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Today in the hobby I....


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TDITH I worked more on some spawn. 3 days in a row with hobby time ;) One Nurgrly spawn was basecoated with a mixture of averland sunset and Loren green. I liked the unhealthy color, but I painted him and his appendages seperate. This has helped me with chaos marines and their trim in the past, but with the spawn, I've had to green stuff some tentacles into their shoulder joints. No big deal, but when I touch up the green stuff with paint, I'm going to have to figure out what ratio I used to match it. I'm glad to be painting again, though, I forgot how much fun it is.
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TITH I tried a new color scheme for the DIY chapter I've had bouncing around in my head for years. Just a simple terminator I had lying about. I could use a little more shading on the white... and whoever put it together really messed up the shoulders. I might try to paint it up like battle damage or something. It's my first time really going for shading and edge highlights. I think it worked out alright.



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TITH I finished painting my imperial knight, head over to my Work in progress thread for photos, and played my first 2 games of WH40k in Kill team scenarios.


Pretty good games.The first game I played against a Skitarii and annihilated him. The second game I played against Tau, I would have tabled him if it wasn't for the fact his warlord turned into a Daemon Prince :( lol . 1 Win and a draw isn't too bad for a noob like me.

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TITHI plugged away at my Calth box. Started mixing in some resin parts so not everyone looks identical.


I also keep getting the urge to paint them all as HH Dark Angels, rather than the mix of schemes I have planned. Must resist!



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TITH This morning I mostly painted up a White Templar to include in my slowly growing Crusade force before work. Roughly 9 hours later I had to rush home as i was informed that someone burglarized my home shortly before I was scheduled to leave.  Thankfully the individuals were in such an altered mental state that they didn't actually steal anything, just moved some of my things around, namely my Emperor's Champion and my honor guard squad.

The Emperor Protects.

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TITHI plugged away at my Calth box. Started mixing in some resin parts so not everyone looks identical.


I also keep getting the urge to paint them all as HH Dark Angels, rather than the mix of schemes I have planned. Must resist!





TITH, I got home and my Deredeo had arrived! I also bought another Martian Ironearth.

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Today in the hobby, I received one "Mad Donna" Ulanti to use as a counts-as Uriah Jacobus :happy.:


Well, I thought it apt to use one nut case instead of another one... :laugh.:

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TITH... I finally finished a handful of ragtag cultists...

pretty dull except they were the last of my painting backlog, so i have a clear painting desk for the first time in months if not years.


time to find some new models, or perhaps i could just stock up for ETL.

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TITHI finished my biker Captain (after months and months)!




More photos in my WIP thread. All comments appreciated (preferably in the WIP thread, but no biggie!).

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