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6 minutes ago, Moonstalker said:


This happened.  I ordered a box of the Boarding Patrol terrain off Amazon in late December and it should've been here earlier this month, but the shipping just kept getting infinitely delayed.  So last weekend I canceled the Amazon order and hit the local GW for the box I'd been eyeing there for the last year.  Took a good 16 hours to desprue, clean, and assemble things just enough to make it usable for gaming (I'm gonna go back and do a better job of cleaning mold lines).


Was worth it, though.  Met up with the guys, had some food, we all managed to get through our first game of 10th edition.  Black Templars + my not-Luna wolves took the victory 95 - 50 over Necrons + Tyranids.  Blood Angels player ended up working late and wasn't able to make it, but otherwise it was a great time.


Course, now I've got this heap of terrain in my pile of shame.

Good thing is it’s super easy to paint it up to a useable level - just black spray and drybrushing and you can have it all done in one sitting. You can fill in details as and when you feel like it over time.

TITH I finally settled on a list for the new Guard codex I’m happy with that balances getting all the new cool models I want to include, and uses a decent chunk of my hoarded Vostroyans in a way I’m happy with. 

Added bonus is it’s helped me settle on a colour scheme for the new Krieg. Screw drab official schemes! Blood red trench coats and bronze to match the Vostroyans is a go!

TiTHI finally finished the red skin on my Kroot. Now just to finish the Jokero Orange highlights. This is what it looks like when those highlights are complete:




Just two squads of Kroot, some Rampagers and a character left to go and that's my Kroot Box's skin complete. Then on to paint... everything else. 

Made it back out for another game with my old gaming group yesterday.  Blood Angels player was able to make it out this time so we get him started on 10th edition.  Did another game of Boarding Actions, but it was only three of us.  Necrons player played his Eldar and teamed up with the Blood Angels player, I brought a Terminator Assault detachment and Boarding Strike detachment so we could play a "2v2."  Went well, I think we're really getting a grasp on the 10th ed rules.


It may just be my unique ability to only roll 1's and 2's for armor saves, but I was pretty underwhelmed by the Terminator Assault detachment.  2x5 Terminators, a TDA Captain, and a TDA chaplain just didn't seem to bring as much pain as a Captain, Lt, 5 Sternguard, 3 Bladeguard, and 2x5 Assault Intercessors, and the strat selection for the TDA detachment felt a lot weaker than the strats you could use for the Boarding Strike.

TITH I started work on a squad of Reivers for my Blood Angels together with a Lt to lead them now that they finally have some decent rules. 30 S6 attacks on the charge with an effective 3D6" charge range out of Deep Strike means they should be able to do some decent work for 135 points.



Today in the Hobby (2 days ago in fact) I received the 2 Neophyte sprues I ordered on ebay to be used as a base for a home made IG regiment. I planned 2 units only to reinforce my LRs and HW squads. Except I forgot I already bought some last year, so I end up with 40 bodies instead of the 20 planned. :facepalm:


I do not expect this mistake to be an issue though... :tongue:


Not quite today in the hobby but a few days ago in the hobby I sketched a Gentlekroot because I was joking with a friend that they would absolutely ruin a dinner party with their dining habits so my girlfriend dared me to sketch a Kroot in a top hat...



....so here we are.

Last week or two in the hobby,...

I have been building the Hivestorm terrain. the buildings are all done. I just need to clean up a few of the bits of scatter terrain now.


It has reignited the bug for building terrain which I now need to squash to build the kill teams instead... though I need another really useful box for these first

Today in the hobby, I have mostly been glazing orange.


With mixed results :laugh:


I'm making serious strides in getting my Mephrit dynasty from the Indomitus boxset and Imperium magazine finished. Probably just in time for 11th to drop and leave me with the whole of Hive Fleet Leviathan as a backlog...

  • 2 weeks later...

… received in the mail these bad boys. 8 quid each from eBay. A bit rough underneath but you can’t see that. Absolute bargain and I’m chuffed to bits to finally have the basilisk battery of my dreams! Just need to find some crew from somewhere now…



I've been slowly assembling a Redemptor over the last week or two, building it in sub-assemblies in the interest of posing and magnetizing.  I used one of the sculpted base bits that came with the bladeguard captain to make a tactical rock to add a little height to the base; I'll add some more cork rocks and skulls for more verticality before I add texture paint to the base.


I had a thought while assembling it that I've been going back and forth on.  I have a spare terminator front chest half.  The cowl on it is almost exactly as wide as the dreadnought sarcophagus.  I'd probably have to end up gluing the swinging doors of the sarcophagus shut, but I could probably make a venerable-style dreadnought with a marine helmet (probably the Mk3/Knight-esque helmets from the bladeguard kit) instead of the boxy sarcophagus.  The only issue is I had this thought after I glued the sarcophagus together, and if I want to attempt it I have to cut it up - and there's no spares in the Redemptor kit.  No guarantees it'll come out good.

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