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TITHI...realised I'd mis-built my Deathwatch Tactical Squad.  Luckily, I have 10 marine bodies lying around on sprues....but means that I can't get them painted now as haven't got time to get them built.


So, I decided to make a dent on my Deathwing Company (So far, I have a Libby, Chaplain, Mortis Contemptor and 5x DWKs...so I'll add Belial, a Command Squad, 2x 'tactical' squads and a TH&SS squad)

TITH I got my hopefully last eBay order for a while (I'msorry wallet) of the BaC Apostle model that I now will convert into being a Captain for my Imperial Fists (Power Axe and some other gun)

Now I will just have to find time to finish that stage of my scaled down Chapter-project. Having 11 Captains/CM, 11 Chaplains, 9 Librarians and 3 Techmarines, all unique will come in handy some day :D


Finished undercoating my second 16 man legion tactical squad :happy.:

Painted my first BaC chaplain:biggrin.:

Kit bashed a MoS out of my second BaC chaplain model :cool.:

Started the base coats of blue on a magnetized 6 man BaC tactical (or heavy, I really love magnets ) support squad:wink:

Today I started work on the Warp Talons that have been sat in my bitz box for about a year.


All those fiddly details will probably look good once they're done, but since my hands to jitter a fair bit while painting, there's going to be a LOT of mistakes first. :sweat:


Finished the basecoat of blue on my second 16 man legion tactical squad

Finished the base coat of blue on the magnetized support squad

Some minor gs gapfilling work on the first praetor and the MoS

Assembled (Ok blutakked) the final 16 man legion tactical squad

Spotted that each BaC box has three spare bodies (front and back torso + arms, backpacks, pads and heads) but no extra legs :pirate:

Started scouring ebay for mk IV legs:wallbash:

Found some but they'll cost £20 for 6:censored:

For the last few days in the hobby, I've been laughing every time I think about Forge World's volkite weapons being sold out. I don't know why...


Because the CHOOM! train does have brakes after all? :tongue.:



For the last few days in the hobby, I've been laughing every time I think about Forge World's volkite weapons being sold out. I don't know why...

Because the CHOOM! train does have brakes after all? :tongue.:






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