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Today in the hobby I....


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Today I got absolutely smashed in a 3000pt game, in 2.5 game turns I lost 2065pts and killed off about about 550pts in return......... not a happy boy, not because I lost (something I do a lot) but how I lost.  


That's always rough. Did you learn anything interesting from it? Sometimes the worst defeats teach us the most profound lessons. 



I did in fact.


The best plans don't survive first contact with the enemy. I played a 30k game here was my list:


• HQ (165pts)

Alexis Polux (165pts)

The Stone Gauntlet (makes my Breachersa and terminators toughness 5)


• Troops (1015pts)

Legion Breacher Siege Squad (X15) (365pts)

3x Graviton Gun, Legion Vexilla, Nuncio-Vox, Artificer Armour


Legion Breacher Siege Squad (X15) (370pts)

3x Graviton Gun, Legion Vexilla, Nuncio-Vox, Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs


Legion Tactical Squad (280pts)

19x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion Vexilla, Nuncio-Vox, Artificer Armour


• Elites (670pts)

Contemptor-Mortis Dreadnought (180pts)

Two Kheres Pattern Assault Cannons

Legion Rapier Weapons Battery (55pts)

Laser Destroyer Array


Legion Rapier Weapons Battery (55pts)

Laser Destroyer Array


Legion Terminator Squad (380pts)

Iliastus Pattern Assault Cannon, 7x Legion Terminators, Pair of Lightning Claws, Power Fist, Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, 2x Thunderhammer, 4x Vigil Pattern Storm Shield


• Heavy Support (525pts)

Legion Heavy Support Squad (320pts)

Autocannons, Hardened Armour, 9x Legion Space Marines, Hardened Armour, Artificer Armour


Legion Sicaran Battle Tank (205pts)

Armoured Ceramite, Auxiliary Drive, Lascannons


• Lord of War (625pts)

Legion Glaive Special Weapons Tank (625pts)



It was a kill point game but for deployment we rolled a 5 that had him deploy on the center and me either short edge.


Mistake 1: Put my almost my entire army on one side (minus a 20 man tac squad) this had his mostly foot slogging army in CC turn 2


Mistake 2:  After observing his deployment and Scout moves based on where my Super heavy was located I used Master tactician to put it on the other end of the table  by itself.


Mistake 3: Underestimated the new scitarii especially the the dune walker CC unit thing that puts out almost 50 attacks on the charge.


Mistake 4: Had a game plan and stuck to it even though it was useless after we rolled deployment zones 

Edited by Phalanx Warder
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Today in the Hobby I have began creating a space marine successor chapter for a local competition that incorporates themes from the World Eaters, Night Lords and Blood Angels, I've drawn the first idea of the chapter (A screaming skull with razor sharp teeth and blood pouring either out of the eyes or mouth) i need ideas for the chapter name if anyone can help.

I've also worked on some background fluff of my BA Sergeant (which name sounds better, Alakaios or Ajax?)

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Today in the hobby, I once again made a small Agrax Earthshade tsunami on my painting station. *is an absolute klutz*


I did that more than once with the old Devlan Mud, so you're not alone! My cutting mat is still stained :laugh.:


Today in the hobby I learned that painting a Terminator Lord in sub-assemblies is more complicated than I thought....

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Today I worked on my Badab War pledge and got two SoM Tactical Marines fully assembled and the rest of the legs cleaned up and glued to the bases.

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...I went to go and build my Sternguard squad so I can set aside the rest of the bitz for my bitzbox...then I realised I've lost a torso and a pair of legs. It's heretics I tell you! My Chaos Marines are practically begging me to undercoat them, so no doubt it's one of their dastardly plots.

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Finished basecoating a magnetised deathwatch kill team for my 1st and 10th smurf army

Did the rough metallics on their 15 combi weapons and 3 of the magnets so far

Will do the other 12 tomorrow

No promises on painting though as there may be new shinies ahead

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Finished some things that have been on my table for too long - five more Wraithguard, Helios auspex and missile pod, plus three Sisters Repentia that I will use as Death Cult Assassins. Made a start on an Elysian Drop Sentinel and another 5 Wraithguard.

Also tidied up and set some things aside for converting up with Mechanicus bits; also set aside some items for a Rhino Primaris conversion.

There may be further Eldar stuff, too. It might just be a busy summer.

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TITHI started the Martian Death Ray Club. You got Volkites? We'd like to see 'em. Wanna talk about Volkites? Come on over. Want a nifty little badge to show your membership? Yep. We got those too! :biggrin.:

I thought the first rule of the MDRC was:


You don't talk about the MDRC! :wink:

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TITHI started the Martian Death Ray Club. You got Volkites? We'd like to see 'em. Wanna talk about Volkites? Come on over. Want a nifty little badge to show your membership? Yep. We got those too! :biggrin.:

I thought the first rule of the MDRC was:


You don't talk about the MDRC! :wink:


That only applies if you're a hallucinating schizophrenic (or whatever). :P

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TITH I attended copenhagen comics convention,and fell in love with one of the cosplayers...


Aaaaaand I found half a tactical aquad and 3 sternguard in a box, now awaiting rebasing.

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