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Today in the hobby I....


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You could always do an IronWarrior making silly gestures or waving his posterior at some Imperial Fists or successors from behind a battlement. "I fart in your general direction!!" (Monty Python holy grail)

Edited by dantay_xv
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Tith I decided after the ETL and Call this year I need a break from painting CSM's and I'm gonna do some dioramas just for fun. First I'm gonna remake my old Marines vs Cultist 'Romans go Home' diorama now I have them silly helmits from the Calth box. Then I will do some Templars being taunted a second time. Oh and yes, there will be a swallow in there somewhere, and a shrubbery.

And a Juniper Bush?
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Today in my hobby has been a day of Heresy... I've built Skorr and Dreygur, and the limited edition Centurion, followed by ten Breachers and the Games Day Boarding Marine... and I'm going to attempt a Fire Raptor now!


I may have bought a Deredeo too... Just to complement everything.

Edited by Chaeron
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Today in the hobby I sat down to paint a test mini of a fresh DIY chapter color scheme.... and realized half way through I had just painted something close to retro Ultramarines.


I might stick with it though, bring the old colors into the new fluff and models as a successor. Thunderhawk Blue is a really nice color... I've been wanting to use it for awhile...

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Today in the hobby, I bought another Seraphim Sister Superior, despite the fact that I already have five (two will be active...the others are for a second [yes, you heard right] Order). I'm watching another one as well :laugh.:


Last week in the Hobby, I missed out on a huge Sisters ebay lot (79 models, including a female Inquisitor), because I didn't set an automatic maximum bid (I was at work and wouldn't have been able to take a break when the auction ended). What made it worse is that the price it went for was a lot less than I was prepared to pay for it!



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Today in the hobby I decided to change tack with my Space Wolves in 30K.


Most of my freehand has been celtic knotwork and tribal designs, like this:










To enhance my Space Wolves vehicles. I am working on a Spartan which is yet to be named. I want to go for something more old-school for the Spartan. An old and venerable machine, she was with the Wolves when they took their fledgling steps among the stars and is a relic even before the outbreak of the Heresy.

To reinforce this I want to try a new style and looked at viking/saxon designs online and tried to use one on the tank, it is less big and brash, but more elegant and stately.




Hopefully it still meshes with the rest of the Wolves but will look good as a symbol for the old lady of the legion, and very different to designs I have worked on so far. 


Am I on the right track?

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Today in the hobby (well, technically yesterday), I finished painting my Devastator Squad, which now means I can legally field a Demi-Company (without transports) and a third Librarian for my Conclave. I also re-based my Captain onto 32mm. Today will be getting photos up on here before beginning my Xmas pub-based rampage :)

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TITH received a rather unexpected hobby related gift.  A little tool box filled with different xacto knife blades (44 total), 7 handles, some super glue, and a sharpening stone.  I believe someone is trying to tell me that I need to do some better detail work pre-painting.

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TitH i woke up... Startin off slow today. Gonna raid my bits box later so i know what im building for the boxing day bash.

Oh and happy yule, happy holidays and merry xmas, depending on what you preffer.

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So this happened TITHI...





Part of the 24 hour paint challenge. So close to finished, but got cross eyed and had to sleep

Edited by dantay_xv
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