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Today in the hobby I....


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Found out about the new upgrade packs and the assault squad kit in GW's email, now bitterly wishing I still used my Ultras. On another note, I'm starting to save up for Phalanx in June, since I need to get some extra storage trays for my figures in order to halt their tireless occupation of my computer desk. (It looks like the siege of Helm's Deep next to my monitor)

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Today I am at my wit's end.  After some unfortunate circumstances, I had to move my belongings around.   When it came time to set my new airbrush back up...


...the thing decided it wasn't going to work.  I've cleaned it, disassembled and reassembled it.  I've similarly vented the tank on my compressor.  Nada.


I really wish Badger had repairmen to come out to your house.  I'm not a mechanical engineer dang it! 

Edited by The_Chaplain
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Today in the hobby I finally learned how to properly apply Martian Ironearth.  Like Agrellan Earth, I never realized it had to go on so thick!  Using my new texture tool, I spread it thick on the bases of my DW Knights yesterday and let it dry overnight.  It looks amazing!  But the coat that I'd applied to the bases of my DW Command squad last week didn't turn out as well - so I pried those Terminators off the bases, sanded them down, reapplied the proper thickness of Ironearth and let it dry while I was out playing Conquest.  When I got home they looked wonderful.  Sealed them all with Lahmian Medium and then drybrushed them with Ratskin Flesh and they really are the easiest bases I've done in a while.  Sure beats the old glue and gravel approach.


Now if I could only think of stuff to add a little variety to the bases.  Static grass doesn't sound like a good idea since what would grow in such parched soil?  Perhaps clumps of brown lichen to simulate tumbleweeds?  Parched bones and skulls?

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Yesterday in the hobby I found out on Thursdays at his local game shop the guy gives them x amount of credit for y they spend on 40k.  I might need to funnel some of hobby purchases through  my uncle.  Guess he's gotten some warriors boxes through it already I'd like to increase my vehicle pool and nab some marines for it.

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- Painted my first tank (a Sicaran in World Eaters colors)

- Learned how to use Aggrax Earthshade properly

- Overcame my phobia of weathering


And by the Agrax comment, I assume you meant you learned how to apply it to absolutely every color you paint because it's magical and makes anything look 100 times better?


Seriously, if I found out Agrax Earthshade was actually a long-game Tzeentch trick inserted into our collective hobby to incite rebellion when GW changes the formula 5 years later, I wouldn't be too surprised. 

Edited by JeffTibbetts
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And by the Agrax comment, I assume you meant you learned how to apply it to absolutely every color you paint because it's magical and makes anything look 100 times better?


Seriously, if I found out Agrax Earthshade was actually a long-game Tzeentch trick inserted into our collective hobby to incite rebellion when GW changes the formula 5 years later, I wouldn't be too surprised. 



There's a reason Devlan Mud was dubbed "Liquid Talent".  That said, it can be done improperly or overdone, and then you get diminishing returns.

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And by the Agrax comment, I assume you meant you learned how to apply it to absolutely every color you paint because it's magical and makes anything look 100 times better?


Seriously, if I found out Agrax Earthshade was actually a long-game Tzeentch trick inserted into our collective hobby to incite rebellion when GW changes the formula 5 years later, I wouldn't be too surprised. 



There's a reason Devlan Mud was dubbed "Liquid Talent".  That said, it can be done improperly or overdone, and then you get diminishing returns.


Devlan miracle was the term I heard for it.

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A few weeks ago I sent word around my local game stores and gaming friends that I wanted to start up my own little gaming group.

Last night we had our first official group meeting, complete with beer, 4 gaming tables and the first round of our Six Up Save league.

Our Youtube batrep chanel is in its early stages preparing for our first uploads.

Next weekend we take a trip to Warhammer World and have an apoc game on one of their massive tables!


It's a great time to be in this hobby. :D

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- Painted my first tank (a Sicaran in World Eaters colors)

- Learned how to use Aggrax Earthshade properly

- Overcame my phobia of weathering


And by the Agrax comment, I assume you meant you learned how to apply it to absolutely every color you paint because it's magical and makes anything look 100 times better?


Seriously, if I found out Agrax Earthshade was actually a long-game Tzeentch trick inserted into our collective hobby to incite rebellion when GW changes the formula 5 years later, I wouldn't be too surprised.


Well, they'll have to change the formula sooner or later.

There's only a limited supply of the unicorn blood and pixie dust they currently use in it's creation!

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Today in the hobby, I finally received my MK IV Command Set and MK III power weapon set from Forge World. Now I just need to get some more helmet crests, some alternative storm shields, and the new codex so that I can finally plan my 4th Company Command Squad. I also started working on my second tactical squad for my current DIY project last night. Just need to dig around and find my old devastator sprues... missile launchers just look so boring on a space marine.

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Today I got absolutely smashed in a 3000pt game, in 2.5 game turns I lost 2065pts and killed off about about 550pts in return......... not a happy boy, not because I lost (something I do a lot) but how I lost.  


That's always rough. Did you learn anything interesting from it? Sometimes the worst defeats teach us the most profound lessons. 

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