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Today in the hobby I....


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TITHI found my one and only Contemptor, still dolled up in Storm Warden colours. I'll be repurposing him for my fists, no problem. :biggrin.:

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Sometime This or Last Week in the Hobby I Green Stuffed a beard onto my third Space Wolves character- a Lone Wolf named Brynjar the Traveler. That's not the important thing. The important things are:


I got off my rump and actually GS'd something I've been wanting to do for years

Got to use a whole bunch of bitz from five or so boxes, including the new Space Wolves Upgrade Sprue and the new Devastator box

Started my own Space Wolves thread on the B&C


In doing these things, my "hobby hurdles" have gone back to "hobby mole hills" so that I can break my leg in an empty hole now instead of on a tall piece of athletic equipment :happy.:.

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Today in the hobby I went to local gaming store  Grasshopper Comics  ( 14 miles away on Long Island)  and picked up my UM Decal set!!!!!     

They look better than the pictures.    I may finally finish 6 tactical squads and 2 devastor squads for my Fifth UM Company.    :yes: :jawdrop: :thumbsup:

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I finally glued my jugger lord to his mount

Noticed I'm missing all my eldar guardians (both infantry and jet bikes) since the move, conceal working overtime or just the movers (\ slingers)?

So I made a shipping container for terrain usage instead of tackling the garage:tongue.:

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Received my LE Codex, a box of the new Devastators, as well as a bottle of White Gesso and two bottles of Scorpy Green...I am ready to attempt to paint some Sons of Medusa now!

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TITH I discovered that batch painting is not for me.

You and me both, brother.

count me as number 3. I need the short term rewards for my efforts



I do really like it... but it is hard going sometimes!


Great to see at the end mind.


I'm batch painting about thirty Plague Marines... That's my TITH, continue working on my ETL vow!

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TITH, I started the process of recasting (personal use only) a Cerastus Knight carapace to replace the one that became a dog toy a few weeks back.


Oh, and also have things set up to take the pictures I'm gonna need for a decal printing tutorial - just need to sit down this evening with the styrene sheet, some work-printed decal sheets, a pot of paint, and the camera.


EDIT: Errrggghhh!!! Misjudged my camera's focus. Will need to reprint my 'example' decal sheet with larger images to show what I'm doing.

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Yesterday, I finalized a narrative campaign list for my Imperial Fists. A demi company with a combined arms detachment. Should be interesting win or lose. It will mark my first use of the new codex.


Today, I started making up a master list of all my models and units. I have now realized I should run my chapter master and honor guard squad more!

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TITH I finally worked out how to run a campaign for a shifting amount of players with skill levels running from 'this is my first game' to 'three year veteran'. I just wish this revelation hadn't come at the expense of sleep.



Do tell?

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TITH I built a captin model for my DA using random bits. He turned out well.


Also assembled the torso for my tactical squad and my veterans.


And thats about it untill the codex comes out.

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TITH I finally worked out how to run a campaign for a shifting amount of players with skill levels running from 'this is my first game' to 'three year veteran'. I just wish this revelation hadn't come at the expense of sleep.



Do tell?

Right, so first off understand that most of the players are Chaos or Imperial, so that influenced things a touch.


The plan is to have nine planets. Each one will have a scale with a Chaos star at one end and an aquila at the other. The players pick a planet, and then whoever wins moves the control marker (which will probably be an explosion) one step towards their faction symbol. Essentially, its a tug of war. I'll run for three months or so, then see who's won.


Each player gets three campaign games a week, they can't play the same person twice in a row and xenos players always count as the opposing faction. Oh, and the game has to happen in the shop.



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Decided to crack on with making up the ten Mk IV marines as a 30k tank-hunter unit, even if it means using 40k meltas rather than buying the expensive FW ones, and seeing what I can do with the bits I've got for a Praetor.



Right, so first off understand that most of the players are Chaos or Imperial, so that influenced things a touch.

The plan is to have nine planets. Each one will have a scale with a Chaos star at one end and an aquila at the other. The players pick a planet, and then whoever wins moves the control marker (which will probably be an explosion) one step towards their faction symbol. Essentially, its a tug of war. I'll run for three months or so, then see who's won.

Each player gets three campaign games a week, they can't play the same person twice in a row and xenos players always count as the opposing faction. Oh, and the game has to happen in the shop.



Nice and simple plan! The scale idea is much better than the alternative of toting up VP's from each game and adding them all together.


EDIT; got rid of the quote pyramid.

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It also means people don't *have* to show up, which is helpful when all your players are teenagers.


TITH, I have a game. 2000 points, I'm playing Chaos, no idea what my opponent is playing. I haven't played in about a month, this might sting...



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TITH I sat down to build a character I have been planning for while and then remembered that the super glue ran out a week ago. Walked to town to buy more, but they had nothing left.


Now I got this idea in my head that I can't do anything about.

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