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Today in the hobby I....


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TDITH I finished up two Nurgle spawn. The first models I have painted that are not predominately black armor, and one is the first model I have highlighted. Than I started assembling some plague bearers. It has been the most productive hobby day for me since ETL.
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TDITH i am still working on my Aquila Strongpoint for my Sisters of Battle army....just finished the second pot of Khorne Red.


Oh...and my ebay auction for 4x Heavy Bolters arrived from the Fortress of Redemption kit (and i've already got one of those mod for my SoB army too), so now i can upgrade it.

Retributor squad manning those for 8x Heavy Bolters with Faith to Rend......haahhahah

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TITH, I learned that Testors Plastic Cement (liquid in a brush jar) circa 1997 still works, but GREAT GOOGLY MOOGLY has it developed a stank!! I think my two brain cells that survived the 90s have now joined their dear departed brethren! (But the start of my Skitarii force is...umm... started.)

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Today, or rather last week, in the hobby I finally finished this.





I'm still painting the melee weapons and the AA turret but those are extra, this is the main way I want to run a knight, but with the power of magnets I can do more than one build.

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Today I fought one of my most fun missions yet. Six Knights, a Warhound and a bunch of Skitarii and fortifications against 4,000 points of Leman Russes, a Shadowsword, some flyers and mechanized veterans. We ground each other to dust in about 3.5 hours.
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Today, or rather last week, in the hobby I finally finished this.


I'm still painting the melee weapons and the AA turret but those are extra, this is the main way I want to run a knight, but with the power of magnets I can do more than one build.

Straight off the show room floor!...and one battle away from ruining that fresh-from-the-forge paint job. :wink:

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Today, or rather last week, in the hobby I finally finished this.


I'm still painting the melee weapons and the AA turret but those are extra, this is the main way I want to run a knight, but with the power of magnets I can do more than one build.

Straight off the show room floor!...and one battle away from ruining that fresh-from-the-forge paint job. :wink:



Only just promoted to master of justice, and the orks he fought in his first game didn't even scratch him while he rampaged through a pair of Gorkanaughts.

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TITH, I am fighting very, VERY, V-E-R-Y hard not to take the rest of the day off sick so I can rush home, rip open the box with that new Mac UPS delivered earlier, and get my software loaded so I can start doing new decal sheets from home.


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TITHI organised my sprue boxes to prepare for despruing everything once I get some drawers to expand the size of my bitz box. Best find was a box of Chaos Terminators I don't remember buying. Oddest was the arm of Magos Delphan Gruss. I have no idea where that came from.



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TITH I ordered twenty more MK IV marines to add to my fledgling Legio XIII army from Ebay. I also started painting the silver on my Vanguard Vets. 2/8 have the silver based and washed now, but it is by far my least favourite painting step.

Edited by kobrakei
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TITH I once again took my hobby knife in hand and attacked the pile of gray plastic that could one day become three drop pods.  All these mold lines.  


The horror.  


The...horror. :eek:

After messing with the new assault squad and tactical squad boxes, I nearly died when I went to work with a Command Squad box. So. Many. Lines.

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