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Today in the hobby I....


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TITH I purchased a few paint supplies for my Minotaurs, and finally decided which legion I'll join with my Betrayal at Calth marines.


Go on.... do tell...



Alpha Legion. Their Rite of War which lets them include a specialist unit from any other Legion swung it for me, meaning I can legitimately buy and paint whatever cool looking unit I like and actually be able to use it :)

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TITH I purchased a few paint supplies for my Minotaurs, and finally decided which legion I'll join with my Betrayal at Calth marines.


Go on.... do tell...



Alpha Legion. Their Rite of War which lets them include a specialist unit from any other Legion swung it for me, meaning I can legitimately buy and paint whatever cool looking unit I like and actually be able to use it :smile.:


And, following the fluff, paint it up as a completely different legion and it be completely legitimate! ;-)

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Today I tracked down copies of Creatures Anathema and Xenology for my collection.  I've had an idea for a Kill Team/INQ28 campaign floating around in my head for a while and the Specialist Games revival finally brought it to the surface.  :)

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TITHI found the perfect themes for the Crimson Watchers after playing Republic Commando again. As well as that, finally got my order from Kabuki Miniatures and am now scrambling to find a good scythe-blade and new head for my Uriel model to represent a Tempest Reaper chapter master.

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FW order of Mk.IV Ultramarine pads (exactly 10, all I need...) and more Word Bearer upgrades. Cracking those open to check them, then I'm off to my GW to pick up my BaC. Haven't been this excited for a new project in a long time.

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Picked up two boxes of Battle of Calth and may have scared the staff member a bit, but he was nice and threw in a Khorne t-shirt, badges and other bits.


Not sure if when he asked if I was Heretic or a Loyalist then saying I looked like a Heretic was a compliment but the models are great and all is good.

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I randomly checked Ecayonline (the craigslist proxy for the tiny island I live on).  For the first time ever, I found an ad for "War hammer stuff".  I agree to meet the owner and now have an unbelievable load of fantasy and 40K minis from GW and FW.


I shall prepare for the obligatory "what the heck did I end up with" day long process of discovery.

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Snagged a pair of BaC boxes as the core of a legion army (XIII)

Kit bashed / recarved the first praetor (paragon blade and T' hammer:biggrin.: )  needs some greenstuff work before base coating though

The second praetor might become an Inquisitor or the newest version of captain invinctus still undecided


Converted the first word bearer character into a codex chaplain:wacko.: the skull helmet was just sitting there but i still need a jump pack

The second one I'm planning on kit bashing into a MoS if i can get away with it:whistling: (ariels lots of ariels and maybe some oversized targetting hmmmm)


Made 2 support squads 1 heavy support with 6 ml and 1 tactical or heavy with either 6 hb, plasma, flamer or meltas (magnets:wub.:  )

Plus the contemptors (more magnets, carving and greenstuffing to come) oh and the cataphracti (to magnetise or not that is the?:ph34r.: )


Next on the list are 45 bolter dudes and 3 sergeants:huh.: (oh and painting the pesky things:wink: )

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@doghouse: any chance of some piccies or a link?:drool:



Made the other 45 bolter brethren and the 3 sergeants (still no sign of paint though:whistling: )


Coming soon mate, these are a brand new technique I have come up with for truescaling and I want a proper group shot. ;)


Today I started on the first test paint job for my Iron Warriors, after all the work that goes into something like this, painting the first model is often the scariest part.

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YITHI Magnetized a 6 man BaC legion tactical (or heavy) support squad for plamas, meltas, flamers or heavy bolters and painted the black basecoat and the first coats of blue on my first 16 man legion tactical squad and a contemptor

TITHI Magnetized 2 BaC contemptors and succesfully removed the BaC chaplains backpack from his cloak then repaired the subsequent damage done to his cloak with some gs (leftover from the contemptors:wink: )

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