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Today in the hobby I....


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Today in the hobby I learned that when using green stuff a little bit goes a long way.


I am reassembling a model I stripped and disassembled, and one of the arms would not stay on with super glue. I rolled up a "little" ball of green stuff and used it to bond the arm to the torso. I then spent 20 minutes picking the excess green stuff off with a tooth pick. :)

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Finally got some free time and sat down to build my dream army now that I finally have most of the parts, still tempted with getting a storm hammer.


65 Death Korps of Krieg, 65 true scale marines, 4 Catallax, 2 Malcador tanks, 1 Leman Russ Demolisher, 3-5 sentinels, 30 tech thralls, a Knight Titan and a true scale Contemptor. Might have to dig out my true scale land raider I started too, just got to go into town to see if I can get a cheapish camera and maybe put up a youtube blog of the build.


Guess I am going to be busy for a while...

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(what's that snickering sound?)

...after a year collecting and painting models...

(who chuckled?)

...and hundreds of dollars invested...

(Slipstreams, why are you covering your mouth, with your shoulders shaking up-and-down?)

...and becoming known in the hobby as a go-to guy for decal sheets...

(Olis, are you rolling your eyes?)

I will be at my FLGS to play my first games of 40K.

(All right...all right...Enough's enough. Everybody breath. Stop holding your sides from the humor of it.)

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TITH acquired a box of free stuff that a mate found in his loft. Bunch of marines, some chaos, some Xenos. Of note are an old Vindicator and a metal Emperors Champion that seems to be missing an arm. Also some Space Crusade marines.


Also went to watch a bit of my mates 7,500 point game, where his opponent surprised him by deploying the Warhound he didn't know was game ready. Much saltiness ensued.



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TITH I went to GeeDub for a few hours, cobbled a 1000pts C:SM list together out of what was in my case/manbag and managed to get a win out of a hilarious game. Highlights included a lone Thunderwolf Cavalry model charging a seven man Tactical Squad, then getting clobbered by bolters before it could use the Thunder Hammer, and lots of hijinks with the remnants of two shattering Tactical Squads. A power fist sergeant spent 4 turns running alone across the battlefield to reach a ruin, while the Librarian, another PF Sgt. and a Melta gun guy jumped in a Rhino and chased around the Space Wolf flier, taking snap shots out of an access point for the last five turns. Emperor knows how many rules we must've botched that game, him pivoting his flier BEFORE moving it apparently was wrong, wish I'd known before it decimated five out of seven Tactical Marines in a squad...

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Today in the hobby... I did a few things for once which was a change. I played a few games against some friends with my Space Wolves, and so far I started off well... for once. I also picked up the latest White Dwarf and the new Dark Angels codex.

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Promptly placed my first five SoM Marines into Simple Green. The White Gesso didn't come out the best. I either: A) Applied too much. B ) Should've thinned it further. or C) White just is a royal pain and I should've primed them in gray.

Edited by Reldn
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TITH I magnetised some arms and shoulder joints on my current Templar model, almost finished making a chainfist look a little more affective looking. But he rest of my night was sabotaged by the tiny demons running a muck once again and faking being ill (further inspection found this to be a ruse)...so not a hell of a lot went on this evening. 


On the hobby upside, I've got 4 days, or evenings (as work and all) completely to myself next week. I shall be lonely though, don't like a quiet house. :(  

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TITH (Follow Up) I went 3-0 in my first 40K outing. Two minor disappointments on the day: had to use my backup 40K list instead of my preferred 30K list (glad I had one prepped); and the scenario used ('Unwelcome Visitors' from White Dwarf 54) really favors the Guardian over the Intruder, and I ended up as Guardian in all three matches. Yeah, I walked away with shiny new Citadel Project Box, but it just didn't feel sporting. Ultimately, though, the big win was finally getting models on the table and dice rolling.

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Actually dug my pups out and swapped all 20 grey hunters pads for the new upgrade ones

Gave up on the missing eldar guardians (for now:ph34r.: )

Yelled aloud when i penetrated my thumb with a stanley knife (superglue for the win:thumbsup: )

Organised a 1750 pts game pups vs ig

Uttered the immortal words anything but a one

Rolled a one

Investigated my shiny new marine codexs list building options (which made me glad:biggrin.:  I've already got a battle company but also sad:cry:  need more rhinos and pods)

Taking my full 2nd company smurf army for a spin next month (may take that long for the math and load out tweaking:laugh.: )


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TITHI finally decided on a marine army.......yes ONE (gasp!).


"Our presence remakes the past"


yep, I am going to get down with my McCraggian self! I have started some Ultras a few times now and never gave them their due. that changes. I have even put my money where my mouth is. I ordered the codex, the UM paint set, the transfer sheet, the upgrade sprue(2 of em), and some other odd and ends.


after I am satisfied with these guys, I may start some IG.....but, one step at a time.

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Did an inventory of the spare marines and marine parts I've got lurking about; enough legs plus a handful of fully/partially assembled marines for 25. Just need to sort out my old Gladii marines and see about inventorying them before I start going hog-crazy with paint-stripper. Also did some minor work for 30k, plus went back and redid a prospective army list for my Imperial Fists. I only wanted a small 1000-point force and now I'm looking at a wishlist 4000-points army.

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Today I painted some minor details for the last component of my ETL vow. Hopefully the weather will cooperate for acceptable priming conditions this weekend!

I came up with a way to negate humidity in priming on my last ETL vow. Basically you prime the models outside, then place them in a cardboard tray, like you might find in packing material. Then you take the tray inside and place it in a large ziplock bag. As long as your home is climate controlled (air conditioned) your models will dry without the outdoor humidity, and you won't smell the primer as it is sealed in the bag. This method has worked for me two out of two times, with outdoor humidity above 70%.


Here is a picture of my contraption.


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