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Today i painted 24 sm  metal shoulder pads I found in my part box.  They are the Tactical squad symbol and sargeants ones.  I have 20 UM ones to paint the UM symbol white and then all of them get the UM blue touched up and then I can paint the edges depending upon which UM company they will go on.    Been trying to get more of them at a decent price but not doing so well on Ebay.  I refuse to pay a $1.00 for each one.     

Cleaned off a bunch off stuff that's been in my stripping tub for quite awhile... it meant one of my Obliterators got his arm back, my Daemonic Pact entry was now clean of the previous owner's paint ministrations, and that another squad of Plague Marines and Raptors could soon be lovingly restored.


Then, chucked all my BFG stuff in to get that ready - and have managed to do the snow bases for three models and post a brief tutorial.

I green stuff my 2 heralds and 3 horrors, finish building my 10 screamers, add my final touches for my display board and will start the wash tomorrow.  I also primed my spawns and 20 cultist.  Not bad for a few hours, but Still need to get everything done by oct. 

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