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Today in the hobby I....


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TITH I was left absolutely :censored: fuming after my cheap contemptor from the US got hit with customs charges. There goes the Emperor-blessed price-saving. On the bright side at least I know it's in the UK now, and I've managed to build my ten-man tactical veteran squad for undercoating.

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TITH my order from the Dark Works showed up. Sadly, I'm at work, and so haven't been able to open it yet. Also, Subtle Discord is a legend, I only ordered it late Thursday and he had to cast it up. Wasn't expecting it till Thursday this week at the earliest.



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TITH my order from the Dark Works showed up. Sadly, I'm at work, and so haven't been able to open it yet. Also, Subtle Discord is a legend, I only ordered it late Thursday and he had to cast it up. Wasn't expecting it till Thursday this week at the earliest.



For Call of Chaos!
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Yeah. I have limited funds, so I can't just buy everything in the month leading up to the event, I have to plan carefully.


Besides, I was already planning next years when the dust settled on this years. I find it helps to have a vague plan, even if it gives me something to ignore.



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Today in the hobby I played my two best games yet - my Imperial Knights versus a Cadian armored company. The Knights dominated the first, and were dominated in the rematch. My favorite moment was watching my favorite Paladin tank shots from six Leman Russes, only to get speared through the heart on his last hull point by a Shadowsword rolling a 6 on the D-table. You died well, brother!
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TDITH I started priming for the Call of Chaos. Something possessed me to prime some Nurglings white, instead of my usual grey. I'm interested in seeing what suitably Nurglely colors I can get out of them starting from white.
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TDITH I started priming for the Call of Chaos. Something possessed me to prime some Nurglings white, instead of my usual grey. I'm interested in seeing what suitably Nurglely colors I can get out of them starting from white.

try a yellow glaze over a green wash?

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TITH I remembered that I have a Chaos "army" (it's more like a bunch of differently painted units because I could never decide on a colour scheme). Brought them out in the light and now I want to build a proper army using mostly mk III and IV. Only problem is that I doubt I'll be able to handle four armies at the same time, and if I do start a Chaos force I'll feel the need to make a pre Heresy version of it at some point.

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