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I started painting my first squad of Wayward Sons. For those who haven't seen my thread on it, the Wayward Sons of Asromiamun are a renegade warband of the Thousand Sons who work against Chaos and fight alongside the Imperium. Did an undercoat of Reaper 09054 Polished Silver, then layered with a semirandom (eyeballed until it looks good) mix of Mephiston Red, Balthasar Gold and the same silver for a shiny, metallic red. Haven't progressed further. I'm also painting an old resin Ahriman in the same colors.

TITH I continued my work on the shoulder of my imperial knight. I also came to the terrifying realisation that i will have to start a GSC project, because my objective marker (and got some idea's for some more objective markers) scream GSC. I'm also cranking out some really awesome bases with those greenstuffworld rollers.

That is a nice Abby.

Speaking of, today I looked at the prices for ye olde metal Failbaddon the Armless (old sculpt) on eBay. I'm very much considering picking one up, since he's SOOOOO cheap now.

I'm also picking up yesterday's project; I'm cleaning up the existing colors on my Rubricae and adding the cloth colors, at minimum.

TITHI did not prime my models like I wanted to, because temps stayed above 80F til 10:00PM—summer weather really sucks sometimes.


YITH, though, I did manage to build my first true-to-spec immortal—every other one I own is either a warrior conversion or a genestealer immortal with 4 arms and both guns.

Today in the Hobby I...


To be honest I don't know what to think. This idea is even worse heresy than my conversion from Marneus Calgar to Marnar Coldhammer.




(Sorry, that's the easiest and fastest way for me to post pics currently. Imgur App keeps crashing)


Any insight? Go or no-go?

Recently in the hobby I've been slowly working on learning how to do NMM, watching more painting tutorials than I can shake a chainsword at, and planning what models I want to do for the Everchosen painting comp since my store is in the running for being an independent store that can enter. 


I've also shelved my Slaanesh army for the moment while I work out how to better paint them to match what's in my mind as well as the way I was painting them just wasn't as good as I wanted.


Outside of that, I've been looking into Age of Sigmar because I'm an idiot who can't focus on anything for more than twenty minutes it seems.

You play Daemons already, right? Seems like you don't have to buy a new AoS army at all, huh?

True, but I'm looking at Freeguild and Fyreslayers more than Hedonites at the moment. Humans and angry stunties both have stuff that's appealing (I dig the look of the Freeguild, and they're turning into interesting conversion fodder due to the lore of the Free Cities while the Fyreslayers are probably the most metal part of the setting so far since they emulate their god who hit a god beast so hard they both exploded).

 Fyreslayers are probably the most metal part of the setting so far since they emulate their god who hit a god beast so hard they both exploded).





Today in the hobby I am still deciding how to paint the bat wings for my Drukhari Scourges. All I know is that it's going to be a cool grey colour. The colour is going to have to look alright with my feather winged Scourges too. 


IMG 20190528 203715

Notice how I didn't call them Dark Eldar. Obnoxiously Bright Eldar didn't sound that catchy either.

Love that color scheme. Very cool. I'm all for coming up with great color schemes which are radically different from the norm, and taking something ordinarily black and making it white is my favorite.


Plus we need more bright colors on the table. Too many armies are so dark you can't see them across the table unless you lean in and squint.


And that's not talking about the ones only primed black.

It's not my fault that Fallen are primarily black... :sweat:


Oh I'm not talking the Fallen. There is a difference in my mind between emulating an existing faction, and just going with black because you can do a lazy drybrush over your black primer.


I'm not looking for people to chase the Golden Daemon standard, but some pop of color mixed into the armies would be nice.

I mean, I run pre-Heresy colors on my Death Guard (so bone white with green and gold detail), and I run big red Marines and Thousand Sons, so... yeah, the Crimson Stalkers subfaction of my Marines are the only faction I have painted so far which is staying black.

My Eldar army is Ulthwé and my Adeptus Mechanicus are dark green and my Orks? Steel Legion Drab. Painting something very different is pretty fun. I love the models so it's amazing that they have been on the backburner for so many years.


I like having dark colour schemes for my armies but I can't help but put some saturated spot colours in there. Usually it's the glowy bitz, as my inner Mekboy would put it.


Oh, and you've won me over with White Goth btw. I'm happy that it's a thing. :D

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