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Today in the hobby I....


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Today I painted some minor details for the last component of my ETL vow. Hopefully the weather will cooperate for acceptable priming conditions this weekend!

I came up with a way to negate humidity in priming on my last ETL vow. Basically you prime the models outside, then place them in a cardboard tray, like you might find in packing material. Then you take the tray inside and place it in a large ziplock bag. As long as your home is climate controlled (air conditioned) your models will dry without the outdoor humidity, and you won't smell the primer as it is sealed in the bag. This method has worked for me two out of two times, with outdoor humidity above 70%.


Here is a picture of my contraption.




That's an excellent idea!  Unfortunately, the part that I need to prime is a little too big to carry back indoors before it dries...



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TITHI.....received my repainted Grey Hunters now with the correct shoulder pad pack marking and my Shield of Baal Deathstorm Blood Angels with a Sanguinary Priest.


Yup, looks like this army is on the go....but don't worry, fellow Sons of Russ....I'll have a land raider and another long fang squad in a month or so ;-) 

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Put my gaming table outside in the driveway to scrap. If anyone in the LA area (I'm in north Glendale) is interested in a free 4x6 table please let me know. You WILL need a truck as it is solid. it is built with underside shelves to house enough terrrain to cover it twice over and it has movable dice/ mini boxes. I'll give it a few days before I give it the chainfist.

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Today in the hobby, I went to the FW open day, bought Rhino doors (side and rear) for my Sisters army (yes, another army...), HH volume 5/Tempest (signed by the mighty Alan Bligh himself :happy.: ) and got Guilliman.


Now I have to console my bank account as it weeps, oh how it weeps! :laugh.:

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Over the weekend, preordered Age of Sigmar: really looking forward to utilising lots of it for my Chaos army!


I'm tempted to do the same - some of those golden dudes would fit in really nicely to my planned Blood Angels......but can I justify it???  Also like the idea of using the Chaos minis for a start of a Chaos army.....

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Today (well, this week) in the hobby, I finally got around to getting the start of my Order of the Dauntless Spirit army. They are next in line for paint after getting my ETL vow done...
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Yesterday in the hobby, I got spanked 22-8 with Daemonkin vs Dark Angels. He had something like 10 points by the end of turn two, and I just lost all momentum when my big unit of Terminators mishapped into the corner of the board.



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I'm hoping that TITH, some of the new weathering materials I ordered arrived... and we'll see if I can fit in another ETL vow...


They arrived! Really happy with them, excited to use them. Went for the AK Rust and Vallejo special effects... Things are going to get weathered!

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Yesterday in the hobby I bought an "incomplete" landraider from a guy 2 towns over for $10.  Besides some gaps that need filling the only thing really incomplete about it is that it doesn't have a weapon on the front and that right side door wasn't glued on, but he provided me with a door so the only thing wrong in reality with is that there's no front weapon.


For $10 I'd have to be a crazy person to pass it up.  Also bought some primed but unpainted BT models from him so yesterday was a wonderful day in the hobby.

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Today in the hobby I finally finished building a Land Raider Crusader that had sat unbuilt for roughly three years. My friend bought it, never built it. Eventually I bought it from him at a discount, it continued to sit unbuilt. Today however I now have my Third Land Raider Crusader. Fitting that it is my third LRC after waiting three years.

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