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TITHI learnt the hard way that it's actually much smarter to paint the fleshy parts of a Helbrute before the trim. So much trim to redo/mess to clean up - whoops :cry:. Not to mention the sheer amount of metal/piping to paint!


Also started repainting one of my stripped Berzerkers in my Black Legion scheme, and continued soaking many more models (mostly CSM, though a couple of Exorcists too) in their Simple Green bath. As if I didn't have enough on my plate already haha!

TITHI learnt the hard way that it's actually much smarter to paint the fleshy parts of a Helbrute before the trim. So much trim to redo/mess to clean up - whoops :cry:. Not to mention the sheer amount of metal/piping to paint!


Also started repainting one of my stripped Berzerkers in my Black Legion scheme, and continued soaking many more models (mostly CSM, though a couple of Exorcists too) in their Simple Green bath. As if I didn't have enough on my plate already haha!

I commensurate with you on the Helbrut. Particularly the DV Helbrut, I found it a much more difficult model than the boxed one.

Today in the Hobby I... finished the first of three weapon systems for my newest Chaotic creation.



The words of the day are, "Ectoplasma Cannon"! Can you say Ectoplasma Cannon? ... Very good, I knew you could.



TITHI considered whether or not I have the time to begin putting together my new super heavy...

Depends on which super-heavy it is


I'll let you guess. :wink:



Is it Grimaldus? :teehee:


TITH I puttered along with my two Dreadnought WIPs, and primed a Vindicator.  Because I don't have enough plastic already on my desk. :P




TITHI considered whether or not I have the time to begin putting together my new super heavy...

Depends on which super-heavy it is


I'll let you guess. :wink:



Is it Grimaldus? :teehee:


TITH I puttered along with my two Dreadnought WIPs, and primed a Vindicator.  Because I don't have enough plastic already on my desk. :tongue.:


No I bet it is a Glaive with CHOOM!

TITH I unearthed my airbrush from its tomb of cobwebs.  A fairly successful test on an old rhino chassis, minus a few masking fails.  :)


Although I think I need a new needle.  The damn thing ends up whistling a lot.  A bit of that is just dry tip, though, thanks to the pigment heavy blacks and grays. :P

TITH, delighted to say I won a game! Heresy Death Guard against Imperial Fists at 2.5k. To lose both Sicarans first turn to a Strength D weapon was a surprise, and I thought it'd go terribly from there, but a resolute list (made up mainly of troops, with very little anti-tank!) pulled off a miraculous 22-8 victory. Thank you tactical objectives! Had a brilliant time with a top class opponent.

Today, I set out to create a new Lucius/Slaanesh Lord model as the possible beginning of a small Flawless Host force. As ideas fell through and my creative process kicked in, I instead ended up with Tzeentch Lord, the concept for which had been kicking around in my mind since the release of the current codex, but which lacked a suitable base model that I was happy to work from. I confess, I felt the pangs of guilt as I set out to debase Khorgus Khul with the intention of turning him to Slaanesh, and finally Tzeentch, but they soon vanished when I finished my work. My Iron Warriors finally have a leader I am satisfied with, even if I have strayed from the path of skulls in the process.


I also came back to the forum. Hi, long time, no see.

...received my order from GW! Was pleasantly surprised that my Night Lords Hero turned out to be the original metal rather than being Finecast, and that the wings on his helmet are detachable. Had a chance to look over the Finecast Night Lords Accessory Sprue and the four Legion of the Damned figures, they seem excellent in quality. Now all I need to do is file off the flame markings and maybe change the boltgun magazines and I've got the start of a terror squad. :biggrin.:

Edited by Viridia

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