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Today in the hobby I joined ImageShack.us to upload pictures for Ulthuan.net... and found out I won't be able to upload new pictures thirty days from now without subscribing. I guess it's a good thing I've completed all my Warhammer Fantasy Battle models for a long time...

Today in the hobby I joined ImageShack.us to upload pictures for Ulthuan.net... and found out I won't be able to upload new pictures thirty days from now without subscribing. I guess it's a good thing I've completed all my Warhammer Fantasy Battle models for a long time...

I would suggest DeviantArt. Stupid policies and sometimes obnoxious users, but you can always get people giving feedback on your stuff if you want.

TITHI reassembled a 2nd Ed Chaos dreadnought I dug out of the bits box. Needs a new gun arm, I hacked off the plasma cannon in days gone by. Might try and cobble something together from a venerable dreadnought arm and an ectoplasma cannon.




Addendum to last night - became a bit suspicious as to where one of my older models had been, and had a check in my Dettol bath; found a Jakara that had been inhabiting it for a couple of years. Cleaned off, and started painting her today.

I suspect that the "lovely" lady will make a fine Inquisitor/Callidus assassin as required.

Also made more progress with my Excelsior commander, who inherited the metal head from one of the old Masters of the Chapter (who had his previous head replaced with an Iron Hands bionic head some time ago).

YITH I was rifling through a box of "retired" marine models (i.e, poorly envisioned/executed attempt at a homebrew Chapter from when I started up the hobby again) and discovered a full FW Relic Contemptor with Twin Kheres Assault Cannon and Cyclone Missile Launcher! He'll need stripping and re-basing, but I'm very pleased with this "free" addition to my Minotaurs :)

YITH I drybrushed the red highlight on five Rhino chassis for my Shrikes, and built my Company Master for my Dark Angels. I also rez'd my Dark Angels thread and updated with a pic of the completed Master.


What's that, you want a link? Oh, go on then...



YITHI purchased a box of Tempestus Scions since I've decided to have a bash at making an Inquisitorial Sanction-Team. Just need to wait for Anvil Industries to release the new Regiments parts so I can see what will fit with the Scion torsos, unless anyone can recommend a manufacturer who has stuff suitable to match a Scion/Guard-sized figure?

TITHI - Painted a twin-linked Heavy Bolter, 2 Hunter-Killer Missile Storm Bolter combo's and a top hatch, 

thus completing my 3 Land Raiders for a Spearhead.


Edit: Typo.

Edited by Scion of Ferrus

Bought and built a new Venerable Dreadnought, completing my new 1000pts army. Now I just need to finally have a go with it!


It's a really great kit in all honesty, I've built one before now but it wasn't until this time that I realised just how insanely customisable it is. Perhaps a bit TOO much so however, as it took me about three and a half hours by my reckoning, the other Dreads are a lot more streamlined in their build process.

TITH I had a idea hit me shortly after I dropped a 6 pack of coke on my head (don't ask)


This week I got the Chaos Cultist Assault box. I've converted the Aspiring Champion into a Huron Blackheart counts-as and planned to just spam cultists.


But what if I run them as Renegades and Heretics infantry? 2 blobs of cheap expendable infantry and then get some artillery for my warband?


Also the Aspiring Champion model apparently needed a gods damned hour for me to rig up a way to mount a standard power pack by cutting up a piece of sprue.

TITH I painted a Daemon Prince for the ETL. In two hours. Two hours.


You have to understand, I'm not a fast painter in the slightest. Indeed, I'm normally really slow. It normally takes me about between 3-8 hours on a normal power armored model. But this? This went by so fast, I'm still in a daze from it. I am stupefied by how quickly that model painted up. Incredible. And that's 210 points for Chaos (somewhat) secure. I am in awe.

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