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Today in the hobby I....


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Ah, it appears you're preparing to go to war against the Shadowlands. Would you like some help with that?



As Walpurg said, L5R reference. Shadowlands creatures are vulnerable to weapons crafted from jade, and jade provides a ward against the taint they give off.

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I never had a hobby club. Haven't been to one in years. Honestly the game is a pipe dream for me, and I wouldn't recommend it to new people simply because how much money goes into it.


Today I rescinded my concept for a Warband and decided to probably return the primer I bought from work. Been having zero motivation lately.

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... got an itch to get a LotD squad to reinforce the 3 unused classic 1992 models that I got my hands on recently. Must... avoid... scratching... itch :unsure.: Got ten LotD shoulderpads though, so I can at least make a full 5-man squad by converting two plastic models with the pads.

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Put together the rest of a Dark Hinter Tac Squad,also put togethera Dark Hunter Bike Squad. Almost done painting a Hammers of Dorn Dev. Sqd and the rest of a tac sqd. Don"t do Clubs Kill Squad & hulk the way to go. Finding 30k boring.

Edited by deathspectersgt7
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I never had a hobby club. Haven't been to one in years. Honestly the game is a pipe dream for me, and I wouldn't recommend it to new people simply because how much money goes into it.


Today I rescinded my concept for a Warband and decided to probably return the primer I bought from work. Been having zero motivation lately.


You need a serious dose of positivity bro!

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Today got caught up on the board that I've been away from for quite a while, and got a good start on painting a converted Stormtalon and a mk 4 Apothecary


Edit: Darn spelling

Edited by Forgotten Knight
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Called Forge World customer support after having spent hours trying to get my Fire Raptor fuselage into usable condition from the twisted mess it arrived in. Explained the situation and was told to just use hot water and straighten them out. Upon explaining again that I'd already tried that (the thick section of the fuselage had been twisted nearly 45 degrees off axis) the guy repeated his advice about the hot water and basically hung up on me. First time I've been disappointed by Forge World's customer service. :sad.:

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Today in the hobby, I procrastinated on the only day off from work I'll have in nine days :sad.: so no painting done...again. However, I did manage to get a respectable softback copy of Rogue Trader for a good price, so I'll be able to don the rose (rainbow :laugh.: ) tinted glasses soon and reminisce about the "good old days, when this was all fields" :laugh.:
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