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Today in the hobby I....


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I just lost interest in it the more I worked on it. The colour scheme was just going nowhere for me and I wasnt in the mood to strip it. So I stopped and focused on another game. I even stopped coming here during that time. Around friday I came back to check on stuff and well got my motivation going again so grabbed all the parts to the Knight and currently on the armour pieces.

I'll be putting it up on a thread soon.

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TITH sold and gave away 900 Marines and Tanks  all old models. Started putting together some new Kill Teams.



Nearly a whole Chapter... I can't even visualise that! :laugh.:


Today in the hobby, I got my latest ebay purchase from Australia. Two Seraphim and two Seraphim Superiors, making my Superiors total five :happy.:

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TITH sold and gave away 900 Marines and Tanks  all old models. Started putting together some new Kill Teams.



Nearly a whole Chapter... I can't even visualise that! :laugh.:


Today in the hobby, I got my latest ebay purchase from Australia. Two Seraphim and two Seraphim Superiors, making my Superiors total five :happy.:


A lot of it was 15 years old and I need space for the New stuff.:wink:

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TITH I got my Forge World exclusive Centurion in the post, considering swapping the included flesh head out for a laurelled helmet from the Sternguard kit, although it's a little big for the gorget I think.


Khorne Red spray is out of stock :'( Maybe my local GW still has some in.... 


Also, DoW Soulstorm is £2.49 on Steam atm, and the other expansions/ DoW 2 are quite cheap too if any of you are interested!


Definitely recommend the heck out of both Dawn of War games personally!

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@brother Lame, This is what our venerable brother stanley(or x-acto) is for carefully shaving those recalcitrant bits of gubbins until they fit


TITHI Made some flickering wreck markers



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