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Today in the hobby I....


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Ordered a bunch of bits off of bitsandkits to take advantage of their 30% off, one day special.


Glad I waited to order from bitsandkits so I got 50% discount ;-)

Ya I got that email right after the email confirming my purchase...

Harsh, I would've cancelled and reordered!!


I'm just doing more sorting: getting stuff ready to strip and rebuild.

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More OSL work on my Terminators, to really make them stand out. 


I went and had to regrettably remove a few of the large mould-lines on an Ultraforge Daemon Prince: very hard to get off. Shame I'd nearly finished painting him too haha, but I couldn't live with it any more. All tidied, with the help of liquid green stuff. Result.

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Today in the hobby I was digging through my bitz box and realized that just sorting everything into dime bags and mixing them all up in this Chimera box as I've been doing since High School really isn't cutting it.  Took me forever to find the bag with bonding knives so I could glue one to a marine.


Then it dawned on me as I was in my garage that the little thing with the drawers I segregate my screws and mollies into might be perfect.  Anyone else use a screw cabinet/hardware cabinet?

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Well Can We See it?


Since you asked so nicely, of course!


Sadly, I didn't win any of the ten prizes - and was beaten in the base category by someone who painted their base grey. Hey ho! Lots of very good models didn't get the recognition they deserved, so I shouldn't've expected my effort to haha.
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Today in the hobby, I decided to completely rewrite my Index Astartes article for the Rainbow Warriors as it isn't Grimdark enough! Aztecs and Incans were bloodthirsty and murderous and that is not reflected in the article. It also gives me an opportunity to add in why "Sister Sin" felt that she needed to Purge one...
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Today in the hobby after listening to phone calls and getting facebook messages since 3:40ish I finally got out of bed to check my desk.  1 marine and a bottle of paint fell over and everything on the shelves are exactly how I left them #82414NEVERFORGET.  Joking aside I'd hate to have to re-glue 3 shelves of minis. My sincerest condolences to any hobbyist who finds themselves in that situation this morning and may that please be the worst of the news you wake up to today.


To be fair where I live we could barely feel it (or at least I slept through it) but everyone I know (locally ~ 20 miles) who either moved here recently or wake up when ninjas wearing thick socks tip toe across their carpet has been letting everyone know about how their bed moved or that they watched their chandelier sway.

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