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Today in the hobby I....


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Yesterday in the hobby I read the Purge novella whilst getting a slice of bacon tattood on my arm.

Today I stuck together ten plastic mk4 marines and started on the cataphracts, these 2 bit pads are weird.

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That reminds me that I need to buy myself some four-sided dice to remember lost hull points.

I hadn't taken that into account. Hmm...looks like another mini (:laugh.: ) project for me :smile.:

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TITH I finished one little Dark Angel that was missing a base...for my second squad. and ordered a land raider.  And about finished up prep prior to painting on the enemies of the imperium that come in the DV box. After all...we need an enemy to fight right? now I just need to find someone to play them against me :D

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The other day in a different hobby, the laser cannon on my TIE Fighter popped out and the bottom plastic mounting ripped off.


Strangely enough I've procrastinated the last five years building an army, and in a few hours I said :cuss it and fixed it. Priorities.


Also I'm getting ready to paint it green and either use red or yellow stripes.


Now related news, I'm off and will get to assembling some Noise Marines... Hopefully.


Unlikely if I pass out after my day job.

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Yesterday I made incredible headway on a very unfortunate Warhound Titan project, and hopefully will see similar progress tonight.  I have to jump in and out of the office at odd overnight hours the next few days, which justifies some late-night painting campaigns.  Just as long as I don't lose track of time!  :blink.:

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Got home from a grueling day at work--  finished the audiobook Templar (my first 40k audiobook).  Revelling in the sense of zeal the book gave off, so am now queing up some battle reports to listen to while I work on stuff for the evening.


Any other recommendations for audio books B&C?  

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Tithi painted for the first time in a long while, doing some cloth armor on some fire warriors. I also prepped some test models for how I'm going to paint my bac stuff, which I'm leaning towards using as a vanilla codex army.


I want to do a crimson fist army (led by captain cortez), but a friend of mine is a long time dorn follower so I'm thinking either a blue gray army (sort of space shark like) or Alpha Legion because I LOVE how incubi darkness looks after being shaded with coelia greenshade, or I may combine the two because I love the shade of gray I want to use.

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TITHI Put down the controller and stoppped playing fallout 4:wub.::furious::wub.::wacko.:

Picked up some brushes and did the base coats for a 6 marine legion heavy support squad with missile launchers, Did the base metallics for the other 6 marine support squad, First few coats of base clolour for the contemptors gold trim, Base coated the master of signals kitbash and finally painted a test mini for the cataphracti's


Also threw fw some money breachers (plus some other goodies) incoming:cool.:

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Tith I remembered that I finished assembling everything from dark vengeance the other day but forgot to mention it... Lol. Well focus on deathstorm next I think.. But that will require allot of magnets so I need to find a source... Preferably local... Wish me luck
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