotten any attention from an army I'd bought (The suits get used a lot more, and frankly needed a lot more attention) I am steeling myself to go spray.  I hate priming...feels like Cancer.


I was actually surprised where...whoever owned the army before had come up with some poses I hadn't considered before that look pretty decent.

Edited by Trevak Dal
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TITH I ordered some more Forge World stuff for my Sons of Horus (x1 Legion Heavy Bolter Set, x2 Sons of Horus Reaver Attack Squad (for parts), x1 MkII Command Set) and tossed up whether or not to pick up a squad of Emperor's Children Palatine Blades for parts, primarily the swords for use as Charnabal Sabres. Would be handy if there was a modelling advice/query topic for those kind of things.

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TITH my mate swung by Warhammer World and picked up Meduson and Blood Oath for me. There may be a Kharybdis full of frothing nutters in my future.




Jealous - I really want Meduson! Let me know your thoughts once you've read it.


TITH, I've just repaired a single marine - with shoulder pads to go on another ten tonight.

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