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£40 from Ikea.

There is a hole in the top for a spot lighe (which is £35 all in with the transformer etc) but I've gone for a strip light system, £20 foe 4 lengths. I'll probably need another pack, but thought it would give a better distribution of light.

Just for the record, the shelving unit is called Detolf (trust me, I know these things :wink: )


Today in the hobby, I really lost my marbles and got a very cheap (and never painted) Penitent Engine on ebay. I've heard you're not a true Sisters aficionado until you've attempted to build one without losing your will to live! :laugh.:

TITHI - Had a go at assembling my Dornian Heresy Iron Hand on bike for my Call of Chaos VIII vow.


It wasn't easy but I was helped by listening to the Saul Reichlin reading me the Scorched Earth audio book:biggrin.:


I will paint him tomorrow.

Edited by Scion of Ferrus

....I chuckled, then felt dismayed, as yet another decent eBay bid for a Guard joblot was trumped yet again by aa-wargames.


The spending power he/she/they have is essentially removing any chance of grabbing stuff, and leaves me sad at the thought that it'll all appear next week in the listings, badly undercoated and split up for the sake of a few pounds profit.


Could've done with a few tanks, but alas.......

....I chuckled, then felt dismayed, as yet another decent eBay bid for a Guard joblot was trumped yet again by aa-wargames.


The spending power he/she/they have is essentially removing any chance of grabbing stuff, and leaves me sad at the thought that it'll all appear next week in the listings, badly undercoated and split up for the sake of a few pounds profit.


Could've done with a few tanks, but alas.......

Or they'll turn around and break them down into component bits and sell them at a higher base cost.

After starting it last night and finishing it this afternoon, I'm scratching my head wondering just what the purpose of 'Damnation of Pythos' was. Despite the Horus Heresy setting I think it'd have worked better being marketed as a general 'daemon' themed novel like the short story about the White Consuls.

TITH, I'm spending far too much time trying to paint semi-realistic dirty blonde hair. I'm satisfied with the results so far (thanks the gods that GW produced Khemri Brown and Iyanden Darksun), but there's still quite a bit left to do!


EDIT: Result:




No 'Eavy Metal highlights, hence the dull, flat look. IRL, I think it looks far better :)

Edited by Dosjetka

- Visited a hobby shop looking for one product. Manufacturer was wrong about the particular shop carrying the product, but oh my DAMN! what a store to come across.

- Tried to push through a big ole' bipolar funk and start painting my XVIIIth Legion honor guard of Rogue Trader Dreads for Chaplain Nomus Rhy'tan. Stopped after not even a single coat - gotta wait for the funk to pass before getting back to painting.

- On a plus note, discovered a place in my basement where, with a nearby candle to draw the fumes, I can primer/rattle spray models. So, when the funk (see previous point) passes, I should have a sizable back stock of models primered and waiting for their coats of paint.

Today in the Hobby I posted in the B&C for the first time in probably 4 years, dusted off my marines and jumped into a 3 way battle with Ravenwing and Harlequins for my first battle since 5th Ed- getting joint first place (despite not understanding these new shiny objective cards).


Not a bad tale of resurrection I think ;)

TITH me and the wife went to Warhammer World. Man, that Exhibition Hall is awesome.




Very jealous, I've not yet been in there, despite two visits this year! Did you cave and purchase anything?


TITH, I've pottered around various options for the Call of Chaos, as I'm raring to get painting... I know this has been on-going, but I'm close! :lol:

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