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Today in the hobby I....


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TITH I accepted that for me 40k will no longer be a playing hobby ( lack of local opponents ) but will be a painting hobby based around the various chapter master/captain, chaplain and other character figures that I have bought over the years ( including a third party "not"  Rogal Dorn ) .

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TITHI put the base silver on all the flex armor of my four Blood Claws to finish out my first Space Wolves pack. It's not much, but it is a start. A color or two a day may see these guys finished by the new year (and it's funny how I always seem to roam around to working on my Wolves during winter, like there's some subconscious connection between the two or something :D).
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Yes I think you need another 5 GK terminators. You can never have too many terminators!!


TITHI, I am procrastinating over highlighting my wall of grey




Did a quick drybrush as this helps me to figure out where shadows and light should go. Next will be the blended highlights :wacko.:

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Tith I decided after the ETL and Call this year I need a break from painting CSM's and I'm gonna do some dioramas just for fun. First I'm gonna remake my old Marines vs Cultist 'Romans go Home' diorama now I have them silly helmits from the Calth box. Then I will do some Templars being taunted a second time. Oh and yes, there will be a swallow in there somewhere, and a shrubbery.
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