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Today in the hobby I....


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TDITH I lost an eye. To be more specific, I lost one of those little tiny eyes that come on the chaos spawn sprue. The dark gods must not have wanted the spawn to have an extra eye, so it bounced off my hobby area and onto the kitchen floor. I searched with high power flashlights for 15 minutes, and called it gone. Still I lost an eye. ;)
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Tithi experimented with my chaos terminators and set aside parts for 3 obliterators (got six in total now).


Also did it up so I got 6 chaos terminators with combi meltas, and 6 terminators with combi plasmas (were a pain in the fingers to convert...I'd rather have multiple of the commander combi plasmas but don't have them and want to not pay extra...but I got lots of unused plasma pistols so hurrah)

Edited by Trevak Dal
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TITH I have discovered the lost wonder that is Glory and Hate! I know what I'll be reading later this week. I mean, I knew that Hyena did actual 40k-era minis, but it's strange actually seeing the thread.


EDIT: He did a CSM project before that? Does anyone have a link to that in the archive, 'cause I really want to see that.

Edited by The Psycho
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Came up with a semi-decent pose for my Contemptor; http://orig10.deviantart.net/af28/f/2016/008/e/c/contemptor_pose_by_lpjgpr-d9n95se.jpg


Might not look too good but I'm trying for a hunching look with the Kheres cocked down as if to suggest that the shell cases in the middle of the base and next to the right foot have ejected from either side of it. Now I'm just wondering if I'm better off filing the sole of the foot flat since I'm going to have trouble gluing it down.

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Today in the hobby I thought, "I should do some cleaning."


I singularly failed to do any cleaning, and instead painted a Leman Russ Demolisher and Chimera APC. A good day, all in all.

Can that cleaning the paint cue!


Tith I finished my only 2 plasma cannon marines... About time.

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Within the last twenty=four hours in the hobby, I managed to get the following painted:

2x Rhinos 85% complete

Immolator 40% complete

2x Exorcists 40% complete

10x Seraphim 80% complete

10 BSS Sisters 55% complete

Penitent Engine 85% complete

Canoness (required both arms painted) Will be finished before I go to sleep.

(Percentages approximate...)

At least everything will have some paint for their first game against Kobrakei tomorrow (well, today)... :happy.:

I managed a lot more than I thought I would! :blink.: I think the B+C being down for the server change was a factor in that...:laugh.:

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Edited by Aquilanus
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This morning in the hobby I spent far too much (nearly £50) on paints because my planned colour scheme ended up being darker than I wanted so I needed to do some experimenting with new paints to come up with something new.


This afternoon in the hobby I dropped an open pot of retributor armour all over myself. Fortunately, mostly on my clothes and not the carpet. Not as bad as the time I dropped an open pot of superglue on my crotch though.

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