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Today in the hobby I....


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Rebuilt 10 plastic scouts I got second hand. 5 were already snipers, so nothing really save for the sergeant who was upgraded to a veteran with special wargear. The other 5 were setup as bolter scouts, but I already have a full 10 man squad of bolters, so they became close combat dudes with sergeant having a grav pistol and a thunderhammer.
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Tith started tallying the forces I have to work on


"some assembly required" stage...


1 each devastator and assault kits (previous release got cheap cus of the new ones that just came out) +3 or 4 initiates who will pick up spare heavy weapons from Dev kit


Razorback/rhino from reclusium box


Everything from shield of baal(stealing the tda squad for my templars since I can use the Ba tda from space hulk instead and the Templar could use some)


About 2/3rds of dark vengeance box


So that gives me nice little tyranids, chaos, blood angel and dark angel forces to Mrs with and break up the tedium of the many many templars I need to paint...


Paint que...


95% of 2 crusader squads. Each has 7 ccw initiates and 5 ccw neophytes and a power axe initiate. Plus extra special weapons and sword brethren. 2 each of melta and plasma, and 2 each of sword brethren with combi melta combi plasma and combi flamer.


Also a command squad and chaplain from reclusium box...




So much to do no time at all to do it...

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Today I finished my AdMech Plasma Obliterator kitbash project. I'll be taking a break to work on a side project. It's a mostly-human Kill Team using the rules from a Xenos codex - I'm sure that that's not allowed here, so I'll catch you in a few months. Edited by CommodusXIII
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Today in the hobby I realised that thanks to some incredibly poor planning on my part I'm short of two pairs of legs for both my second Sternguard Squad and my Vanguard Squad for my planned stuff for the Lauss Rift. :pinch:


Curse my atrocious lack of foresight and proper planning!

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