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Today in the hobby I....


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TITHI - I did a bit more painting on my ETL IV vow, just the base to do now.


I also worked out the correct mix to get my Midnight Blue blue instead of purple thanks to some advice from a GW Staffer at Warhammer World (highlight it with a mix of Nuln oil and Lahmium Medium).


I also painted the Xenos Stompa Gork plate that my FW Space Marine will be standing on!

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YITHI received some classic 40K from my childhood which arrived on my doorstep care of my Father clearing out his loft prior to moving.

Going to have some happy hours reading through this little lot.




There was also a bundle of what must be approximately 40/50 White Dwarfs. 

Will be fun looking through those for some of the classic models I wish I owned (original Terminator captain, original Ordo Malleus Terminator Inquisitor (lost in the warp somewhere as I used to own him!)).


Happy memories.

Edited by LokisSword
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TITH, I'm stuck working on decal sheets. Not that I mind working on decal sheets, it's just that with the combination of unprimed models and humidity over 90% (doesn't humidity that high require I actually be standing in a body of water?), my next ETL vow(s) are on hold.

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Today in the hobby, I picked up White Dwarf 70 and I am basking in all the upcoming Marine goodness.  I also preordered 4 Space Wolf upgrade sprues, 2 Dark Angel upgrade sprues, and the Dark Angels transfer sheet.  Can't wait for next week!

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TITHI....received a parcel that should have had 3 boxes of wolf infantry in them.  Instead, I got 2 boxes and a box of thunderwolf cavalry.


Still waiting for the seller to come back to me....I don't need more TWC so was initially a bit miffed....but you can never have enough TWC....right?

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TITHI received a delivery of box. In that box was a set of Series 7 Kolinsky-Sable paintbrushes. I feel like I've moved up in the world, for some bizarre reason. :D

@Olis - But can you paint?
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TITH I bought a couple blue paints and Guilliman blue glaze. Also bought the space marine captain clamshell pack 'cause I like the roman theme.


Edit: Oh yeah and bought The Unremembered Empire. Funny I forgot that considering i'v been reading it and already through 100 pages. :)

Edited by Kriegsmacht
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Today in the hobby I accidentally washed one leg of my pants with Agrax Earthshade when shaking a pot whose lid hadn't closed properly. :wallbash:


On the bright side, it really added tons of detail and depth, but on the negative side one leg of my pants was suddenly the wrong colour. :pinch:

Now said pants are getting a wash of an entirely different nature!

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Today in the hobby I accidentally washed one leg of my pants with Agrax Earthshade when shaking a pot whose lid hadn't closed properly. :wallbash:


On the bright side, it really added tons of detail and depth, but on the negative side one leg of my pants was suddenly the wrong colour. :pinch:

Now said pants are getting a wash of an entirely different nature!

Its a good job the stain was on the front of your trousers/jeans with it being brown!
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Today in the hobby I accidentally washed one leg of my pants with Agrax Earthshade when shaking a pot whose lid hadn't closed properly. :wallbash:


On the bright side, it really added tons of detail and depth, but on the negative side one leg of my pants was suddenly the wrong colour. :pinch:

Now said pants are getting a wash of an entirely different nature!

Its a good job the stain was on the front of your trousers/jeans with it being brown!


Yeah, too true.

To be fair, I was sort of considering just dousing the whole lot in Earthshade and then drybrushing some Etheric Blue on the highlights... then realised I'd probably been painting too much stuff today. :wacko.: :laugh.:

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TITHI received a delivery of box. In that box was a set of Series 7 Kolinsky-Sable paintbrushes. I feel like I've moved up in the world, for some bizarre reason. :biggrin.:

@Olis - But can you paint?


Yep. I'm now going to be taking extra special care of these brushes, considering the cost. ^_^

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Yep. I'm now going to be taking extra special care of these brushes, considering the cost. :happy.:



If you don't already have some, get yourself a cake of Masters Brush Soap and use it at least once a day.  If you do happen to get paint up into the ferrule, soak it in Pink Soap or Natural Turpenoid or W&N Brush Cleaner (no deeper than the crimp or it will strip the handle too).


Ghool (a well-known painter on the Warmachine forums) says he uses hair conditioner on his brushes at least monthly.  I've had some success with that in the past, since frequent cleaning can remove the natural oils on the bristles.

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TITH, Good Luck turned to Dreadful Luck turned to Make-The-Best-Of-It Luck.


Good Luck: Humid day, but enough of a warm breeze to make primering a good call. Get the four Knights I've been working on (including the Lancer that just came in yesterday) taped to my primer boxes (okay, pizza boxes). Get them all primered except the carapace of the Lancer, which was slightly warped. Bring the Lancer carapace out, set it on its own box, and wait for it to dry from the hot water bath.


Dreadful Luck: While waiting for the Lancer carapace to dry, went to the garage to get the mower ready for afternoon work. Though it wasn't due for another few hours, the rain predicted rolled in early, so back to the porch to pull in the Knights. Realize the Lancer carapace isn't there. Walk off the the porch, find the box it was on, but no carapace to be seen. And that's when I hear behind me the *crunch crunch* of my dog chewing up the carapace. No trouble for him - he was just eating the treat daddy had thrown in the yard for him - but AARRGGHH!!


Make-The-Best-Of-It Luck: Well, at least I have a spare Imperial Knight carapace. It's not a great fit, but it'll do. At least now I won't be finishing the Lancer interior - the top hatch of the IK doesn't line up right.


Okay, time for a Guiness to mourn the loss of that Lancer carapace.

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