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Today in the hobby I....


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Today in the hobby I tried getting the ghost writer for my painting and fluff thread back to work:





She has a tough time without opposable thumbs though...

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Today I took part in my first 40k tournament in 12 years. Won first two games, narrowly lost the third one, tournament continues tomorrow morning. Fun and exhausting :biggrin.:

...forgot to update yesterday; I won both my games on sunday and placed 5th in the tournament. Not too shabby, my original goal was to win one game :)

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Today in the hobby I had an interesting experience of going through some models' (and I'm assuming a player or players') army history.


So I bought some terminators second hand and I set them in some simple green to strip the paint.  Now mind you the paint looked pretty thick on them to begin with.  Idk exactly how to explain it but those models that just look like the paint bottle was squirted on them and then brushed around and left to pool in places.  So here we are about 24-26 hours later and as I'm wire-brushing the paint off I begin working through layer upon layer of clashing colors.


So the five termies [which are made from what appears to be a mix of DA, SW, and Vanilla bits(would've thought they were bloody magpies)] are from the top down painted as Ultramarines, dark yellow (assuming Imp fists), Fire Orange, a lighter layer of blue somewhere between cpt titus ultra and spacewolves gray, black, and a final layer of Red.


Never asked how many hands these guys passed through but they came with a zip-lock of spare parts so for $10 I'm as happy as a pig in well you know.

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Came home from a movie to find my beloved Queen Bee Knight in pieces on my hobby room floor. The cat had knocked her off. I managed to collect the bits, despite the carpet, but the chain ladder on her back was busted, and so was the cross bar as I learned when I tried to remove it. I'm really upset and I don't even want to try and fix her right now. I spend a lot of time on this and setbacks like this are a slap in the face. I just want to go to bed, but now I'm trying to think of a way to either recreate it or make something else. Ugh!


I hate not being able to swear on these boards.

Edited by JeffTibbetts
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Came home from a movie to find my beloved Queen Bee Knight in pieces on my hobby room floor. The cat had knocked her off. I managed to collect the bits, despite the carpet, but the chain ladder on her back was busted, and so was the cross bar as I learned when I tried to remove it. I'm really upset and I don't even want to try and fix her right now. I spend a lot of time on this and setbacks like this are a slap in the face. I just want to go to bed, but now I'm trying to think of a way to either recreate it or make something else. Ugh!


I hate not being able to swear on these boards.

The xenos psyker kittens have struck again. (trying to hopefully lighten your mood). My suggestion if you want to consider it, would be to incorporate it as some battle damage, as your queen bee is truly a thing of beauty and I would be loathe to see you give up on her if there is anything I could do about it. Best of luck Jeff and I am really sorry to hear that.

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Haha. I'm not going to give up on her. Don't worry. I just don't want to work on her while I'm mad. The easiest thing would be to leave it as damage, but I really enjoyed the idea of an emergency exit so I'd like to do something to replace the chain.
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Today in the hobby, I received the floor tiles, counters, rules etc for Space Hulk. And so begins a new project to have my own Terminators and =][= redacted, the way I want them. WIP topic in bound at some point today...
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Purchased some eldar vehicles off of ebay for my upcoming chaos eldar project. (Not on this forum obviously). Also, I am going to bring my monstrous land raider to the shop today and possibly use him as a lord of skulls, since that seems like the most appropriate ruleset.

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