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Today in the hobby I....


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I bought two books. The wife nearly bought some Tartaros pattern suits, but resisted. If we hadn't gone around the gallery, I'd probably have picked up a t-shirt as well.


Need a hand working out the vow?



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TITHI finished writing up the rules for the first mission of the campaign my friends and I will be playing. It is our first time doing a campaign, and they have entrusted me with planning it, so I am excited and perhaps a little nervous.

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TITH I beat dawn of war: Soulstorm (late to the party I know)


I also thought about how cool it would be to participate in a DoW style conquer and control planetary sector style campaign on the tabletop. 

Edited by The_Chaplain
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Finally got back to 40k. I reassembled a bunch of Sisters of Battle, gave a canoness an eviscerator (two Repentia sacrificed their utility as models for this noble goal), and bought a whole bunch of minis, mostly used and third party, to represent death cult assassins and crusaders, and I also started planning a repressor conversion...

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TITHI had a 1750 game with my Angels of Shadow vs Vostroyans. I got my rear handed to me, nearly tabled and lost 5 to 12 VPs...




Three Leman Russ tanks fired their entire salvo of battle cannons, heavy bolters and lascannons into my Dark Master, his Librarian advisor and their Company Veteran bodyguard. Such was the magnitude of fury unleashed that lesser men would have fallen to the dirt and abandoned all hope, soiling themselves in utter terror as they wept to their gods. Even Dark Master Kronos Nightshade could see little hope in their future.


Standing at the head of the squad, Veteran Sergeant Lokevir Mournlight hefted his Hammer of Thunder and Shield of Storms. His brethren would not fall so long as he drew breath. Bracing against the cataclysmic destruction hurled his way he protected his brothers. His shield buckled, his arm ruined and his armour was cracked but still he stood. He alone weathered enough damage to kill each Astartes thrice over. Only when a stray multi-laser bolt struck him did Lokevir succumb to his wounds, the Vostroyans eager to take down such an inhuman foe.

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TITHI... I am still waiting for my package of weathering powders. When I do get them, surely the Dark Gods will tremble at the weathering of my tanks...


Also, the Heroes of the Guard Painting Challenge ended in the Imperial Guard forum. Guess who was the last one. Go ahead. It was me, your favourite Regimental Priest! Yay! I really should invest in Photoshop. Anywho, get on over to the Guard section of the building (it's in the backyard. Wait, it's the entire yard) and look at some great models by everyone involved!

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Today I finished painting my AdMech Bastion project, primed a pile of miscellaneous models to paint on my day off tomorrow, and began assembling my AdMech Plasma Obliterator kitbash.



EDIT: I also finished painting my sixth Tarrantula kitbash. It's been sitting on my to-do shelf for so long that I forgot that it's done...

Edited by CommodusXIII
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TITH, with a combination of Legos, Magic Mold and jewelers resin, I started the 2-day process of recasting a Culexus Assassin in clear resin so appears more like an invisible man and less like a painted metal miniature. (If this works, I'll recreate the process for a tutorial.)


EDIT: Take 1 with the Magic Mold was a partial success. Unfortunately, I followed casting instructions intended for opaque terrain, not a transparent person. Ended up with a translucent Culexus - will work for a game Saturday unless Take 2 (using Composimold) has set by then.

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TITH, I finally ran the first models I bought for 40k (Legion of the Damned) and, though I lost the day on points (7-8 after 3 matches), they proved themselves enough that, with just a couple tweaks, I'll be running them in bulk again soon!

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TitH i searched on every bitz site and on ebay to get this damn bare headed phalanx warder head cause I wanted to built me a blackswordsman berserkstyle SpaceMarine. Instead I bid on a few auction and now i won a landraider ans a fw rapier laser.

Still no head. Any suggestions?

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TitH i searched on every bitz site and on ebay to get this damn bare headed phalanx warder head cause I wanted to built me a blackswordsman berserkstyle SpaceMarine. Instead I bid on a few auction and now i won a landraider ans a fw rapier laser.

Still no head. Any suggestions?


have you got a pic of the head?

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