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Today in the hobby I....


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today I finally got out of my funk and painted 20 of the metal UM Tactical squads shoulder pads their base coat.  next up paint the symbols grey then white.   Also put together a kneeling UM figure for my caommand squad with a melta gun.   VBG

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...I finally got to put my Knight Household to the test, after 4-5 months of preparation.  This was also my first game using 7th Edition rules.


My three Paladins and one Errant took on a 1500-pt match against 500 pts of Dark Angels, 500 pts of Ultramarines and 500 pts of Eldar in The Emperor's Will.  The highlights were my Paladin Warlord annihilating a Farseer in a Challenge and rolling a Deathblow on a Wraithknight, before getting cut down by chainfist Terminators.  The lowlights were a lot of bad scatters that hampered any ranged abilities and my cursed inability to remember Stomp attacks.  I narrowly won by a single Victory Point.


All-in-all, a very successful first outing for the Fraterri Fidelis and a great reminder of why I'm getting back into this hobby!

Edited by CommodusXIII
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Finished stripping 20 tactical marines, 5 Terminators, 5 Devastators, and 3 bikes. Soaked them in Dawn Power Dissolver and most of the paint washed off under the faucet. A little scrub for the rest of the loosened paint and I was done in 45 minutes. Easy peasy. Although the paint on one bike backpack didn't come off at all. Really weird.
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Got a Baneblade kit for my birthday. :biggrin.:


Incredibly jelly I am, know which variant you're planning to build with it?


I'm going to try ro magnetize the entire kit to get the most out of it. On that hand I just ordered a bunch of magnets..and another Leman Russ. >.>

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TITHI.......Finished building the Wolf Guard, Grey Hunters and Blood Claws from the Stormclaw box.  I wanted to get them EXACTLY like they are in the blurn (parts, poses etc etc).


I thought I'd done it pretty much bang on (1 head wasn't quite looking in the right direction) but then I noticed that I'd got 2 shoulder pads mixed up.  GUTTED!


Good job I have done a swap for the Orks so have another set incoming to make up for the mistake!

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