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Today in the hobby I....


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Today in the hobby I...


...Picked up my space marine codex and WD for the BT chapter tactics, got home, and proceeded to declare a crusade against the united states postal service-- who have managed to lose my package containing my landraider excelsior and rhino primaris!

Recommend you double check your tracking number. Last package I got from GW US came via FedEx, and went on a meandering tour of FedEx distribution sites, including passing though my home town of Louisville, KY by ground on its way to Cincy.
I've called USPS, filed a claim and called both local distribution centers. Hopefully the package is found this week and I can pick it up at one of the centers.
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Realised I had somehow missed the most exciting release of the year.




Should have been the front cover of White Dwarf.

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Yesterday in the hobby I took my first visit to Warhammer World in Nottingham.

I had a mindblowing trip around the epic dioramas, gasped in awe at the Forgeworld models, ran my fingers blissfully over some collecter volumes of the Horus Heresy books and best of all I got to play a huge game with my friends on the awesome Spyral Prime board!

Spyral Prime


I know it probably sounds like I'm on commision to recruit people to visit, but it really was that cool!


The game climaxed with my Librarian "Black Maru" in glorious combat 'Gandalf style' with a hulking Deamon Prince on a rickety bridge. 

WW The bridge


WW The bridge2


If you ever get the oppertunity to go, I really couldnt reccomend it enough.

Edited by Bukimimaru
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Tomorrow in the hobby, I'll be playing Seventh Edition for the first time. Rainbow Warriors Demi Battle Company (1500pts) versus Space Wolves against one of my local GW staffers. I'm wondering if I'll get my second win since coming back to the hobby (last time it was Steel Wings versus Dark Angels).


Hopefully, I'll be able to get a report done regardless :happy.:

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TITH i lost interest in my admech army completely.



Well, that sucks. What happened?

I have no idea. Think a hobby slump just set in. Maybe it is this ETL buisness. "Having to" paint is ruining my enjoyment off it.


Packed away all my semi painted minis and tydied up my painting area. Going to take a break from painting for a week.

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TITH i lost interest in my admech army completely.


Well, that sucks. What happened?


I have no idea. Think a hobby slump just set in. Maybe it is this ETL buisness. "Having to" paint is ruining my enjoyment off it.


Packed away all my semi painted minis and tydied up my painting area. Going to take a break from painting for a week.


I feel similar. I was very psyched to get my BA successor painted, but they've not been touched apart from being primed. It's not like I haven't had some time spare to paint any either :sad.:

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tithi Bit the bullet and ordered a box of the new devs plus four (1 smurf, 1 bangle and 2 pups) upgrade sprues

Did finish all the other magnetised combi weapons first though

Also applied some more heradlry to the black knight

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I thought ETL would motivate me to get my army done - but sometimes it does feel like "having to paint".  I usually combat that by changing up what I paint - working on one thing for a bit, painting something different, assembling something else - but feeling like I need to get this vow done first before doing anything else has not, in fact, sped up my production.  I should be able to do 750 points in 6 weeks, easily - but at this stage I'm about halfway done.


Today in the hobby, I realized that if my army is ever going to see the table, I can't paint each and every figure to the standards of a character.  So I'm trying out drybrushing again for the first time in many years.  For most chapters, I could unify the highlights and make it look less chalky with a glaze afterward - not sure how I'll do that over Deathwing bone white, though...

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Today in the hobby, I finally got my weathering powders from Secret Weapon Miniatures, cleaned up my forgeworld bits, and put some more paint on my second tactical squad for my new DIY. This is after rearranging my hobby area yesterday and moving to a much larger table yesterday.


I'm quite excited about the forgeworld stuff. I got a nice MKIV command pack, along with the MKIII power weapons. I might do a WIP threat about making a Captain with all those bits...

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Just spent the majority of my meagre Phalanx pot on some bitz from a TPP for a 30k Praetor and Command Squad + a lookalike heavy bolter. The quest of my Fists of Terra begins here!

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TITH I am in Bugmans having a Pint!


I bought Meduson and a couple of warhammer novels, I got the 40K Command Tanks and a set of Meduson Immortals and the FW Apothecaries.


I also had a look or three round the Exhibition and saw Bugman having a sneaky brew!

Edited by Scion of Ferrus
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TITH, I learned that something going wrong can sometimes be the best thing to happen for a model.


Prepping a second-hand (AoBR?) Dread for ETL.

Break the seal between the model and the base.

Apply my green stuff to the base for some detailing.

Can't get the foot pegs to line up with the now GS-filled base holes, so took a rubber band and tried to force it down.

Notice the base is starting to bend, so quickly release the rubber band and :censored: it all! The :censored:ing foot...






Well whatta ya know?

The way that foot's lifting up, few little strings of GS dangling down from it and rising up from the base...

And the footprint left behind...

Like he's just starting to lift the foot for his next step through the mud pit.



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TITH I started assembling some space marines. It has been ages since I have done that, and it feels really good. Not sure how to paint them yet, will wait for the dark angel codex to decide.


I got a box of sternguard really cheap from a m8, so they might get painted as veterans from various chapters, or purely as ultra marines, depending on what chapter I end up choosing.


I must say that the DA chapter is very appealing. The 3 colors in one really speak to me.


It would be really cool to go old school and do black/very dark green marine and white terminators.

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Just realised that 30k Combat Shields don't make you lose the bonus for two CCW's...now I need to order some since I'm sorely lacking in any in my bitzbox. In other news, gathered my few Mk IV marines and the rest of the unassembled squad together with the TPP bitz so I can keep them seperated from the hoard...and then realised I've yet to finish assembling my daemon prince and sorceror for the Carnival.

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